Now Fauci is Going After Your Babies

Illinois has it problems that is for sure. I would not call it a shithole though, there are some fine America loving right wing patriots here.

It is a mostly red state as far as counties...

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Looks what's on Galena Street in Chicago. They don't look like white farmers to me.
I never thought he'd be this crazy.

---Fauci Says Babies Could Be Eligible for Coronavirus Vaccine Early Next Year---

The nerve of this guy. Trying to make our babies healthier. What next? Clothe them and feed the little critters?
Yeah, IL has a lot of area outside of Chicago--too bad they are dictated to by Chicago though.

This is a problem for sure. That is the reason for this...

This is a problem for sure. That is the reason for this...

Good luck with that. Similar movements have been going on for decades in N. CA/S and E OR (state of Jefferson) Eastern WA (state of Liberty) and most recently E. OR & E. WA (state of Greater Idaho). The libs just keep dictating to them.
Good luck with that. Similar movements have been going on for decades in N. CA/S and E OR (state of Jefferson) Eastern WA (state of Liberty) and most recently E. OR & E. WA (state of Greater Idaho). The libs just keep dictating to them.

I know it will not happen, everyone knows it will not happen. Just a way to show displeasure with the way things are. And in Ill it does not matter if you elect Rs or Ds, all are corrupt to the core
Have any of you had children in the last, I don’t know, 50 years?

I swear. If the internet had been around in the 50s we’d still be dealing with polio.
The polio vaccine is an actual vaccination. The covid shots are at best a therapeutic.

Oh, that's right. I forgot that they changed the definition of vaccine to ensure inclusion of the covid shots in the vaccine category.
The polio vaccine is an actual vaccination. The covid shots are at best a therapeutic.

Oh, that's right. I forgot that they changed the definition of vaccine to ensure inclusion of the covid shots in the vaccine category.
Why isn't the COVID shot a vaccine?
Because it didn't provide immunity. 50% effective after three months? <20% after 6 months? Not a vaccine. Protection against hospitilization - check. Very good therapeutic.
Who said it was 50% effective after three months? I mean, it's not 100% effective at 6 months but it's closer to 60-70%, not <20%.

But either way, that's why there's a booster at 6 months.
Maybe you don't understand the definition of "immunity"?
Still waiting to hear how it’s not a vaccine.
I mean, it produces an immune response that protects against an infection.

That’s a vaccine. That’s what vaccines do.
Still waiting to hear how it’s not a vaccine.
I mean, it produces an immune response that protects against an infection.

That’s a vaccine. That’s what vaccines do.
Still waiting to hear how it’s not a vaccine.
I mean, it produces an immune response that protects against an infection.

That’s a vaccine. That’s what vaccines do.
Nice use of the current definition which was changed August 26th to make sure it could meet the definition. Don't play games - just admit your ignorance and move on.
You realize that no vaccine produces 100% immunity, right?

Not even the polio vaccine.
I know it will not happen, everyone knows it will not happen. Just a way to show displeasure with the way things are. And in Ill it does not matter if you elect Rs or Ds, all are corrupt to the core
If people whose families are divided see their relatives die. form the side you will get yours.
Yes, Fauci is insane. Badger has just ordered Kennedy’s book for the simple reason that it has 2200 citations. Formidable. The Real Anthony Fauci. Beware, because now we know that both Catholics, Fau Chi and JoeXi have CIA connections. This violent pedophilia, especially of its dubiously-tested mRNA vaccine, will be used on immature immune systems, forcing the cells of parents’ offspring to make Chinese communist virus parts.
You realize that no vaccine produces 100% immunity, right?

Not even the polio vaccine.
The only absolute is there are no absolutes.

Polio vaccine provides over 99% protection - that isn't even on the same planet. So either your stupid or you're grasping at straws.

I'll give you that I exaggerated the loss of effectiveness against contracting Covid, but I maintain it is a therapeutic. If you read most any study or report on a study of recent origin on the impact of the vaccines, you'll note that it will almost universally point out the use of the "Vaccine" is most advantageous for reducing hospitalization and death rates - not the spread of the Covid virus.

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