Now there's no free speech on airplanes.

So now they won't allow free speech on planes.

---Woman Gets Kicked Off Plane---

Physical insults are low-brow, especially when you call someone a name that they live with everyday, they expect it, it's not new, just a hurtful comment really.

I'd have to be excessively irate to the point that my reptilian brain took over and I resigned myself to a verbal attack on ones physical attributes.
Physical insults are low-brow, especially when you call someone a name that they live with everyday, they expect it, it's not new, just a hurtful comment really.

I'd have to be excessively irate to the point that my reptilian brain took over and I resigned myself to a verbal attack on ones physical attributes.
If there’s nothing wrong with being fat being called fat shouldnt be an insult.
I saw ONE pig.
The one in the middle seat.

Free Speech has consequences, when will you contards learn.
So now they won't allow free speech on planes.

---Woman Gets Kicked Off Plane---

She said she wanted a window seat or wanted off. She had not paid for selecting a window seat (for whatever reason) and the flight was booked full. She made an ass of herself, got her way, got off and the Airline made arrangements for her on the morning flight. Assholes will be assholes, but this one was handled well. She had her "free speech" and got her way.
If there’s nothing wrong with being fat being called fat shouldnt be an insult.

I didn't say there is nothing wrong with being fat, it's a health issue for most people, but it's not my body to decide how people treat theirs.

I'm suggesting that the calling out of someones physical abnormalities, or, easily identifiable (their face, weight, skin colour, deformities etc.) childish and yes, I imagine hurtful response.

Some seem to embrace obese bodies and I wonder if it is because government has little interest in reigning in poor food products that are sold and it's just easier to embrace the fat person for being that way rather than conducting a thorough study of the issue. Regardless.

Take the above and couple them with inncreased depression, emotional eating by citizens with low self esteem, poor medical advice, profiteering diet fads, fear of everything by people (which leads to more eating), a low activity society and you have a perfect storm. Canadians have a similar diet (and many obese people), Europeans largely do not

There might be a time I stoop to such name calling, I just can't remember the last time I did and I had to be in a really unhappy state to do so.
If there’s nothing wrong with being fat being called fat shouldnt be an insult.

I don't kick people off planes for such language. It's still an insult, and being fat isn't "healthy" or something we should aspire too, and most know this.

However, unless she threatens violence or continues to be a nuisance, I wouldn't kick her off but that's me. I suppose the airline has to consider the risk of a problem in the air.

It seems to be a trend today. People are proud to say "I don't care what you think of me, I'm a lowlife without manners, so what?" Not caring about others opinions of you isn't so much the issue as not caring about how you carry yourself. It's a mark on your entire family to be such a person, it speaks not just of you, but your parents and their parents. To be this way says "I have no pride in who I am"
So Democrats like you are thrilled about murdering people by pushing them off a flying plane for exercising free speech? That's satanic, sir or madam.
This RWI is one of yours?????
Are you calling out .......
they should have waited till after takeoff to kick her off the plane,,
This dude,,, ^^^^ as a (D)? NOT,,,
He/She/Her/it might be,,, but progressive hunter,,, needs to state,,, the left/right leaning for you,,,,

This is a missy that loves,,,, to punctuate with,,, and ,,,,,,is very ,,right leaning,,
We ,,,,,,clear,,, yet?
I normally don't condone certain things that people don't hesitate to put out there, but if the person was being squished, I can't blame them for speaking up. This also goes for people who are stuck with being around those who do not shower often enough.

God bless you always!!!

So now they won't allow free speech on planes.

---Woman Gets Kicked Off Plane---

"Free Speech" just means the govt USED to not prosecute you for speech they didn't like (before Biden's America--now they do that, of course). It never meant you could say whatever you want on an airplane or anywhere else. If the airline doesn't like what you say, they have every right to kick you off their flight, or every flight everafter. Every business has that right, actually.
So Democrats like you are thrilled about murdering people by pushing them off a flying plane for exercising free speech? That's satanic, sir or madam.

Progressive Hunter is one of yours... another fine example of the "Christian" Right.

Now, a couple of things to put some sanity into this conversation.

1) Free speech does not give you the right to act out on an aircraft.
2) Part of the problem here is that the airlines keep trying to squeeze more and more money out of people by making the seats smaller and smaller while the average American, hate to say it, is getting larger and larger.
3) Overall, air travel is massively unpleasant in general, and people like this woman make it worse.

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