‘Now Hiring White People’…would our POTUS approve if such signage could be found in front of private enterprises?

I want to see some signs in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Idaho, and Montana recruiting black people back east for executive jobs in their towns.
Why would you want them to shit all over the Civil Rights Act….I thought you wanted the Civil Rights Act fiercely enforced?

Have you spent time in those states?
Yes I have…they are clean, safe, likeminded and harmonious…why do you think that is?
Why would you want them to fuck their states up?

You talk about some racist mfrs. Dude, you can't afford this conversation, let me tell you.
I “can’t afford this conversation”……WTF?
I can’t afford a conversation about protecting the civil rights of citizens…..the ones you swore you would die defending during the George Fentanyl Floyd Summer Of Love Picnics in 2020?
Have you lost all your shit?
At least they aren't working in the fields for you, at no pay. The Left has tried to move the needle forward for blacks. Look at what the Right is doing. They're trying to take their right to vote away again.
Hahaha…the Left has run the Black Plantations for 60 years and yet blacks haven’t improved themselves one iota while newcomers like Mexicans, Indians, and Asians blow right by your pet humans…Why do you plantation owners allow this?
The right is limiting the oportunity for the left to cheat----Time to grow up and take voting seriously---you have to vote where they can verify that your vote isn't fraudulent.

This said, I have notice the left encourages idiots to vote. The fact is that if you are clueless about what is actually going on, that you shouldn't vote at all.
How does extending the hours you can vote allow cheating?

This should be fun.
This said, I have notice the left encourages idiots to vote.

What do our resident “moderates” Mac1958 and Golfing Gator think about the private sector hanging signage that reads “Now Hiring White People”……shouldn’t private enterprises be permitted to operate just the way the Feds do in that regard?

I think that anti-discrimination laws enforced against anyone but the government itself is a violation of the Constitution. I also believe that Protected Classes are a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.

Does that answer your question little buddy?
The right is limiting the oportunity for the left to cheat----Time to grow up and take voting seriously---you have to vote where they can verify that your vote isn't fraudulent.

This said, I have notice the left encourages idiots to vote. The fact is that if you are clueless about what is actually going on, that you shouldn't vote at all.
The right is limiting the oportunity for the left to cheat----Time to grow up and take voting seriously---you have to vote where they can verify that your vote isn't fraudulent.

This said, I have notice the left encourages idiots to vote. The fact is that if you are clueless about what is actually going on, that you shouldn't vote at all.
You should do some due dilligence before speaking on issues foreign to you. Don’t let CNN lead you by the nose.
This is from the almost dead dudes website.

Legal Highlight: The Civil Rights Act of 1964​

In the 1960s, Americans who knew only the potential of "equal protection of the laws" expected the president, the Congress, and the courts to fulfill the promise of the 14th Amendment. In response, all three branches of the federal government--as well as the public at large--debated a fundamental constitutional question: Does the Constitution's prohibition of denying equal protection always ban the use of racial, ethnic, or gender criteria in an attempt to bring social justice and social benefits?
In June 1963, President John Kennedy asked Congress for a comprehensive civil rights bill, induced by massive resistance to desegregation and the murder of Medgar Evers. After Kennedy's assassination in November, President Lyndon Johnson pressed hard, with the support of Roy Wilkins and Clarence Mitchell, to secure the bill's passage the following year. In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing. The Act prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It also strengthened the enforcement of voting rights and the desegregation of schools.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the nation's benchmark civil rights legislation, and it continues to resonate in America. Passage of the Act ended the application of "Jim Crow" laws, which had been upheld by the Supreme Court in the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson, in which the Court held that racial segregation purported to be "separate but equal" was constitutional. The Civil Rights Act was eventually expanded by Congress to strengthen enforcement of these fundamental civil rights.
I know right? When are wealthy white male Harvard graduates going to get a break!
Just when we think you can’t get dumber, you post absolute bullshit like this. Those “suppression” bills actually expanded hours for early voting. But lazy fucks like you want to vote at the very second YOU feel like it and if the place isn’t open then, you cry suppression. Compare that your pants shitter’s state of Delaware. No early voting at all.

These are suppression bills. Georgia banned 24 hour in-person voting. That has nothing to do with election fraud. It also allows Republicans to replace local election officials with partisan hacks.
Hahaha…that’s a clever spin.
So it’s not discriminatory or racist to hire people on two qualifiers….skin color and genitalia?
Either it is or it isn’t…there’s not spin that actually works….ain’t that right Zincwarrior ?

When you are talking about judges, there is nothing racist about getting judges of different backgrounds. You are spinning so much, you are dizzy.
hahaha…and just like that it’s racist to point out racism.
You can’t make this shit up folks.

You are the one who is racist. You didn't want to know the LSAT scores for white judges. You can make up all sort of shit.
So you’d stay discrimination laws until dark people “catch up”…..effectively applying racism to beat racism?
That really makes sense in WokeTardia?

No one is being discriminated against. This is a racist myth. Actively seeking minority candidates is not racism. You inhabit Lalaland.
No one is being discriminated against. This is a racist myth. Actively seeking minority candidates is not racism. You inhabit Lalaland.
Hahaha…you dumbmotherfuckers….”actively seeking“ to hire someone for their skin color and or vagina is the plain definition of discrimination….hahahaha…..You twisted fucks!


dis·crim·i·na·tion | \ di-ˌskri-mə-ˈnā-shən

Definition of discrimination​

1a: prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatmentracial discrimination
b: the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually
These are suppression bills. Georgia banned 24 hour in-person voting. That has nothing to do with election fraud. It also allows Republicans to replace local election officials with partisan hacks.
Just because you really, really want these bills to be voter suppression doesn’t mean they are. How many people are voting in person at 3 or 4 am?
You know why people think you’re a retarded asshole? Because you post stupid shit like this because you’re a drooling idiot with Stage 4 TDS.
Billionaires are “stupid” when compared to TDS infected Leftists who post 10,000 times per year on message boards in cyberspace….just ask g5000
You should do some due dilligence before speaking on issues foreign to you. Don’t let CNN lead you by the nose.
This is from the almost dead dudes website.

Legal Highlight: The Civil Rights Act of 1964​

In the 1960s, Americans who knew only the potential of "equal protection of the laws" expected the president, the Congress, and the courts to fulfill the promise of the 14th Amendment. In response, all three branches of the federal government--as well as the public at large--debated a fundamental constitutional question: Does the Constitution's prohibition of denying equal protection always ban the use of racial, ethnic, or gender criteria in an attempt to bring social justice and social benefits?
In June 1963, President John Kennedy asked Congress for a comprehensive civil rights bill, induced by massive resistance to desegregation and the murder of Medgar Evers. After Kennedy's assassination in November, President Lyndon Johnson pressed hard, with the support of Roy Wilkins and Clarence Mitchell, to secure the bill's passage the following year. In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing. The Act prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It also strengthened the enforcement of voting rights and the desegregation of schools.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the nation's benchmark civil rights legislation, and it continues to resonate in America. Passage of the Act ended the application of "Jim Crow" laws, which had been upheld by the Supreme Court in the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson, in which the Court held that racial segregation purported to be "separate but equal" was constitutional. The Civil Rights Act was eventually expanded by Congress to strengthen enforcement of these fundamental civil rights.
It doesn't apply.
The best of the world is destroying the world as we speak. With hunter-gatherers, everything went back to the soil. Do no harm in other words. How backward can you get right?
Oh, my, my, my, my, my... good-gracious-me... as bad as all that? :badgrin: Tell ya what... give those primitives a choice, then tell us how they decide... :cool:
Which piece of legislation allows government to work around the civil rights act?
Constitution trump's law. Pres picks are per Constitution. Now go back to whining about when hyper rich white anglos are finally going to get a break. Because guess what, neither you nor any of your family or mine are getting that shot.

It's about the Benjamin's.

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