NY Times: Democrats Flip to Republican in ‘Political Upheaval’ of Border Towns


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And Biden did nothing to help the Democrats in his dreadful, muttered SOTU address. Good!

A couple of years after former President Trump made significant gains in often Hispanic-majority Democrat counties along the United States-Mexico border in Texas, a wave of Democrats in one particular community are switching parties to join the GOP.​
In Terrell County, Texas, the New York Times reports that multiple elected officials are opting to run — for the first time — as Republicans rather than as Democrats in a “quiet political upheaval” across U.S. border towns, fueled mostly by rising crime and constant waves of illegal immigration.​
The Times reports:​
First, the Democratic county judge said she would seek another term — as a Republican. Then the county clerk and the treasurer decided that they too would abandon the Democratic Party, which has long held sway in local elections, and run this year as Republicans. [Emphasis added]

A county justice of the peace felt the urge to switch parties as well, but she did not want to disappoint her parents, who raised her as a Democrat. [Emphasis added]​

The transformation of local politics in Terrell County — a working-class border community of fewer than 1,000 people — provides an ominous signal for Texas Democrats: Conservative Hispanics are not only realigning in presidential elections, but also in contests much closer to home. [Emphasis added]​

The Times admits that the county’s elected officials’ shift to the GOP can be traced to President Joe Biden’s ongoing border crisis where more than two million illegal aliens arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border last year, and more than 2.1 million are expected to arrive this year.​
It is border towns like Terrell County that foot the cost of illegal immigration and the death, despair, and destruction that it comes along with. In one case, a rancher in Sanderson, Texas, detailed how a young male border-crosser was found dead in his 17,000-acre ranch last year.​

But how do we know this isn't just a conniving way for a liberal asshole to rebrand himself just to hang onto his office?
Likely it is but the up-ballot (state/congressional reps/governor) also benefit.
That's true, and I'm all for people who see the light and change their party to Republican or go Independent. But in a perfect world, I'd rather see an America first Republican take this Democrats place.

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