NY Times: Abolish The Constitution

We haven't been adhering to the Constitution in well over a century. Hell the Civil War alone pretty much ended the any sort of Constitutional era that may have existed. This country is about greed now and that is it, nothing else. It isn't about keeping you safe, helping the poor, giving healthcare to people, protecting us from terrorists, it is all about greed.

You are an employee of the government basically, just without all those fancy rights.
The U.S. Constitution is a relic of the past that is only worshiped by wingnuts who wish to live in the past.

And by what authority does the federal government compel any citizen without it? That's the thing wannabe tyrants like you and the author of the above dreck never seem to remember.... no Constitution, no federal government.
Funny, the anti-establishment crowd rode the U.S. Constitution into power and now have become the establishment and now want to get rid of the U.S. Constitution and have declared the new anti-establishment crowd to be radicals.
The only civilization that I respect throughout the new world before the white man are the Mayans. Seriously, They developed their own system of math, star charts, time, wheels for toys, prymids, etc. The reason it was so impressive is simply because they were totally isolated unlike the greeks, Romans, Chinese, etc.

I don't believe they had much respect for human rights on the other hand.

I admire and respect our Founding Fathers. They created a great system which recognized individual rights and capitalism.

Do a little reading on this guy and his associates... It's a who's who of radical wing nuts.
We don't need "Free Press" we need a press that is carefully monitored

Spoken like a true communist. Every communist country carefully controlled its press because you wouldn't want people to know the truth now would you? Here's another little tidbit. There is little difference whether oppression comes from the left or the right - it's still oppression.

The right-wing of the Republican party is already re-writing history books in some states to give the books a "more conservative slant". If your message has to be "controlled" to this extent, it suggests to me that you're lying and you don't want the truth to get out.

A Free press is guaranteed by that outdated document.
LetÂ’s Give Up on the Constitution


Published: December 30, 2012

AS the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions."

* * * *
The massively retarded son-of-bitch blames the Constitution even though the continuing criminal enterprise known as the US of A has ignored the Constitution since at least the 1860's.

The mother fucker somehow totally ignored the fact that the criminals in DC nationalized credit and banking in 1913.

Now you see the real reason the bastards want to disarms us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



You seem to be under the naive impression that the U.S. government needs to disarm you in order to control you. :lol:

They don't? So why the fucketh are they still in Afghanistan?!?!?

That said, the article makes good points, and shows ample precedent for extra-Constitutional measures.

No they do not.

Now, the motherfucker admits that the federal government has ignored the Constitution in order to micromanage the economy but nevertheless blames the constitution for the resulting mess:

"In his Constitution Day speech in 1937, Franklin D. Roosevelt professed devotion to the document, but as a statement of aspirations rather than obligations. This reading no doubt contributed to his willingness to extend federal power beyond anything the framers imagined, and to threaten the Supreme Court when it stood in the way of his New Deal legislation."


Fox News needs to be the only acceptable news outlet, all other outlets should have their content monitored by Fox
It was put in place to stop such a government we have now. Do you understand? This isn't the Astec, Maya or Inca Empires your people had with empiror that ruled by decree.

Hardly. It was written by a bunch of men from the 18th century who had no idea of drive-by shootings, semi-automatic weapons, urban decay, the rights of women or non-whites. I think the founding fathers are rolling in their graves at what has happened to their "more perfect union", global terrorism or instant communications world-wide.

A constitution which which is not reflective of its times, it a dead document.

Too bad it's the law of the land. It takes 3/4 of the states to ratify it.. WILL NEVER HAPPEN. So you Zombies can continue to dream of your Fascist utopia, no one cares.


You nominate enough fascists to the Supreme Court and they will have no problem convincing the populace that the Constitution has been amended.

Fox News needs to be the only acceptable news outlet, all other outlets should have their content monitored by Fox

Faux News??????? You're just shitting me aren't you.

Are you aware of the survey which found that people who used Fox News as their sole news source were less informed than people who didn't watch or read news at all because most of what they were told by Fox was lies. Word of mouth is a better news source than Fox.

Fox is presenting a point of view, not facts. Crap they focus on, like Obama's birth certificate, isn't news. Even if it was true it isn't news, and Fox fixates on non-issues like this to distract you from real issues.

That you think that Fox News is the cat's ass, says nothing good about you.
Decision by Democrat SCOTUS should not bind Republican states or future Republican Presidents under "The people spoke" doctrine
Fox News needs to be the only acceptable news outlet, all other outlets should have their content monitored by Fox

Faux News??????? You're just shitting me aren't you.

Are you aware of the survey which found that people who used Fox News as their sole news source were less informed than people who didn't watch or read news at all because most of what they were told by Fox was lies. Word of mouth is a better news source than Fox.

Fox is presenting a point of view, not facts. Crap they focus on, like Obama's birth certificate, isn't news. Even if it was true it isn't news, and Fox fixates on non-issues like this to distract you from real issues.

That you think that Fox News is the cat's ass, says nothing good about you.

"Free press" is an antiquated concept from days when men wore wooden teeth. After the biased media performance these past few years it's clear that adult supervision is required. You can still have the NYTimes, WApost, CBS, etc, but all content must pass muster with Fox and you must run articles and stories as proscribed by Fox. They're fair and balanced the LMSM is not
Decision by Democrat SCOTUS should not bind Republican states or future Republican Presidents under "The people spoke" doctrine

Then by extension, Democratic Presidents and States should not be bound by any conservative court decision, so under your criteria, Obama isn't bound by the Citizen's United decision, or by the current University of Texas racial bias case which is due to be decided soon. If the Court decides to uphold the Defence of Marriage Act, Obama can just ignore that too.

I'm liking this. If a conservative Court overturns Roe v Wade, Democratic Presidents and states can ignore that and continue to offer abortions to women.

Is this not what you had in mind?
Faux News??????? You're just shitting me aren't you.

Are you aware of the survey which found that people who used Fox News as their sole news source were less informed than people who didn't watch or read news at all because most of what they were told by Fox was lies. Word of mouth is a better news source than Fox.

Yeah, I read that bullshit survey. It asked a bunch of questions that were a matter of opinion at best, and if you didn't take the liberal line on the question, you are marked down as ignorant. That's the liberal definition of "ignorant:" not liberal.

Fox is presenting a point of view, not facts.


Crap they focus on, like Obama's birth certificate, isn't news.

sure it is. Any controversial subject is news, not just the ones that liberals get outraged over.

Yeah, right. The Tea Party rallies weren't news, but the Occupy walstreet bums were?

That you think that Fox News is the cat's ass, says nothing good about you.

It shows he has better judgement than you.

Liberal dictionary:
ignorant - not liberal
Decision by Democrat SCOTUS should not bind Republican states or future Republican Presidents under "The people spoke" doctrine

Then by extension, Democratic Presidents and States should not be bound by any conservative court decision, so under your criteria, Obama isn't bound by the Citizen's United decision, or by the current University of Texas racial bias case which is due to be decided soon. If the Court decides to uphold the Defence of Marriage Act, Obama can just ignore that too.

When has Obama ever paid attention to Supreme Court decisions?

I'm liking this. If a conservative Court overturns Roe v Wade, Democratic Presidents and states can ignore that and continue to offer abortions to women.

Is this not what you had in mind?

That's how things were before Roe v Wade, dingbat.
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Does the idiot reporter understand that it would mean the end of his freedom of press????? Nope cause like all retard fascists he doesn't think the shit will ever splatter on him.
Like all leftists, he believes he will be one of the ruling elite. He believes that once the revolution is over (the revolution he will have done nothing to bring about), he will be given a position of power.

The reality is he will be put up against a wall and shot. Those who advocate treason against one government might advocate treason against the next -- and leftist regimes don't believe a crime has to be yet committed for it to be punished. Usually in a bloody manner.
LetÂ’s Give Up on the Constitution


Published: December 30, 2012

AS the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions."

An op-ed represents the view of the NY Times?


Want to re-think that?

oops...excuse me, i meant, want to actually think?