Now That You've Justified Child Molestation, We're Done Reaching Out To You


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

It was an open and shut case. A daycare center employee, Eric Higdon, raped a 12-year old child. He was found guilty under a sodomy statute specific to minors by all members of the 9-judge panel supreme court in Alabama.

Actually, make that all 9 members except one.

Judge Roy Moore.

Moore stated there was “no evidence in this case of an implied threat of serious physical injury.” A child was raped. What kind of “judge” says that?

The exact same judge who sexually assaulted a 14-year old girl in a court custody case!

It’s not like Alabama GOP voters didn’t know about Moore’s awful decision: his primary opponent blanketed the airwaves with ads attacking him for it. Alabama GOP voters just didn’t give a ****. They voted for him overwhelmingly anyway.

(What got lost in Moore’s scandals was the fact that he was entirely unqualified to begin with--Moore was twice removed from the Alabama’s top court for violating the U.S. Constitution.)

But now, Alabama GOP voters recently learned that Moore took a 14-year old child—whom he promised her mother he would watch while she attended a custody hearing— to his home in the woods, gave her alcohol, stripped her, slobbered over her, and tried to guide her hand to his private area.

I wanted it over with. Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over! --Leigh Corfman on Roy Moore’s sexual assault to the Washington Post

Moore didn’t ask forgiveness, and in fact, is currently fundraising off this incident.

That should have been the end of his political career. But those same so-called “God-fearing” voters rushed to his defense. They didn’t argue that this wasn’t true, mind you, just that it was OK.

Sick, perverted bastard is still the GOP’s choice
Their defenses of Moore’s sexual assault have been just as appalling as they are: (All of these are real)

  • Jesus’ dad did it — so Moore was being Biblical
  • It was so long ago that she’s the age of consent NOW
  • Only one of his victims was 14-years old-— the rest were 16 and 17
  • Yeah, 14-years old but c’mon, it was probably consensual (Hannity)
  • It was the girl’s fault somehow for not making “good decisions”
  • The rape wasn’t forcible enough to be a concern
  • Yeah, child rape and all….but at least he’s not a Democrat—I’m voting for him anyway
Then Alabama State Rep. Ed Henry, Donald Trump’s Alabama campaign co-chairman, asked if there were any pictures.

That’s it. I’m out.

Hey, Trump voters: I don’t give a f*** what Bernie or anyone else says about your needs, anxieties, or economic troubles.

When you can justify the rape or assault of children, I’m f****** done with you.

You pedophile-loving, sexual-assault defending, Bible-thumping, Putin-worshipping, evil, authoritarian racist losers can all drown for all I care. (Or, what would be more likely, shoot each other up.)

If these are the values of the so-called “heartland”, than f*** the heartland.

You embrace hatred of your fellow man, yet promote lust for someone’s else’s child. Then you have the sick audacity to say you promote “family values”.

You don’t need economic help--you need psychological help.

The only people worse than you are the GOP silent enablers who excuse every monstrous thing because speaking out might mean they won’t get to kick a poor person in the teeth anymore.


You can have them...
To be blunt, there are too many rational people with a basic sense of decency that we need to be courting. Hell, there’s a ton more people who are already on our side that we can go after that simply don’t bother to go out and vote!

(Although your constant assaults on their families are helping fix that.)

I used to listen to people who said we need to try to align because we are both being used by the establishment. No more. You folks deserve every piece of suffering you inflict on yourselves. Do this nation a favor and leave. GO somewhere far where you won’t hurt anyone else—your own land where you can fetishize assaults—albeit women, children or rifles. This is who you are now and what you do. Go burn in hell.

We’re done with you.

Now that you've tried to justify child molestation, we're done reaching out to you.

It was an open and shut case. A daycare center employee, Eric Higdon, raped a 12-year old child. He was found guilty under a sodomy statute specific to minors by all members of the 9-judge panel supreme court in Alabama.

Actually, make that all 9 members except one.

Judge Roy Moore.

Moore stated there was “no evidence in this case of an implied threat of serious physical injury.” A child was raped. What kind of “judge” says that?

The exact same judge who sexually assaulted a 14-year old girl in a court custody case!

It’s not like Alabama GOP voters didn’t know about Moore’s awful decision: his primary opponent blanketed the airwaves with ads attacking him for it. Alabama GOP voters just didn’t give a ****. They voted for him overwhelmingly anyway.

(What got lost in Moore’s scandals was the fact that he was entirely unqualified to begin with--Moore was twice removed from the Alabama’s top court for violating the U.S. Constitution.)

But now, Alabama GOP voters recently learned that Moore took a 14-year old child—whom he promised her mother he would watch while she attended a custody hearing— to his home in the woods, gave her alcohol, stripped her, slobbered over her, and tried to guide her hand to his private area.

I wanted it over with. Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over! --Leigh Corfman on Roy Moore’s sexual assault to the Washington Post

Moore didn’t ask forgiveness, and in fact, is currently fundraising off this incident.

That should have been the end of his political career. But those same so-called “God-fearing” voters rushed to his defense. They didn’t argue that this wasn’t true, mind you, just that it was OK.

Sick, perverted bastard is still the GOP’s choice
Their defenses of Moore’s sexual assault have been just as appalling as they are: (All of these are real)

  • Jesus’ dad did it — so Moore was being Biblical
  • It was so long ago that she’s the age of consent NOW
  • Only one of his victims was 14-years old-— the rest were 16 and 17
  • Yeah, 14-years old but c’mon, it was probably consensual (Hannity)
  • It was the girl’s fault somehow for not making “good decisions”
  • The rape wasn’t forcible enough to be a concern
  • Yeah, child rape and all….but at least he’s not a Democrat—I’m voting for him anyway
Then Alabama State Rep. Ed Henry, Donald Trump’s Alabama campaign co-chairman, asked if there were any pictures.

That’s it. I’m out.

Hey, Trump voters: I don’t give a f*** what Bernie or anyone else says about your needs, anxieties, or economic troubles.

When you can justify the rape or assault of children, I’m f****** done with you.

You pedophile-loving, sexual-assault defending, Bible-thumping, Putin-worshipping, evil, authoritarian racist losers can all drown for all I care. (Or, what would be more likely, shoot each other up.)

If these are the values of the so-called “heartland”, than f*** the heartland.

You embrace hatred of your fellow man, yet promote lust for someone’s else’s child. Then you have the sick audacity to say you promote “family values”.

You don’t need economic help--you need psychological help.

The only people worse than you are the GOP silent enablers who excuse every monstrous thing because speaking out might mean they won’t get to kick a poor person in the teeth anymore.


You can have them...
To be blunt, there are too many rational people with a basic sense of decency that we need to be courting. Hell, there’s a ton more people who are already on our side that we can go after that simply don’t bother to go out and vote!

(Although your constant assaults on their families are helping fix that.)

I used to listen to people who said we need to try to align because we are both being used by the establishment. No more. You folks deserve every piece of suffering you inflict on yourselves. Do this nation a favor and leave. GO somewhere far where you won’t hurt anyone else—your own land where you can fetishize assaults—albeit women, children or rifles. This is who you are now and what you do. Go burn in hell.

We’re done with you.

Now that you've tried to justify child molestation, we're done reaching out to you.

So is that what a fart looks like in print? Because that was a whole lots of work just to look retarded.

It was an open and shut case. A daycare center employee, Eric Higdon, raped a 12-year old child. He was found guilty under a sodomy statute specific to minors by all members of the 9-judge panel supreme court in Alabama.

Actually, make that all 9 members except one.

Judge Roy Moore.

Moore stated there was “no evidence in this case of an implied threat of serious physical injury.” A child was raped. What kind of “judge” says that?

The exact same judge who sexually assaulted a 14-year old girl in a court custody case!

It’s not like Alabama GOP voters didn’t know about Moore’s awful decision: his primary opponent blanketed the airwaves with ads attacking him for it. Alabama GOP voters just didn’t give a ****. They voted for him overwhelmingly anyway.

(What got lost in Moore’s scandals was the fact that he was entirely unqualified to begin with--Moore was twice removed from the Alabama’s top court for violating the U.S. Constitution.)

But now, Alabama GOP voters recently learned that Moore took a 14-year old child—whom he promised her mother he would watch while she attended a custody hearing— to his home in the woods, gave her alcohol, stripped her, slobbered over her, and tried to guide her hand to his private area.

I wanted it over with. Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over! --Leigh Corfman on Roy Moore’s sexual assault to the Washington Post

Moore didn’t ask forgiveness, and in fact, is currently fundraising off this incident.

That should have been the end of his political career. But those same so-called “God-fearing” voters rushed to his defense. They didn’t argue that this wasn’t true, mind you, just that it was OK.

Sick, perverted bastard is still the GOP’s choice
Their defenses of Moore’s sexual assault have been just as appalling as they are: (All of these are real)

  • Jesus’ dad did it — so Moore was being Biblical
  • It was so long ago that she’s the age of consent NOW
  • Only one of his victims was 14-years old-— the rest were 16 and 17
  • Yeah, 14-years old but c’mon, it was probably consensual (Hannity)
  • It was the girl’s fault somehow for not making “good decisions”
  • The rape wasn’t forcible enough to be a concern
  • Yeah, child rape and all….but at least he’s not a Democrat—I’m voting for him anyway
Then Alabama State Rep. Ed Henry, Donald Trump’s Alabama campaign co-chairman, asked if there were any pictures.

That’s it. I’m out.

Hey, Trump voters: I don’t give a f*** what Bernie or anyone else says about your needs, anxieties, or economic troubles.

When you can justify the rape or assault of children, I’m f****** done with you.

You pedophile-loving, sexual-assault defending, Bible-thumping, Putin-worshipping, evil, authoritarian racist losers can all drown for all I care. (Or, what would be more likely, shoot each other up.)

If these are the values of the so-called “heartland”, than f*** the heartland.

You embrace hatred of your fellow man, yet promote lust for someone’s else’s child. Then you have the sick audacity to say you promote “family values”.

You don’t need economic help--you need psychological help.

The only people worse than you are the GOP silent enablers who excuse every monstrous thing because speaking out might mean they won’t get to kick a poor person in the teeth anymore.


You can have them...
To be blunt, there are too many rational people with a basic sense of decency that we need to be courting. Hell, there’s a ton more people who are already on our side that we can go after that simply don’t bother to go out and vote!

(Although your constant assaults on their families are helping fix that.)

I used to listen to people who said we need to try to align because we are both being used by the establishment. No more. You folks deserve every piece of suffering you inflict on yourselves. Do this nation a favor and leave. GO somewhere far where you won’t hurt anyone else—your own land where you can fetishize assaults—albeit women, children or rifles. This is who you are now and what you do. Go burn in hell.

We’re done with you.

Now that you've tried to justify child molestation, we're done reaching out to you.

State Supreme Courts do not judge cases on innocence or guilt. Your entire article just fell on it face.

It was an open and shut case. A daycare center employee, Eric Higdon, raped a 12-year old child. He was found guilty under a sodomy statute specific to minors by all members of the 9-judge panel supreme court in Alabama.

Actually, make that all 9 members except one.

Judge Roy Moore.

Moore stated there was “no evidence in this case of an implied threat of serious physical injury.” A child was raped. What kind of “judge” says that?

The exact same judge who sexually assaulted a 14-year old girl in a court custody case!

It’s not like Alabama GOP voters didn’t know about Moore’s awful decision: his primary opponent blanketed the airwaves with ads attacking him for it. Alabama GOP voters just didn’t give a ****. They voted for him overwhelmingly anyway.

(What got lost in Moore’s scandals was the fact that he was entirely unqualified to begin with--Moore was twice removed from the Alabama’s top court for violating the U.S. Constitution.)

But now, Alabama GOP voters recently learned that Moore took a 14-year old child—whom he promised her mother he would watch while she attended a custody hearing— to his home in the woods, gave her alcohol, stripped her, slobbered over her, and tried to guide her hand to his private area.

I wanted it over with. Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over! --Leigh Corfman on Roy Moore’s sexual assault to the Washington Post

Moore didn’t ask forgiveness, and in fact, is currently fundraising off this incident.

That should have been the end of his political career. But those same so-called “God-fearing” voters rushed to his defense. They didn’t argue that this wasn’t true, mind you, just that it was OK.

Sick, perverted bastard is still the GOP’s choice
Their defenses of Moore’s sexual assault have been just as appalling as they are: (All of these are real)

  • Jesus’ dad did it — so Moore was being Biblical
  • It was so long ago that she’s the age of consent NOW
  • Only one of his victims was 14-years old-— the rest were 16 and 17
  • Yeah, 14-years old but c’mon, it was probably consensual (Hannity)
  • It was the girl’s fault somehow for not making “good decisions”
  • The rape wasn’t forcible enough to be a concern
  • Yeah, child rape and all….but at least he’s not a Democrat—I’m voting for him anyway
Then Alabama State Rep. Ed Henry, Donald Trump’s Alabama campaign co-chairman, asked if there were any pictures.

That’s it. I’m out.

Hey, Trump voters: I don’t give a f*** what Bernie or anyone else says about your needs, anxieties, or economic troubles.

When you can justify the rape or assault of children, I’m f****** done with you.

You pedophile-loving, sexual-assault defending, Bible-thumping, Putin-worshipping, evil, authoritarian racist losers can all drown for all I care. (Or, what would be more likely, shoot each other up.)

If these are the values of the so-called “heartland”, than f*** the heartland.

You embrace hatred of your fellow man, yet promote lust for someone’s else’s child. Then you have the sick audacity to say you promote “family values”.

You don’t need economic help--you need psychological help.

The only people worse than you are the GOP silent enablers who excuse every monstrous thing because speaking out might mean they won’t get to kick a poor person in the teeth anymore.


You can have them...
To be blunt, there are too many rational people with a basic sense of decency that we need to be courting. Hell, there’s a ton more people who are already on our side that we can go after that simply don’t bother to go out and vote!

(Although your constant assaults on their families are helping fix that.)

I used to listen to people who said we need to try to align because we are both being used by the establishment. No more. You folks deserve every piece of suffering you inflict on yourselves. Do this nation a favor and leave. GO somewhere far where you won’t hurt anyone else—your own land where you can fetishize assaults—albeit women, children or rifles. This is who you are now and what you do. Go burn in hell.

We’re done with you.

Now that you've tried to justify child molestation, we're done reaching out to you.

State Supreme Courts do not judge cases on innocence or guilt. Your entire article just fell on it face.

A perfect photo can be a tip off. And of course, "side".
40 years, five major election campaigns. Not a word

Duke La Cross rape never happened.
Lena Dunham, rape never happened.
Report of rape to the Rolling Stone never happened.
Rape of Emma Sulkowitz, the mattress girl, never happened.
Death of Michael Brown hands up don't shoot, never happened.
Death of Trayvon Martin, intentional act by George Zimmerman never happened.
Death of Freddie Gray, negligence on the part of the police officers, never happened.
Accusations of sexual misconduct against Herman Cain, never happened.
Accusations of sexual misconduct against Clarence Thomas never happened.
At least some of the complaints against Bill Cosby, never happened.
One of the complainants against Bill O'Reilly is now in prison for making false claims of sexual harassment against someone else.
Complaints of sexual misconduct of Donald Trump, some never happened.

Liberals used up all their credibility.
Seriously the daily kos?

Oh my, another far left hack site filled with far left religious dogma not based in reality.

This might as well have been from the onion..

However must remind people these women did not come forward, the far left Washington Post sought them out To make up a story in a special election where the only way the (D)'s could win is for something like this to happen.

Whether or not if the allegations are true, it was designed to end his campaign..

It was an open and shut case. A daycare center employee, Eric Higdon, raped a 12-year old child. He was found guilty under a sodomy statute specific to minors by all members of the 9-judge panel supreme court in Alabama.

Actually, make that all 9 members except one.

Judge Roy Moore.

Moore stated there was “no evidence in this case of an implied threat of serious physical injury.” A child was raped. What kind of “judge” says that?

The exact same judge who sexually assaulted a 14-year old girl in a court custody case!

It’s not like Alabama GOP voters didn’t know about Moore’s awful decision: his primary opponent blanketed the airwaves with ads attacking him for it. Alabama GOP voters just didn’t give a ****. They voted for him overwhelmingly anyway.

(What got lost in Moore’s scandals was the fact that he was entirely unqualified to begin with--Moore was twice removed from the Alabama’s top court for violating the U.S. Constitution.)

But now, Alabama GOP voters recently learned that Moore took a 14-year old child—whom he promised her mother he would watch while she attended a custody hearing— to his home in the woods, gave her alcohol, stripped her, slobbered over her, and tried to guide her hand to his private area.

I wanted it over with. Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over! --Leigh Corfman on Roy Moore’s sexual assault to the Washington Post

Moore didn’t ask forgiveness, and in fact, is currently fundraising off this incident.

That should have been the end of his political career. But those same so-called “God-fearing” voters rushed to his defense. They didn’t argue that this wasn’t true, mind you, just that it was OK.

Sick, perverted bastard is still the GOP’s choice
Their defenses of Moore’s sexual assault have been just as appalling as they are: (All of these are real)

  • Jesus’ dad did it — so Moore was being Biblical
  • It was so long ago that she’s the age of consent NOW
  • Only one of his victims was 14-years old-— the rest were 16 and 17
  • Yeah, 14-years old but c’mon, it was probably consensual (Hannity)
  • It was the girl’s fault somehow for not making “good decisions”
  • The rape wasn’t forcible enough to be a concern
  • Yeah, child rape and all….but at least he’s not a Democrat—I’m voting for him anyway
Then Alabama State Rep. Ed Henry, Donald Trump’s Alabama campaign co-chairman, asked if there were any pictures.

That’s it. I’m out.

Hey, Trump voters: I don’t give a f*** what Bernie or anyone else says about your needs, anxieties, or economic troubles.

When you can justify the rape or assault of children, I’m f****** done with you.

You pedophile-loving, sexual-assault defending, Bible-thumping, Putin-worshipping, evil, authoritarian racist losers can all drown for all I care. (Or, what would be more likely, shoot each other up.)

If these are the values of the so-called “heartland”, than f*** the heartland.

You embrace hatred of your fellow man, yet promote lust for someone’s else’s child. Then you have the sick audacity to say you promote “family values”.

You don’t need economic help--you need psychological help.

The only people worse than you are the GOP silent enablers who excuse every monstrous thing because speaking out might mean they won’t get to kick a poor person in the teeth anymore.


You can have them...
To be blunt, there are too many rational people with a basic sense of decency that we need to be courting. Hell, there’s a ton more people who are already on our side that we can go after that simply don’t bother to go out and vote!

(Although your constant assaults on their families are helping fix that.)

I used to listen to people who said we need to try to align because we are both being used by the establishment. No more. You folks deserve every piece of suffering you inflict on yourselves. Do this nation a favor and leave. GO somewhere far where you won’t hurt anyone else—your own land where you can fetishize assaults—albeit women, children or rifles. This is who you are now and what you do. Go burn in hell.

We’re done with you.

Now that you've tried to justify child molestation, we're done reaching out to you.

Dear skews13:
1. In the case of Eric Higdon, if he was only 17 at the time of the rape, and was allowed to work with young children unsupervised and without proper screening for mental or criminal disorders, then that whole situation was FU to begin with.

The adults in charge should also have been held responsible.

Not just the legal system which we already know is not equipped to handle
rape cases, especially with younger children.

I know someone whose daughter was raped at 14 by a17 year old
and was also denied her rights because of the legal system .
She was counseled to drop charges because she couldn't win.

All the lawyers and judges who keep this system running as is
are part of the problem.

This case just highlights how glaring and easy it is to abuse legal
and judicial power to cause further victimization, violations and trauma.

Thanks for posting this, but we should go after the whole system
and not just target certain cases for political convenience.

There are many more we may never hear about, but
all the rape victims deserve justice. Not exploiting their cases and
pain for political points which doesn't really address or solve the deeper problems here.

this doesn't even scratch the surface of legal abuse
in addition to rape and other criminal abuse of women, children
and other vulnerable victims.

2. as for throwing out all the supporters and defends of such people.
let's change the system, then see how many of these same
supporters and defenders also rally for better solutions.

The ones who are truly on the side of justice will be
equally strong allies. The ones who are only in it for politics
will make themselves known as well.

And that goes for both sides.

Remove politics from the equation, let's look at the
cause of criminal sickness that drives people to rape, murder
and victimize others, work toward real solutions; and we'll
see who is really committed to doing more to help and prevent
victims from suffering, and who is just yelling to save face for politicians on either side.

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