Note to Canadians: Don't speak ill of Islam...


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May 12, 2015
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What are your opinions on this case?

I read it and don't think she said anything that was out of line. It is apparent there's a systematic effort underway to silence any real scrutiny or questioning of the phenomena of an Islamic political system (including indoctrination and festering of terror cells) cleverly hiding behind its religion cover for protection as it increases it's geographic spread.

I did also note that she is claiming she didn't reference the word "terrorism" in her discussion, but I have to ask, what's wrong with that? If Islamic enabled terrorists walk like a Islamic terrorist duck...quack like an Islamic terrorist duck...explodes and kills people while shouting Allahu Akbar, etc then what are they? Dedicated yet angry Fuller Brush Salesmen committing random workplace violence?

It is what it is... people shouldn't be afraid or restricted to say so

Quebec author faces slander trial for ‘greatly tarnishing’ Muslim school

During a 2012 radio interview, Djemila Benhabib likened a private, Muslim school in Montréal to militant Islamic training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

MONTREAL—A slander trial is set to begin next month pitting a fiercely secular, feminist author against a private, Muslim school in Montreal she likened to militant Islamic training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Djemila Benhabib, an award-winning author and twice-failed Parti Québécois candidate, is claiming freedom of expression, while the school wants $95,000 from her for “greatly tarnishing” its reputation.

----excerpt 2

“(The school) resembles the kind of indoctrination similar to what goes on in a military camp in Afghanistan or Pakistan,” she told the radio host. Moreover, she added the school “models itself on a society different than ours. It’s a model where women have to lower their heads and walk behind men. Where kids are forced to learn Qur’anic verses and where, probably, men will commit honour crimes against their sisters.”

---excerpt 3

Benhabib was born in Ukraine to a Muslim-Algerian father and a Greek-Cypriot mother. She said she “suffered through an Islamic educational system” and has vowed to fight against what she calls “political Islam.

Quebec author faces slander trial for ‘greatly tarnishing’ Muslim school | Toronto Star
Yet another example of the Death of the West.
Canada is opening up their country to thousands of Syrian refugees. I wonder how many jihadists will be among them as they can't be vetted.??

Sure hope Canada doesn't get bit in the ass in their pursuit of more people for their vast empty stretches of country.

I also have to wonder how many of those scum bags will be coming across the border into the US??
It may end up that America is the only truly liberal Western nation left in the world that champions freedom of expression. These European nations, and let's face it, Canada is European too, are simply returning to their illiberal roots. Their setpoint never has and never will be a liberal constitutional republic that emphasizes the right of the individual over government.
Canada is opening up their country to thousands of Syrian refugees. I wonder how many jihadists will be among them as they can't be vetted.??

Sure hope Canada doesn't get bit in the ass in their pursuit of more people for their vast empty stretches of country.

I also have to wonder how many of those scum bags will be coming across the border into the US??

All of the refugees have been vetted. So far, the only terrorist attacks we have had have been committed by people who were born in Canada.

With the exception of 9/11, terrorist attacks in America are almost always white Christians. Timothy McVeigh was a White Christian, Adam Lanz, Dylan Kleibold, almost all of the mass shootings are committed by Christians so maybe you need to blame Christianity for these shootings.

Americans are in much greater danger from white men who go crazy and shoot people for no apparent reason than they are from Muslim terrorists.
It may end up that America is the only truly liberal Western nation left in the world that champions freedom of expression. These European nations, and let's face it, Canada is European too, are simply returning to their illiberal roots. Their setpoint never has and never will be a liberal constitutional republic that emphasizes the right of the individual over government.

And yet you would take away the right of gay people to marry or to receive service.

This woman is be sued for telling harmful lies about this school. Lies which impact on its business and creates animus in the community. She is, quite rightfully, being sued for her lies and the harm they cause.

In Canada, we recognize that telling lies which harm a legal business or individual reputations, should be actionable. This woman could be charged with a hate crime. She's getting off lightly.
Canada is opening up their country to thousands of Syrian refugees. I wonder how many jihadists will be among them as they can't be vetted.??

Sure hope Canada doesn't get bit in the ass in their pursuit of more people for their vast empty stretches of country.

I also have to wonder how many of those scum bags will be coming across the border into the US??

All of the refugees have been vetted. So far, the only terrorist attacks we have had have been committed by people who were born in Canada.

With the exception of 9/11, terrorist attacks in America are almost always white Christians. Timothy McVeigh was a White Christian, Adam Lanz, Dylan Kleibold, almost all of the mass shootings are committed by Christians so maybe you need to blame Christianity for these shootings.

Americans are in much greater danger from white men who go crazy and shoot people for no apparent reason than they are from Muslim terrorists.

Our FBI said they can't be vetted. What you think the Canadians can do a better job??

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino would disagree along with the dead in Paris and Nice about how dangerous Muslims can be. Hell the killer in San Bernardino was a co worker and many called him friend.

Get you head out of your ass.

And yet you would take away the right of gay people to marry or to receive service.

This woman is be sued for telling harmful lies about this school. Lies which impact on its business and creates animus in the community. She is, quite rightfully, being sued for her lies and the harm they cause.

In Canada, we recognize that telling lies which harm a legal business or individual reputations, should be actionable. This woman could be charged with a hate crime. She's getting off lightly.[/QUOTE]

She was giving her opinion. A perception. Why would people want to extinguish the rights of others to consider, evaluate, and formulate and share their thoughts on a matter such as the Islamification of the west?

Oh wait...
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It may end up that America is the only truly liberal Western nation left in the world that champions freedom of expression. These European nations, and let's face it, Canada is European too, are simply returning to their illiberal roots. Their setpoint never has and never will be a liberal constitutional republic that emphasizes the right of the individual over government.
Do not fool yourself. The PC Left is working overtime to destroy individual liberty in the US, and they are succeeding. We have hate crime laws already on the books, which make it a crime to use hateful speech.

Hateful speech does not include yelling Allahu Akbar as you murder innocents.
Canada is opening up their country to thousands of Syrian refugees. I wonder how many jihadists will be among them as they can't be vetted.??

Sure hope Canada doesn't get bit in the ass in their pursuit of more people for their vast empty stretches of country.

I also have to wonder how many of those scum bags will be coming across the border into the US??

All of the refugees have been vetted. So far, the only terrorist attacks we have had have been committed by people who were born in Canada.

With the exception of 9/11, terrorist attacks in America are almost always white Christians. Timothy McVeigh was a White Christian, Adam Lanz, Dylan Kleibold, almost all of the mass shootings are committed by Christians so maybe you need to blame Christianity for these shootings.

Americans are in much greater danger from white men who go crazy and shoot people for no apparent reason than they are from Muslim terrorists.

Sorry, but I don't think you get it. But thank you for that response.
It may end up that America is the only truly liberal Western nation left in the world that champions freedom of expression. These European nations, and let's face it, Canada is European too, are simply returning to their illiberal roots. Their setpoint never has and never will be a liberal constitutional republic that emphasizes the right of the individual over government.
Do not fool yourself. The PC Left is working overtime to destroy individual liberty in the US, and they are succeeding. We have hate crime laws already on the books, which make it a crime to use hateful speech.

Hateful speech does not include yelling Allahu Akbar as you murder innocents.
According to them hate speech includes disagreeing.
It may end up that America is the only truly liberal Western nation left in the world that champions freedom of expression. These European nations, and let's face it, Canada is European too, are simply returning to their illiberal roots. Their setpoint never has and never will be a liberal constitutional republic that emphasizes the right of the individual over government.

And yet you would take away the right of gay people to marry or to receive service.

This woman is be sued for telling harmful lies about this school. Lies which impact on its business and creates animus in the community. She is, quite rightfully, being sued for her lies and the harm they cause.

In Canada, we recognize that telling lies which harm a legal business or individual reputations, should be actionable. This woman could be charged with a hate crime. She's getting off lightly.
What lies did she tell?
Canada is opening up their country to thousands of Syrian refugees. I wonder how many jihadists will be among them as they can't be vetted.??

Sure hope Canada doesn't get bit in the ass in their pursuit of more people for their vast empty stretches of country.

I also have to wonder how many of those scum bags will be coming across the border into the US??

All of the refugees have been vetted. So far, the only terrorist attacks we have had have been committed by people who were born in Canada.

With the exception of 9/11, terrorist attacks in America are almost always white Christians. Timothy McVeigh was a White Christian, Adam Lanz, Dylan Kleibold, almost all of the mass shootings are committed by Christians so maybe you need to blame Christianity for these shootings.

Americans are in much greater danger from white men who go crazy and shoot people for no apparent reason than they are from Muslim terrorists.
First off, I think you're confused about what is terrorism and what is a mass shooting. Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist, but not your other examples.

Lastly, if you want to inject race into the discussion, then the likelihood of being shot by a "crazy white man" is almost ZERO. You are FAR more likely to be shot or beaten to death by a black man.

You are very ignorant.
Pretty soon we will need to build a wall with Canukistan.
Look at the pansy-ass Liberal whack job Prime Minister Canadians elected. What a jerk he is.
All of the refugees have been vetted. So far, the only terrorist attacks we have had have been committed by people who were born in Canada.

With the exception of 9/11, terrorist attacks in America are almost always white Christians. Timothy McVeigh was a White Christian, Adam Lanz, Dylan Kleibold, almost all of the mass shootings are committed by Christians so maybe you need to blame Christianity for these shootings.

Americans are in much greater danger from white men who go crazy and shoot people for no apparent reason than they are from Muslim terrorists.
That is because the nation’s intelligence agencies and security forces have uncovered or foiled a number of terrorist plots, almost all of Islamic nature! But don't include those on your little chart.

Then you tell us McVeigh, et al. were Christians. What a sick excuse machine you are part of. NONE of the THOSE murderers did what they did because they are on some Christian mission or doing it to please Jesus. BIG DIFFERENCE!

If you really believe what you say, I find it utterly disgusting and a mentality that is greatly contributing to destruction of our nation --- or you have simply lost your mind.

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