Now We Know Don Lemon Got Fired For Being Racist Towards Indians


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Lemon has faced criticism from his co-hosts, CNN executives and the network’s general audience for a statement he made toward 51-year-old Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley during a Feb. 16 “CNN This Morning” broadcast. “Nikki Haley isn’t in her prime, sorry,” Lemon said, explaining why he was “uncomfortable” with the age discussion. “When a woman is considered to be in her prime — in her 20s, 30s and maybe her 40s.”

According to New York Times reporters, CNN’s executives discovered that some guests did not want to appear on-air with Lemon due to his comments. Research on the morning show reviewed by network executives also found that his popularity with audiences had fallen."

Don has been a dead man walking at CNN for awhile now....he wasn't very popular with viewers, which is why you really don't have any outrage from them over his termination. I thought he was fired already, but I don't watch CNN, so I didn't know....Most morning show hosts on these type of shows are meant to be vanilla, plain and bland...he was getting a bit too uppity on air....and couple that with his behavior behind the scenes and you have a perfect storm for being fired.

However, his attacks on presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy was the last is clear that he hates not only white people, but Indian people as well...who are just as good as whites in many aspects, so of course he hates them...the proof is in the fact, he attacked another Indian presidential candidate in Nikki Haley -- and now he turns around and attacks Vivek? It can't be anymore clear.....even tho Vivek was just flat out wrong on the facts, Don was still wrong to attack him for being wrong. That was not his job to do...his job was to let Vivek say his opinion, state them as indisputable fact and if Don doesn't like it, Don needs to stay in his place and not act like a uppity he is fired...good...let that be a lesson to the others...
When you are in a position like Don Lemon, you can't say things about women "not being in their prime" after 50.

Of course, that is par for the course at FOX, but you can't say that in the civilized and educated world that makes up the guests on the rest of network television. I suspect there was more to this story about why he lost his job but I don't know for sure, or care.

That Vivek guy though...... 🤡

"Lemon has faced criticism from his co-hosts, CNN executives and the network’s general audience for a statement he made toward 51-year-old Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley during a Feb. 16 “CNN This Morning” broadcast. “Nikki Haley isn’t in her prime, sorry,” Lemon said, explaining why he was “uncomfortable” with the age discussion. “When a woman is considered to be in her prime — in her 20s, 30s and maybe her 40s.”

According to New York Times reporters, CNN’s executives discovered that some guests did not want to appear on-air with Lemon due to his comments. Research on the morning show reviewed by network executives also found that his popularity with audiences had fallen."

Don has been a dead man walking at CNN for awhile now....he wasn't very popular with viewers, which is why you really don't have any outrage from them over his termination. I thought he was fired already, but I don't watch CNN, so I didn't know....Most morning show hosts on these type of shows are meant to be vanilla, plain and bland...he was getting a bit too uppity on air....and couple that with his behavior behind the scenes and you have a perfect storm for being fired.

However, his attacks on presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy was the last is clear that he hates not only white people, but Indian people as well...who are just as good as whites in many aspects, so of course he hates them...the proof is in the fact, he attacked another Indian presidential candidate in Nikki Haley -- and now he turns around and attacks Vivek? It can't be anymore clear.....even tho Vivek was just flat out wrong on the facts, Don was still wrong to attack him for being wrong. That was not his job to do...his job was to let Vivek say his opinion, state them as indisputable fact and if Don doesn't like it, Don needs to stay in his place and not act like a uppity he is fired...good...let that be a lesson to the others...

CNN are all just a bunch of racist homophobes, but we all knew that already.
Vivek was right on the facts & Lemon is a lying pillow biter who built a career on his race baiting rhetoric & should have been fired years ago.

Does that hurt your social justice feelers buffy?
Don is a racist and a sexist. The reason that he focused on Haley's age, being past her prime, is that (him being gay) he views women as competition for penis.
Vivek was right on the facts & Lemon is a lying pillow biter who built a career on his race baiting rhetoric & should have been fired years ago.

Does that hurt your social justice feelers buffy?
Except Vivek was wrong.....the Civil War wasn't fought in order to give black folks 2A's funny, because I can GUARANTEE you that on other posts, you probably claimed the Civil War was over everything and anything...EXCEPT gun rights for black people....

Furthermore, most of the gun laws put in place AFTER THE CIVIL WAR targeted black people...and the NRA abandoned them the minute those black people organized to use their 2A rights to protect themselves from white racists....

Just ask the Deacons for Defense or....this guy.....Robert F. would know his history if you truly believed the bullshit Vivek said...but since both of you are don't know...

Furthermore, most of the gun laws put in place AFTER THE CIVIL WAR targeted black people...and the NRA abandoned them the minute those black people organized to use their 2A rights to protect themselves from white racists....
Gee, I wonder what party was pushing for gun control against black people?
Could it be the one that has ya'll lined up for gubm't cheese on the poverty plantations for decades?

BTW- the Civil War was fought to give blacks the same rights as everyone else, including the 2A.
Deny it all you want but that's an irrefutable fact.

But keep up your race baiting BS & gaslighting of facts buffy. Posting quotes from another race baiter that is equating legitimate self defense with the gangsta culture at the root of the violence problem isn't helping your case.
It's your God given right to speak your mind no matter how dumb it sounds.

LBJ had you pegged
LOL sexually assaulting people at bars didnt cut it. It took words to fire him
What a fuckin joke.
"walk right up and grab em by their dick. You can do anything" :abgg2q.jpg:
Lemon has a fear of vaginas.
Gee, I wonder what party was pushing for gun control against black people?
Could it be the one that has ya'll lined up for gubm't cheese on the poverty plantations for decades?

BTW- the Civil War was fought to give blacks the same rights as everyone else, including the 2A.
Deny it all you want but that's an irrefutable fact.

But keep up your race baiting BS & gaslighting of facts buffy. Posting quotes from another race baiter that is equating legitimate self defense with the gangsta culture at the root of the violence problem isn't helping your case.
It's your God given right to speak your mind no matter how dumb it sounds.

LBJ had you pegged
I don't understand why you are so hung up on parties....I care about POLICIES.....but I know why you folks fixate on parties.....because you avoid talking about ideology and policies....

Tell come the policies and rhetoric of those "Democrats" from the 60's closely align with the policies and rhetoric of Republicans today?

Oh I know why....they were both Conservatives.....
I don't understand why you are so hung up on parties....I care about POLICIES.....but I know why you folks fixate on parties.....because you avoid talking about ideology and policies....

Tell come the policies and rhetoric of those "Democrats" from the 60's closely align with the policies and rhetoric of Republicans today?

Oh I know why....they were both Conservatives.....
Because the conservatives of today realize the Dems were right when they said don't trust the man.
We have little in common with those 60's radicals except a distrust of govt & we want to stay out of the foreign wars they push on us.
Now those 60's radicals are in power & demanding the exact opposite of what they supposedly stood for decades ago.

Why did the "liberals" go from supporting actual liberal policies to now supporting a form of fascist symbiosis of big govt & big business? Total control over peoples lives? Refusing to respect the opinions they disagree with? Anti-little guy?
Because the conservatives of today realize the Dems were right when they said don't trust the man.
We have little in common with those 60's radicals except a distrust of govt & we want to stay out of the foreign wars they push on us.
Now those 60's radicals are in power & demanding the exact opposite of what they supposedly stood for decades ago.

Why did the "liberals" go from supporting actual liberal policies to now supporting a form of fascist symbiosis of big govt & big business? Total control over peoples lives? Refusing to respect the opinions they disagree with? Anti-little guy?
These Democrats calling MLK a communist and wanting college kids to be gunned down at Kent State for opposing Vietnam were not "radicals" -- but they were definitely conservatives...

M_007mlk.1112 (19).jpg
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Now, due to how right MLK was, folks who were calling him a commie Marxist, have to pretend to admire him and sometimes claim him as one of their own....until I show them what he actually said....

And the folks who hated people for opposing the war in Vietnam are the same folks who pretend they have been anti-war all along...yall are clowns....

Why do you keep avoiding the Conservative track record on being consistently wrong over the past 40 years??

"Lemon has faced criticism from his co-hosts, CNN executives and the network’s general audience for a statement he made toward 51-year-old Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley during a Feb. 16 “CNN This Morning” broadcast. “Nikki Haley isn’t in her prime, sorry,” Lemon said, explaining why he was “uncomfortable” with the age discussion. “When a woman is considered to be in her prime — in her 20s, 30s and maybe her 40s.”

According to New York Times reporters, CNN’s executives discovered that some guests did not want to appear on-air with Lemon due to his comments. Research on the morning show reviewed by network executives also found that his popularity with audiences had fallen."

Don has been a dead man walking at CNN for awhile now....he wasn't very popular with viewers, which is why you really don't have any outrage from them over his termination. I thought he was fired already, but I don't watch CNN, so I didn't know....Most morning show hosts on these type of shows are meant to be vanilla, plain and bland...he was getting a bit too uppity on air....and couple that with his behavior behind the scenes and you have a perfect storm for being fired.

However, his attacks on presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy was the last is clear that he hates not only white people, but Indian people as well...who are just as good as whites in many aspects, so of course he hates them...the proof is in the fact, he attacked another Indian presidential candidate in Nikki Haley -- and now he turns around and attacks Vivek? It can't be anymore clear.....even tho Vivek was just flat out wrong on the facts, Don was still wrong to attack him for being wrong. That was not his job to do...his job was to let Vivek say his opinion, state them as indisputable fact and if Don doesn't like it, Don needs to stay in his place and not act like a uppity he is fired...good...let that be a lesson to the others...

he's a sexist bigot....he'll find a good home over at MSDNC or maybe in the Xiden Admin
He is only considered a sexist bigot because he wasn't on Fox...if he was, you would have loved him...

Especially if he hated his blackness as much as you do

No, he's consider a sexist bigot, because he's a sexist matter where he is.

and of course in typical demaklan fashion you attack my race...sad...truly've been listening to s "Racial Jungle" Joey Xiden too much if you think people aren't black because they don't support your cult

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