Now they are going after contraception

IUD's are available at Planned Parenthood either free or at a reduced cost, they are also available at numerous free clinics operated by government agencies and health care systems
And are covered under Medicaid like all other types of bc which means they are free.

But that's not good enough, they have to make a statement. This shit is getting so old

The only thing getting old is the gradual erosion of reproductive rights.

Sorry, I'm not buying into it. There are reproductive rights and there are religious rights. This is just another attack on the latter. For the last time, birth control is readily available...for anyone desiring it. Some people just need to make it a political agenda.
there are religious rights.

and your christer rights aren't rights to stop normal people from obtaining contraception
Do these Christian employers provide insurance for vasectomies? What about Viagra?
IUD's are available at Planned Parenthood either free or at a reduced cost, they are also available at numerous free clinics operated by government agencies and health care systems
And are covered under Medicaid like all other types of bc which means they are free.

But that's not good enough, they have to make a statement. This shit is getting so old

The only thing getting old is the gradual erosion of reproductive rights.

Sorry, I'm not buying into it. There are reproductive rights and there are religious rights. This is just another attack on the latter. For the last time, birth control is readily available...for anyone desiring it. Some people just need to make it a political agenda.
there are religious rights.

and your christer rights aren't rights to stop normal people from obtaining contraception

Burwell vs Hobby Lobby says differently. You may go now
Does anyone else remember when Republican leaders, and many on USMB, said they were only concerned about federal funds being used to pay for abortions? I knew that was a crock of shit then - and they are certainly openly proving it now. Their goal has always been to end all abortions - regardless of the mental, physical, or financial circumstances of women who choose to exercise their legal right to abortion.

Law enforcement had better do a better job of protecting Planned Parenthood and other women's reproductive healthcare facilities from rabid anti-abortion terrorists. Women have every right to safely exercise their legal rights without fear of harassment and harm.

Their goal has not been just to end all abortion.

Their goal is to also end all contraception.

It's a well known fact that only 3% of PP business is abortions. Which means that the other 97% is health care and contraception.

They closed many PP offices in red states which has caused an increase of pregnancies because women can't get affordable contraception anymore because they don't have insurance and no doctor's office will see them with that insurance.

Only PP and organizations like them will see people who don't have insurance or a way to pay for their health care.

Take away PP and you remove reliable contraception from women and that's what has been going on.

They want to force pregnancy on women and then force them to carry the pregnancy to term.
Does anyone else remember when Republican leaders, and many on USMB, said they were only concerned about federal funds being used to pay for abortions? I knew that was a crock of shit then - and they are certainly openly proving it now. Their goal has always been to end all abortions - regardless of the mental, physical, or financial circumstances of women who choose to exercise their legal right to abortion.

Law enforcement had better do a better job of protecting Planned Parenthood and other women's reproductive healthcare facilities from rabid anti-abortion terrorists. Women have every right to safely exercise their legal rights without fear of harassment and harm.

Their goal has not been just to end all abortion.

Their goal is to also end all contraception.

It's a well known fact that only 3% of PP business is abortions. Which means that the other 97% is health care and contraception.

They closed many PP offices in red states which has caused an increase of pregnancies because women can't get affordable contraception anymore because they don't have insurance and no doctor's office will see them with that insurance.

Only PP and organizations like them will see people who don't have insurance or a way to pay for their health care.

Take away PP and you remove reliable contraception from women and that's what has been going on.

They want to force pregnancy on women and then force them to carry the pregnancy to term.

Are NaziCons really that evil? Is that their way of preventing whites from becoming a minority by 2050?
And are covered under Medicaid like all other types of bc which means they are free.

But that's not good enough, they have to make a statement. This shit is getting so old

The only thing getting old is the gradual erosion of reproductive rights.

Sorry, I'm not buying into it. There are reproductive rights and there are religious rights. This is just another attack on the latter. For the last time, birth control is readily available...for anyone desiring it. Some people just need to make it a political agenda.
there are religious rights.

and your christer rights aren't rights to stop normal people from obtaining contraception

Burwell vs Hobby Lobby says differently. You may go now

Does Hobby Lobby pay for vasectomies? What about Viagra?
these christian taliban mutants
And are covered under Medicaid like all other types of bc which means they are free.

But that's not good enough, they have to make a statement. This shit is getting so old

The only thing getting old is the gradual erosion of reproductive rights.

Sorry, I'm not buying into it. There are reproductive rights and there are religious rights. This is just another attack on the latter. For the last time, birth control is readily available...for anyone desiring it. Some people just need to make it a political agenda.
there are religious rights.

and your christer rights aren't rights to stop normal people from obtaining contraception

Burwell vs Hobby Lobby says differently. You may go now
No wonder your kiddie fiddler statue groveler church is shrinking in the united states ,

these christian taliban mutants
But that's not good enough, they have to make a statement. This shit is getting so old

The only thing getting old is the gradual erosion of reproductive rights.

Sorry, I'm not buying into it. There are reproductive rights and there are religious rights. This is just another attack on the latter. For the last time, birth control is readily available...for anyone desiring it. Some people just need to make it a political agenda.
there are religious rights.

and your christer rights aren't rights to stop normal people from obtaining contraception

Burwell vs Hobby Lobby says differently. You may go now
No wonder your kiddie fiddler statue groveler church is shrinking in the united states ,

You get shellacked and come back with nonsense....then wonder why you're viewed as an idiot
So nobody wants to comment on the LifeWay report about Christian women having abortions?

I at least expected one of you revisionists to announce "they're not really Christians."

these christian taliban mutants
The only thing getting old is the gradual erosion of reproductive rights.

Sorry, I'm not buying into it. There are reproductive rights and there are religious rights. This is just another attack on the latter. For the last time, birth control is readily available...for anyone desiring it. Some people just need to make it a political agenda.
there are religious rights.

and your christer rights aren't rights to stop normal people from obtaining contraception

Burwell vs Hobby Lobby says differently. You may go now
No wonder your kiddie fiddler statue groveler church is shrinking in the united states ,

You get shellacked and come back with nonsense....then wonder why you're viewed as an idiot

That's why Catholicism (personified by the Irish) is incompatible with American democracy, in addition to the fundamentalist christers ., they would be better off in a theocracy. The statue bowers must be livid that now one can get an abortion in Ireland and get birth control , looks like the kiddie fiddler outfit has had their chokehold removed there and in the rest of europe

Thankfully there are some sane catholics

Catholics for Choice
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Notice the same crowd that yells about shira is themselves trying to force christer sharia on America
Anti-abortion groups target IUD use

A rapid increase in the number of U.S. women turning to intrauterine devices to prevent pregnancy has prompted escalating attacks on the birth control method from groups that oppose abortion.

Yep, the christian taliban is following in the footsteps of their brothers, the muslim taliban

Anti-abortion groups target IUD use
It's an abortion instrument.
Does anyone else remember when Republican leaders, and many on USMB, said they were only concerned about federal funds being used to pay for abortions? I knew that was a crock of shit then - and they are certainly openly proving it now. Their goal has always been to end all abortions - regardless of the mental, physical, or financial circumstances of women who choose to exercise their legal right to abortion.

Law enforcement had better do a better job of protecting Planned Parenthood and other women's reproductive healthcare facilities from rabid anti-abortion terrorists. Women have every right to safely exercise their legal rights without fear of harassment and harm.

Their goal has not been just to end all abortion.

Their goal is to also end all contraception.

It's a well known fact that only 3% of PP business is abortions. Which means that the other 97% is health care and contraception.

They closed many PP offices in red states which has caused an increase of pregnancies because women can't get affordable contraception anymore because they don't have insurance and no doctor's office will see them with that insurance.

Only PP and organizations like them will see people who don't have insurance or a way to pay for their health care.

Take away PP and you remove reliable contraception from women and that's what has been going on.

They want to force pregnancy on women and then force them to carry the pregnancy to term.

If lib women had to use guns to demand abortions... they would join the NRA...yesterday.

Join a bunch of conservative fruit cakes? I don't think so.
Being shined by a loon such as yourself probably makes them cry. :(
IUD's are available at Planned Parenthood either free or at a reduced cost, they are also available at numerous free clinics operated by government agencies and health care systems
And are covered under Medicaid like all other types of bc which means they are free.

But that's not good enough, they have to make a statement. This shit is getting so old

The only thing getting old is the gradual erosion of reproductive rights.

Sorry, I'm not buying into it. There are reproductive rights and there are religious rights. This is just another attack on the latter. For the last time, birth control is readily available...for anyone desiring it. Some people just need to make it a political agenda.
Exactly. They have nothing to bitch about so they make stuff up.
Anti-abortion groups target IUD use

A rapid increase in the number of U.S. women turning to intrauterine devices to prevent pregnancy has prompted escalating attacks on the birth control method from groups that oppose abortion.

Yep, the christian taliban is following in the footsteps of their brothers, the muslim taliban

Anti-abortion groups target IUD use
And pro abortion groups push to keep funding for Planned parenthood as well as funding for the poorest women to have access to on demand abortions.
So what? Two sides battling for what they want....Happens every day
Guano scans the internets looking for something to go hysterical over. What a sad existence
guno is a classic example of what is typical of the liberal.
They spend their days searching for things with which to bother themselves. They are not satisfied unless they are miserable and in their misery, complaining about SOMETHING...
These people have convinced themselves that life sucks and it is only going to get worse. And to justify this, they must create and hold on to a villain. A scapegoat, if you will.
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The issue is the fake outrage generated when liberal spin pretends that "republicans" want dirty water and the subjugation of women. Even when concrete evidence indicates that the top democrat candidate was a world class enabler for her husband's abuse of women and she spent her entire adult life threatening the victims of her governor husband and later her president husband, the left still thinks it's all about IUD's. Spin is an awesome thing but Americans are smarter than liberal propaganda blogs.

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