"Not normal": Joe Biden attacks our democracy with blatant assault on Supreme Court

This guy is an insurrectionist.

The SCOTUS has had to right another terrible, racist wrong the left has kept alive for far too long, and Racist-in-Chief Joe Biden is not happy about it at all.

Well, fuck him.

President Joe Biden slammed the U.S. Supreme Court for its decision striking down racial preferences in college admissions on Thursday, declaring in the White House: “This is not a normal court.”

Biden scheduled a press event to react to the decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, in which a group representing Asian-American students sued Harvard and the University of North Carolina over their affirmative action programs. The court struck down racial preferences in college admissions that could not meet the “strict scrutiny” standards of the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment.
the left is trying to stir up anger and violence with their base to distract from Bidens failings .
Because there are too few Asians to matter to the democrats.......wait till black Americans find out the democrats don't need them anymore as more and more illegals flood the country...they too will be very surprised....
The problem is this keeps going on and we are being transformed as Obama said. Minor victories are only delaying the inevitable.
The TRUMPcourt has demonstrated a complete lack of compassion
Asians like the decision ..
Right wing radicals have pretty much gotten everything they wanted. The only issue Republicans didn't win is on the independent legislatures theory. This is clearly a partisan Supreme Court.
Either this guy is trying push buttons or he’s a true imbecile.
This guy is an insurrectionist.

The SCOTUS has had to right another terrible, racist wrong the left has kept alive for far too long, and Racist-in-Chief Joe Biden is not happy about it at all.

Well, fuck him.

President Joe Biden slammed the U.S. Supreme Court for its decision striking down racial preferences in college admissions on Thursday, declaring in the White House: “This is not a normal court.”

Biden scheduled a press event to react to the decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, in which a group representing Asian-American students sued Harvard and the University of North Carolina over their affirmative action programs. The court struck down racial preferences in college admissions that could not meet the “strict scrutiny” standards of the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment.
/——-/ Who takes this senile old man seriously anyway? Biden wanders off set as Nicolle Wallace wraps softball MSNBC interview
This guy is an insurrectionist.

The SCOTUS has had to right another terrible, racist wrong the left has kept alive for far too long, and Racist-in-Chief Joe Biden is not happy about it at all.

Well, fuck him.

President Joe Biden slammed the U.S. Supreme Court for its decision striking down racial preferences in college admissions on Thursday, declaring in the White House: “This is not a normal court.”

Biden scheduled a press event to react to the decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, in which a group representing Asian-American students sued Harvard and the University of North Carolina over their affirmative action programs. The court struck down racial preferences in college admissions that could not meet the “strict scrutiny” standards of the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment.
this is a common trend within tyrannical leftist regimes to attack and undermine the judicial branch
Asians like the decision ..

They thought democrats were punching out old Asian Americans before........wait till the democrat party Borg queen puts out the word on this ruling....Asian Americans better watch themselves.....democrats are more than willing to commit violence...
Right wing radicals have pretty much gotten everything they wanted. The only issue Republicans didn't win is on the independent legislatures theory. This is clearly a partisan Supreme Court.

Interesting. I don't recall lunatics like you whining about the Supreme Court throughout most of the 20th century when they were implementing your agenda through judicial fiat and rewriting the Constitution to mean things it never meant in the past. Now that they are actually enforcing the document as written they're "partisan" and "insurrectionists." The fact of the matter is you're simply a fucking nut job who needs to grow up.
The Supreme Court are the insurrectionists. DSe3mocrats ne3ed to run against this radical right wing Supreme Court. We definitely need to expand the courts. The Supreme Court is the racist, sexist, bigoted body. The Supreme Court should be the issue in 2024.

Shut up asshole, go cry in your panties.
Interesting. I don't recall lunatics like you whining about the Supreme Court throughout most of the 20th century when they were implementing your agenda through judicial fiat and rewriting the Constitution to mean things it never meant in the past. Now that they are actually enforcing the document as written they're "partisan" and "insurrectionists." The fact of the matter is you're simply a fucking nut job who needs to grow up.



Excellent post....thank you..........
“This is not a normal court.”
I think he was thinking about the country since the vegetable, democrats and the DNC took it over in 2021. The country hasn't been normal since that date although it can be traced further back to Obummer's first inauguration. The slight respite we felt in the four years, 2017-2021 was in spite of the vindictive and anti-American democrats.
Biden served under the first black President
He also selected the first woman and first black Vice President
He also appointed the first black woman to the Supreme Court

Serious cred
wow women and black peoples i high office?!? your demaklan is decades late

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