Nov 1 2010. " we will punish our enemies!"


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
This was one of Obama's most popular messages during his campaigning. It worked like magic for him. Here he is right in the middle of that sentence on that day during a get out the vote campaign stop.

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Obama was the ultimate conman, but the few times he let he mask slip off, he revealed himself. "You didn't build that!" "You aren't so special, you were just lucky!" "We're going to transform America"! "They cling to their guns and their religion". "I don't know the details, but the Cambridge police acted stupidly". "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon".
This was one of Obama's most popular messages during his campaigning. It worked like magic for him. Here he is right in the middle of that sentence on that day during a get out the vote campaign stop.

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Doesn't this just contribute to the hate between the left and the right? The most informed political analysts claim that a revolution is coming regardless of whether Trump is part of it or not.

I wonder if what we see an hear on this board is truly representative of America proper?
Doesn't this just contribute to the hate between the left and the right? The most informed political analysts claim that a revolution is coming regardless of whether Trump is part of it or not.

I wonder if what we see an hear on this board is truly representative of America proper?
No I don't think it is representative of it. Usually it's the wings that make the headlines.... The majority of the voting base I believe tends to be a great deal more civil than the very loud and flamboyant wings of each party which are the ones usually doing the sparking and the inciting.
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Operation Fast/Furious sent thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. One of the weapons surfaced in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer. What the hell was he thinking? Maybe the drone that killed a U.S. citizen and his son and his friend in a foreign country seemed like a good way to get political support. Almost nothing that the Obama administration did made any sense but his ace in the hole was always support from the mainstream media no matter what he did. Courtesy of the mainstream media we knew every detail of the lives of the Bush family including "W's" college years and his frat parties but everything about Obama was sealed including his freaking birth certificate that no one has ever seen.
Doesn't this just contribute to the hate between the left and the right? The most informed political analysts claim that a revolution is coming regardless of whether Trump is part of it or not.

I wonder if what we see an hear on this board is truly representative of America proper?
There's no hate between the left and right.

The right thinks liberals are the left, but that's deliberate ignorance, not hate.
No I don't think it is representative of it. Usually it's the wings that make the headlines.... The majority of the voting base I believe tends to be a great deal more civil than the very loud and flamboyant wings of each psrty which are the ones usually doing the sparking and the inciting.
Thanks for your opinion.
I've done a lot of reading on the situation and it's very convincing that the political divide is going to widen and turn to violence. All sources are pretty certain that the issues existed before Trump and won't cease even if Trump isn't part of it.
There's no hate between the left and right.

The right thinks liberals are the left, but that's deliberate ignorance, not hate.
I think that you're trying to play it down on account of fear. But your comment is at least something.
Thanks for your opinion.
I've done a lot of reading on the situation and it's very convincing that the political divide is going to widen and turn to violence. All sources are pretty certain that the issues existed before Trump and won't cease even if Trump isn't part of it.
Trump is a highly visible loud mouth. He makes the perfect distraction for the much larger and darker figures that stand in the shadows behind him. Keeping the masses at each other's throats prevents them from uniting which would be the ultimate nightmare for the power brokers who profit off of war, dissent, racial hatred and a variety of other devisive issues that turn to cash and end up in the bank accounts of the parasites who proffer human misery for their own gain.
Trump is a highly visible loud mouth. He makes the perfect distraction for the much larger and darker figures that stand in the shadows behind him. Keeping the masses at each other's throats prevents them from uniting which would be the ultimate nightmare for the power brokers who profit off of war,
A nightmare that can never happen and especially not with uniting under the 'Independent' label. The estimate of experts in the loop is that it couldn't amount to more than 7%.

If you insist, then you would know of some common agenda that could unite the two sides. That would make an interesting discussion! We could see, right on this board whether or not there is any issues that could unite.

Fwiw, my motive is in encouraging some sort of rational discussion and especially at times when the board has turned into spamming and childish trolling. I consider you as at least open to something better.
Thanks for your opinion.
I've done a lot of reading on the situation and it's very convincing that the political divide is going to widen and turn to violence. All sources are pretty certain that the issues existed before Trump and won't cease even if Trump isn't part of it.
Trump is a highly visible loud mouth. He makes the perfect distraction for the much larger and darker figures that stand in the shadows behind him. Keeping the masses at each other's throats prevents them from uniting which would be the ultimate nightmare for the power brokers who profit off of war, dissent, racial hatred and a variety of other devisive issues that turn to cash and end up in the bank accounts
The democrat party is violent.

Geezus.....there ya go.
A nightmare that can never happen and especially not with uniting under the 'Independent' label. The estimate of experts in the loop is that it couldn't amount to more than 7%.

If you insist, then you would know of some common agenda that could unite the two sides. That would make an interesting discussion! We could see, right on this board whether or not there is any issues that could unite.

Fwiw, my motive is in encouraging some sort of rational discussion and especially at times when the board has turned into spamming and childish trolling. I consider you as at least open to something better.
There are many here who mistake me for a die hard Donald Trump fan It just isn't true.

It's just that the left or should I say the anti-Trump crowd display far more visible signs of vitriol and violence than do the mainstream conservatives. They are far abnd away the most intolerant people here which is why I am constantly at odds with them.

However I do find that even with the ones I argue with on a regular basis there is usually some room for agreement.
Anyone who has followed me for any length of time on these boards knows that I will jump on an opportunity to agree with someone even in the middle of an argument if they can prove that their points are just, truthful and well meaning.

There is hope but the battle would be long and very difficult. The forces of chaos are very well practiced and then know exactly how to play on the fears and hatred of the masses they control.
Obama defined Democrats as disingenuous word weasels. He was the biggest racist of any President of my life. He said "America was never great", Pennsylvania people are unsophisticated dweebs who "cling to their guns and Bibles", "declaring young IAs to be dreamers would be unconstitutional" (then he did it), "if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan", He told the Russians "I'll be able to help you more once our elections are over" and on and on. He said and did stupid shit and then used his silver tongue to weasel out of his words. Granny once said "A liar is worse than a thief". That would make Obama one of the lowest lowlifes ever. MAGA
Obama had his part to play in dividing the nation just as Bush II and Trump did and Biden does. The rhetoric from the top just gets worse each POTUS. It is not an accident or a mistake, it is by design.

It is their way of ensuring the sheep keep voting for their beloved party, be it Dem or GOP
Obama had his part to play in dividing the nation just as Bush II and Trump did and Biden does. The rhetoric from the top just gets worse each POTUS. It is not an accident or a mistake, it is by design.

It is their way of ensuring the sheep keep voting for their beloved party, be it Dem or GOP
I just posted a video of democrat violent rhetoric. Post one of Republicans. Go ahead.
This was one of Obama's most popular messages during his campaigning. It worked like magic for him. Here he is right in the middle of that sentence on that day during a get out the vote campaign stop.

View attachment 888753
This is one reason that I have a nagging suspicion that it is mostly Obama holding Biden's marionette strings and calling the shots for this administration. He weaponized government against political enemies during his two terms of office and got caught, but a supportive leftist MSM diverted attention away from him.

And now that process has been escalated in a huge way to take out Donald Trump and intimidate any who might support or help Trump. Donald Trump is by far the biggest threat to those who intend to make America into a Marxist totalitarian state.

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