Not laughing now, are you?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

Ok I see. The left won't touch this one with a ten foot pole. If you goobers truly believe the "Russian Collusion" hype you're being fed, then why aren't you paying homage to the great anti-Communists like Joe McCarthy, John Birch, and Augusto Pinochet?

This is a teachable moment here and like they say, "A conservative is only a liberal who got mugged". If you truly believe that Communists have tainted your political system, then this is your "mugging"

So quit idolizing your fake Marxist wanna-be posers like Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, the DNC and the Democrat Party and wake the hell up. Ok?

Peace out.
When I think of Democrats and their impact on America, I recall this quote.


The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

every RW Trumpdrone in the country has gone full blown KGB ass licker.

everyone/anyone thats ever considered the conservatives are puking on their shoes .
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

Your attack on Trump is noted.
Remember when the left laughed when Romney called Russia America’s “number one geopolitical foe.” ?

They sneered and snickered and thought he was living in the past.
So-called McCarthyism is one of the modern media's biggest wins. It probably would have been proved to be bull shit in the internet age.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"
Yep.....for decades liberals poo poo'ed the premise of Russian spies in America.
Now, as with everything, Democrats have literally coopted the idea and expanded the premise exponentially.
This is what you can do if you control the media.
You can tell everyone the sky is red and even the most cynical person feels it's a possibility.
Come on now. I want to hear you leftists say it:

"You were right Senator Joe. We're sorry we didn't believe you".

The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

So, what you're saying is, that because the left think the Russians are trying to play games now, that it must have happened before? That's not logical.
Remember when liberals didn't post a 1000 lies a day? Me neither. Funny though how the libtards fully embraced Clintons criminal dealing with the Russians, huh?
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

So, what you're saying is, that because the left think the Russians are trying to play games now, that it must have happened before? That's not logical.

Let me hear you say it: Senator McCarthy was right.

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