Nunes says Obama official made hundreds of unjustified unmasking requests

If Steve doesn't read it in the Gateway Pundit he thinks it doesn't exist.

Horrendous day for the prez.
His WH is in total disarray with Scarmucci going bonkers on Preibus, The Boys Scouts spanking his fat ass, and the doomed HC bill about to go down for the last time.
Makes me smile..
Nunes is a fucking douche who undermined the intelligence committee to get brownie points with the President thinking it would get him somewhere. He's a little fuck bag and can't be trusted.
. Can't be trusted by who ?? You ??

He can't be trusted by anyone doing an investigation if it deals with Trump or anyone favorable to Trump... because he can't be impartial and do his job.
Comey said Trump's not under investigation..

At the time... That's why he said he wouldn't come out publicly and say Trump wasn't under investigation, because if something came up about Trump that did make him part of the investigation the FBI would have to come out publicly and recant their first statement thus publicizing that Trump IS under investigation. Not only would that make the FBI look bad having to recant a past statement, it would put the POTUS on front street.

Have they recanted?

" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.
Nunes is a fucking douche who undermined the intelligence committee to get brownie points with the President thinking it would get him somewhere. He's a little fuck bag and can't be trusted.

Translation: Nunes revealed what a bunch of unscrupulous criminal douche bags the members of the Obama administration were.

If you are ok with an Intelligence Committee chair undermining an investigation and leaking information then you shouldn't have a problem with people in the White House leaking information about Trump's unethical behavior...
"Undermining?" You mean he revealed facts to the public that those Dim douche bags wanted to keep hidden? Yeah, I bet you hate that. The fact is that the more these committees investigate the known facts, the more it becomes apparent that Dims were doing all the colluding, spying and leaking.

Wrong. He told Trump what was part of the investigation and pissed off everyone on the committee, Democrat AND Republican.
Really? I haven't heard the Republicans were pissed off. So what if he told Trump? He deserved to know.
Steve doesn't want to admit the truth. Too painful.
“I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree,” Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh wrote in a letter to the organization. “That was never our intent.”
The Scout chief is one mind. The 40,000 independent minded Scouts who cheered their beloved president disagree with the Chief.
They're kids and your KGB PREZ took advantage of them. Those are the facts as is Trump rebuke which I'm sure he hated to hear.
He's thin skinned ya know.

Who took advantage of these kids?

" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.

The committee isn't made up of just Democrats. Holy cow...

In fact there are 13 REPUBLICAN members on the committee and only 9 Democrats.

U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Selection on Intelligence Democratic Office
" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.

The committee isn't made up of just Democrats. Holy cow...

In fact there are 13 REPUBLICAN members on the committee and only 9 Democrats.

U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Selection on Intelligence Democratic Office

Yeah, and where is the evidence that they were pissed off? The only I saw complaining was the imbecile Adam Schiff
" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.

The committee isn't made up of just Democrats. Holy cow...

In fact there are 13 REPUBLICAN members on the committee and only 9 Democrats.

U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Selection on Intelligence Democratic Office

Yeah, and where is the evidence that they were pissed off? The only I saw complaining was the imbecile Adam Schiff

Nunes apologized to the entire committee in a meeting... He was forced to recuse himself. :rolleyes-41:
" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.
The committee's findings are private and certainly not to be shared.. especially not with Trump.
Committee is run by republicans mostly so your" Dims" bullshit shows once again you have no idea what you're talking about..
Oh yes.... Trump is most certainly an enemy of the people and when Mueller reveals his findings you'll see I'm right.
Money laundering via Russia is a crime but will only be the tip of the iceberg.
" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.

The committee isn't made up of just Democrats. Holy cow...

In fact there are 13 REPUBLICAN members on the committee and only 9 Democrats.

U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Selection on Intelligence Democratic Office

Yeah, and where is the evidence that they were pissed off? The only I saw complaining was the imbecile Adam Schiff

Nunes apologized to the entire committee in a meeting... He was forced to recuse himself. :rolleyes-41:
That proves exactly nothing. It was probably the howling of the fake media that caused him to recuse himself.
" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.

The committee isn't made up of just Democrats. Holy cow...

In fact there are 13 REPUBLICAN members on the committee and only 9 Democrats.

U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Selection on Intelligence Democratic Office

Yeah, and where is the evidence that they were pissed off? The only I saw complaining was the imbecile Adam Schiff
Adam Schiff has carried himself with dignity and class. Of course you don't like him.
You support the pathological lying Putin's Puppet.
" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.

The committee isn't made up of just Democrats. Holy cow...

In fact there are 13 REPUBLICAN members on the committee and only 9 Democrats.

U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Selection on Intelligence Democratic Office

Yeah, and where is the evidence that they were pissed off? The only I saw complaining was the imbecile Adam Schiff

Nunes apologized to the entire committee in a meeting... He was forced to recuse himself. :rolleyes-41:
That proves exactly nothing. It was probably the howling of the fake media that caused him to recuse himself.
Whenever a deplorable says fake news an angel gets his wings.
" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.

The committee isn't made up of just Democrats. Holy cow...

In fact there are 13 REPUBLICAN members on the committee and only 9 Democrats.

U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Selection on Intelligence Democratic Office

Yeah, and where is the evidence that they were pissed off? The only I saw complaining was the imbecile Adam Schiff

Nunes apologized to the entire committee in a meeting... He was forced to recuse himself. :rolleyes-41:
That proves exactly nothing. It was probably the howling of the fake media that caused him to recuse himself.

"Probably" :rolleyes-41:
" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.
The committee's findings are private and certainly not to be shared.. especially not with Trump.
Committee is run by republicans mostly so your" Dims" bullshit shows once again you have no idea what you're talking about..
Oh yes.... Trump is most certainly an enemy of the people and when Mueller reveals his findings you'll see I'm right.
Money laundering via Russia is a crime but will only be the tip of the iceberg.
Really? Says who? Trump has a security clearance, so that doesn't violate the espionage act. So where is this rule that says the committee chairman can't discuss matters with the President?

"Yeah, Mewler will show you when he releases all his super duper double top secret evidence of collusion!"

In other words, you got nothing. Meanwhile, Dims are reeling from scandal after scandal.
" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.
The committee's findings are private and certainly not to be shared.. especially not with Trump.
Committee is run by republicans mostly so your" Dims" bullshit shows once again you have no idea what you're talking about..
Oh yes.... Trump is most certainly an enemy of the people and when Mueller reveals his findings you'll see I'm right.
Money laundering via Russia is a crime but will only be the tip of the iceberg.
Really? Says who? Trump has a security clearance, so that doesn't violate the espionage act. So where is this rule that says the committee chairman can't discuss matters with the President?

"Yeah, Mewler will show you when he releases all his super duper double top secret evidence of collusion!"

In other words, you got nothing. Meanwhile, Dims are reeling from scandal after scandal.
You mean the scandals you keep hallucinating?
Funny you're so impatient with Mueller getting the goods on trump.
It will come.
Joachim Castro : " There will be people going to prison." And he should know. He's privy to the evidence.
" Nunes says"
Ha ha ha. He exposed himself as a traitor to the American people because he committed a mortal sin when he took privileged info right to Trump.
He did the American people a service. The president deserves to know when Dims are trying to hide information that is incriminating to them. There is nothing that committee does that the President is not entitled to know about. The President is not America's enemy. The Dims are.
The committee's findings are private and certainly not to be shared.. especially not with Trump.
Committee is run by republicans mostly so your" Dims" bullshit shows once again you have no idea what you're talking about..
Oh yes.... Trump is most certainly an enemy of the people and when Mueller reveals his findings you'll see I'm right.
Money laundering via Russia is a crime but will only be the tip of the iceberg.
Really? Says who? Trump has a security clearance, so that doesn't violate the espionage act. So where is this rule that says the committee chairman can't discuss matters with the President?

"Yeah, Mewler will show you when he releases all his super duper double top secret evidence of collusion!"

In other words, you got nothing. Meanwhile, Dims are reeling from scandal after scandal.
You mean the scandals you keep hallucinating?
Funny you're so impatient with Mueller getting the goods on trump.
It will come.
Joachim Castro : " There will be people going to prison." And he should know. He's privy to the evidence.
I love watching snowflakes desperately trying to deflect from the fact that the Democrats are melting down, all their crimes, scandals, and schemes being laid their own hands!

The govt should STRIP the label of 'Political Party' from the Democrats and brand them what they are - Subversive, seditious enemies of the state and have the party disbanded.

The DNC is definitely a criminal enterprise far worse than the mafia ever wanted to be. That's why they entrenched themselves with the kennedy Klan. It always helps to have powerful friends that are worse than you.

The DNC would make the bolsheviks look like evangelical nuns if it wasn't for the Second Amendment.

I so love watching this circle jerk to try to deflect from the fact this WH is imploding. When you have your communications director throwing around F bombs and even saying " Bannon likes to suck his own cock"...
it's one flew over the cuckoo's nest..
I love watching snowflakes desperately trying to deflect from the fact that the Democrats are melting down, all their crimes, scandals, and schemes being laid their own hands!

The govt should STRIP the label of 'Political Party' from the Democrats and brand them what they are - Subversive, seditious enemies of the state and have the party disbanded.
No one is investigating these imaginary dem crimes you get an erection over.
The real juicy stuff is happening in the 3 criminal investigations into the Trump/ Russian scandal.
Carry on with your circle jerk..
You are such a delusional DNC jockstrap... :p

You defend the criminal Dems to your very last...such a loyal snowflake.


You have to love the screen names these bed wetters give themselves.

"Reasonable".... lol, more like Delusional.

Then there's that "science is good" imbecile that parrots algores' debunked bullshit everywhere.

These parasites are nanny statists. They're terrified that some day they may actually have to be productive, and find themselves compelled to actually work for a living because of hunger and a need for shelter someone else isn't willing to provide for free.

Libturds are the reason I do not actively oppose abortion.


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