Not Only That, Millennials


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
But if you all don't learn something useful to contribute to society, you'll be done. Eating rats and cat food.

I can pretty much guarantee the Boomers will spend in retirement every dime due them.

The format of this article is hippie-screwy,, bu the text is revealing.

Generation Screwed
The only ones that saved diligently were those that lived through the great depression and WWII....So suck on it...
The only ones that saved diligently were those that lived through the great depression and WWII....So suck on it...


I'm a Boomer. I saved and invested. My parents were in the Depression and WWII, and passed on the warnings.

I retired from 9-5 work at age 48.

"I've got mine Jack".
The only ones that saved diligently were those that lived through the great depression and WWII....So suck on it...


I'm a Boomer. I saved and invested. My parents were in the Depression and WWII, and passed on the warnings.

I retired from 9-5 work at age 48.

"I've got mine Jack".
I tried retirement, screw that....Too boring...

Well, "retirement" from working for other people.

I have a third career, and am never bored.
The only ones that saved diligently were those that lived through the great depression and WWII....So suck on it...


I'm a Boomer. I saved and invested. My parents were in the Depression and WWII, and passed on the warnings.

I retired from 9-5 work at age 48.

"I've got mine Jack".
I tried retirement, screw that....Too boring...
I have noticed that non Christians and/or leftists are always the ones saying retirement is too boring.

I'm way too busy and I've got about 50 hours of stuff I want to do each day.
But if you all don't learn something useful to contribute to society, you'll be done. Eating rats and cat food.

I can pretty much guarantee the Boomers will spend in retirement every dime due them.

The format of this article is hippie-screwy,, bu the text is revealing.

Generation Screwed
Sounds like the boomers really fucked everyone
The Boomers are parasitic locusts. They have been sucking the marrow from the bones of society since the day they were born. Spoiled rotten by parents who wanted to "give them a better life", they are the epitome of "entitled".

When they were kids, well children received about four times the percentage of the federal budget than they do now. And now that they are retiring, well retirees get about ten times the percentage of the federal budget that their parents received.

I am a boomer, albeit one of the last ones, born in 1962. Basically, you know you are a boomer if you ate a real hamburger in the school cafeteria. Now, well ketchup is a vegetable.

It's telling that when the Boomers were teens they were dropping acid, smoking dope, and spewing about peace and love while protesting the Vietnam war. What did their parents do? They gave them Medicare so that they would have adequate health care in their retirement. Then, as soon as those Boomers aged out of military service they became avid fans of war, supporting wars of aggression that they would not have to fight. They adopted the "Just say no" program and suddenly became opposed to drugs.

While previous generations dutifully paid taxes to support both their children and their parents these assholes began wailing about paying those same taxes and became zealots in their belief that tax cuts would pay for themselves. Their childhood over, and their retirement funded, they suddenly demanded that every other generation "earn" their way. Selfish, self-absorbed locusts.
But if you all don't learn something useful to contribute to society, you'll be done. Eating rats and cat food.

I can pretty much guarantee the Boomers will spend in retirement every dime due them.

The format of this article is hippie-screwy,, bu the text is revealing.

Generation Screwed
Sounds like the boomers really fucked everyone

How so? They were forced into the system. That they've come to collect is no surprise.
The only ones that saved diligently were those that lived through the great depression and WWII....So suck on it...


I'm a Boomer. I saved and invested. My parents were in the Depression and WWII, and passed on the warnings.

I retired from 9-5 work at age 48.

"I've got mine Jack".
I tried retirement, screw that....Too boring...

Well, "retirement" from working for other people.

I have a third career, and am never bored.
I worked for myself for 25 years..I still don't like the boss..
The Boomers are parasitic locusts. They have been sucking the marrow from the bones of society since the day they were born. Spoiled rotten by parents who wanted to "give them a better life", they are the epitome of "entitled".

When they were kids, well children received about four times the percentage of the federal budget than they do now. And now that they are retiring, well retirees get about ten times the percentage of the federal budget that their parents received.

I am a boomer, albeit one of the last ones, born in 1962. Basically, you know you are a boomer if you ate a real hamburger in the school cafeteria. Now, well ketchup is a vegetable.

It's telling that when the Boomers were teens they were dropping acid, smoking dope, and spewing about peace and love while protesting the Vietnam war. What did their parents do? They gave them Medicare so that they would have adequate health care in their retirement. Then, as soon as those Boomers aged out of military service they became avid fans of war, supporting wars of aggression that they would not have to fight. They adopted the "Just say no" program and suddenly became opposed to drugs.

While previous generations dutifully paid taxes to support both their children and their parents these assholes began wailing about paying those same taxes and became zealots in their belief that tax cuts would pay for themselves. Their childhood over, and their retirement funded, they suddenly demanded that every other generation "earn" their way. Selfish, self-absorbed locusts.
I grew up having to start work at 14 to help support the family, as far as the rest of that propaganda you push it's hardly accurate...Just Say No came from the generations before the boomers...idiot...
The only ones that saved diligently were those that lived through the great depression and WWII....So suck on it...


I'm a Boomer. I saved and invested. My parents were in the Depression and WWII, and passed on the warnings.

I retired from 9-5 work at age 48.

"I've got mine Jack".
I tried retirement, screw that....Too boring...
I have noticed that non Christians and/or leftists are always the ones saying retirement is too boring.

I'm way too busy and I've got about 50 hours of stuff I want to do each day.
Whoop dee doo, not everyone enjoys retirement bitch..So get used to it...Maybe when I am 75-80 I'll try again, right now I have things I want to do..
A lot of these kids are going to die on the side of the street when assholes like the OP have their way. It will be shocking to see the pain we will see in this nation when our safetynet is done away with. True evil.
Why aren't you out on the street helping kids then if the situation is so dire?

Oh yeah, you're a leftist. And leftists do nothing to help the poor except raise their energy bills and taxes they must pay.
The Boomers are parasitic locusts. They have been sucking the marrow from the bones of society since the day they were born. Spoiled rotten by parents who wanted to "give them a better life", they are the epitome of "entitled".

When they were kids, well children received about four times the percentage of the federal budget than they do now. And now that they are retiring, well retirees get about ten times the percentage of the federal budget that their parents received.

I am a boomer, albeit one of the last ones, born in 1962. Basically, you know you are a boomer if you ate a real hamburger in the school cafeteria. Now, well ketchup is a vegetable.

It's telling that when the Boomers were teens they were dropping acid, smoking dope, and spewing about peace and love while protesting the Vietnam war. What did their parents do? They gave them Medicare so that they would have adequate health care in their retirement. Then, as soon as those Boomers aged out of military service they became avid fans of war, supporting wars of aggression that they would not have to fight. They adopted the "Just say no" program and suddenly became opposed to drugs.

While previous generations dutifully paid taxes to support both their children and their parents these assholes began wailing about paying those same taxes and became zealots in their belief that tax cuts would pay for themselves. Their childhood over, and their retirement funded, they suddenly demanded that every other generation "earn" their way. Selfish, self-absorbed locusts.
I grew up having to start work at 14 to help support the family, as far as the rest of that propaganda you push it's hardly accurate...Just Say No came from the generations before the boomers...idiot...

No, just say no came in the 80's, when the first Boomers were entering their thirties. The age cohort, 27-38, voted to re-elect Reagan higher than any group except the younger cohort, 18-26. In short, it was those Boomers that gifted us Ronald Reagan. And to punctuate that reality, it was economic reasons, "greed" to be specific, that fueled that support. Check out this article released a few days before the election in 1984.

The Boomers are parasitic locusts. They have been sucking the marrow from the bones of society since the day they were born. Spoiled rotten by parents who wanted to "give them a better life", they are the epitome of "entitled".

When they were kids, well children received about four times the percentage of the federal budget than they do now. And now that they are retiring, well retirees get about ten times the percentage of the federal budget that their parents received.

I am a boomer, albeit one of the last ones, born in 1962. Basically, you know you are a boomer if you ate a real hamburger in the school cafeteria. Now, well ketchup is a vegetable.

It's telling that when the Boomers were teens they were dropping acid, smoking dope, and spewing about peace and love while protesting the Vietnam war. What did their parents do? They gave them Medicare so that they would have adequate health care in their retirement. Then, as soon as those Boomers aged out of military service they became avid fans of war, supporting wars of aggression that they would not have to fight. They adopted the "Just say no" program and suddenly became opposed to drugs.

While previous generations dutifully paid taxes to support both their children and their parents these assholes began wailing about paying those same taxes and became zealots in their belief that tax cuts would pay for themselves. Their childhood over, and their retirement funded, they suddenly demanded that every other generation "earn" their way. Selfish, self-absorbed locusts.
I grew up having to start work at 14 to help support the family, as far as the rest of that propaganda you push it's hardly accurate...Just Say No came from the generations before the boomers...idiot...

No, just say no came in the 80's, when the first Boomers were entering their thirties. The age cohort, 27-38, voted to re-elect Reagan higher than any group except the younger cohort, 18-26. In short, it was those Boomers that gifted us Ronald Reagan. And to punctuate that reality, it was economic reasons, "greed" to be specific, that fueled that support. Check out this article released a few days before the election in 1984.

Just Say No was pushed by the older generation that liked war also, Reagan was no baby boomer...
A lot of these kids are going to die on the side of the street when assholes like the OP have their way. It will be shocking to see the pain we will see in this nation when our safetynet is done away with. True evil.
That is the best definition of what liberals want for us I have seen! Thank you!
A lot of these kids are going to die on the side of the street when assholes like the OP have their way. It will be shocking to see the pain we will see in this nation when our safetynet is done away with. True evil.

As soon as you leave the womb cons could not care less if you die in the swaddling cloth as long as they don't have to pay to clean it afterwards.

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