Not guns, criminals...focus on actual criminals and you actually lower the crime rate...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The truth about crime...tiny numbers of people in tiny sections of a city cause almost all of the crime...

First, crime is heavily concentrated by place. As a general matter, 5 percent of the locations in a given city account for 50 percent of that city’s crime. This finding has been replicated so often that it is sometimes referred to as “the law of crime concentration.” As David Weisburd and Taryn Zastrow note in a recent Manhattan Institute report, “there is tremendous consistency in the degree to which crime is concentrated at hot spots across cities.” This is not just a matter of neighborhoods: between 3 percent and 5 percent of specific addresses on city blocks generate 50 percent or more of reported crimes. And if the focus is strictly on violent crime, such as shootings, then even fewer locations—perhaps a drug house or a liquor-store check-cashing operation—are magnets for an even greater percentage of violent crime.

This first rule has important implications for law enforcement. Identifying and concentrating on hot spots can yield big rewards. Merely parking a patrol car outside of these addresses can lessen crime; even better to identify what exactly is going on there. Some crime may be displaced to other locations when the police shut down hot spots, but evidence shows that suppressing crime at these magnet addresses may create a diffusion of benefits that extends beyond the hot spot. After all, setting up another stash house or problematic liquor store is not always so simple.

Second, violent crime is heavily concentrated in a relatively few individuals. In general,
5 percent of the criminal offenders (not 5 percent of the general population) in a given city commit about 50 percent of that city’s violent crime. One study found that just 1 percent of offenders were responsible for over 60 percent of violent crime.

The concentration of crime among people reinforces the need for precision policing. If the police and prosecutors are able to focus on this high-offending cohort, they can respond with enhanced investigative efforts and increase the chance that these “violence generators” will face arrest, conviction, and sentencing for their crimes. Identifying the small fraction of the most dangerous criminals and taking them out of circulation reduces the violent crime rate—in a recent paper, Penn criminologist Aaron Chalfin notes that when the NYPD arrested and prosecuted members of violent criminal gangs, gun violence in gang areas fell by approximately one-third in the first year after a gang takedown. Focusing on the worst of the worst also eases the load on the criminal-justice system. In a hypothetical city of 1.5 million people with 100,000 criminal offenders, the police department has an achievable goal of targeting 5,000 violent offenders, rather than the Sisyphean task of proactively monitoring every criminal. Creative diversion programs for low-risk offenders can also preserve space in correctional facilities.

So...when the democrat party keeps releasing that 1-5% of the most violent offenders, over and over again, they drive the gun crime rate and all the other crime rates............

This is why we need to control the democrat party...they don't care about stopping crime.
The truth about crime...tiny numbers of people in tiny sections of a city cause almost all of the crime...

Haven't you ever noticed how ghettos or bad parts of "town" never really improve even though the local government could change those areas for the better almost overnight? I mean come on, 2A, get with the program. Without shithole, crime-ridden ghettos, gangsters, rapists and robbers and drug dealers prosecutors would have no means to rise up in their careers and police would have no one to arrest and politicians would have no one to enslave in poverty. Of course it's not about the guns . . . never has been.
Cops are not interested in stopping crime they would not have a job if they did, so instead they inflate the cases of crime and even organize gangs to commit crimes.
The truth about crime...tiny numbers of people in tiny sections of a city cause almost all of the crime...

First, crime is heavily concentrated by place. As a general matter, 5 percent of the locations in a given city account for 50 percent of that city’s crime. This finding has been replicated so often that it is sometimes referred to as “the law of crime concentration.” As David Weisburd and Taryn Zastrow note in a recent Manhattan Institute report, “there is tremendous consistency in the degree to which crime is concentrated at hot spots across cities.” This is not just a matter of neighborhoods: between 3 percent and 5 percent of specific addresses on city blocks generate 50 percent or more of reported crimes. And if the focus is strictly on violent crime, such as shootings, then even fewer locations—perhaps a drug house or a liquor-store check-cashing operation—are magnets for an even greater percentage of violent crime.

This first rule has important implications for law enforcement. Identifying and concentrating on hot spots can yield big rewards. Merely parking a patrol car outside of these addresses can lessen crime; even better to identify what exactly is going on there. Some crime may be displaced to other locations when the police shut down hot spots, but evidence shows that suppressing crime at these magnet addresses may create a diffusion of benefits that extends beyond the hot spot. After all, setting up another stash house or problematic liquor store is not always so simple.

Second, violent crime is heavily concentrated in a relatively few individuals. In general,
5 percent of the criminal offenders (not 5 percent of the general population) in a given city commit about 50 percent of that city’s violent crime. One study found that just 1 percent of offenders were responsible for over 60 percent of violent crime.

The concentration of crime among people reinforces the need for precision policing. If the police and prosecutors are able to focus on this high-offending cohort, they can respond with enhanced investigative efforts and increase the chance that these “violence generators” will face arrest, conviction, and sentencing for their crimes. Identifying the small fraction of the most dangerous criminals and taking them out of circulation reduces the violent crime rate—in a recent paper, Penn criminologist Aaron Chalfin notes that when the NYPD arrested and prosecuted members of violent criminal gangs, gun violence in gang areas fell by approximately one-third in the first year after a gang takedown. Focusing on the worst of the worst also eases the load on the criminal-justice system. In a hypothetical city of 1.5 million people with 100,000 criminal offenders, the police department has an achievable goal of targeting 5,000 violent offenders, rather than the Sisyphean task of proactively monitoring every criminal. Creative diversion programs for low-risk offenders can also preserve space in correctional facilities.

So...when the democrat party keeps releasing that 1-5% of the most violent offenders, over and over again, they drive the gun crime rate and all the other crime rates............

This is why we need to control the democrat party...they don't care about stopping crime.
Saw your post headline and thought, "right on", not guns but criminals, "focus on the criminal". Then read your post and not about the criminal, just an attack on democrats. You call yourself 2aguy, but should be repagainstdem guy. People having guns does not bother me, though idiots with guns does.
Typical Democrats you meet on the street, do not bother me, possibly because they are typically not inclined to be obnoxious about their support around here and almost no nut balls in evidence here, just people going about their lives.
Normal republicans don't bother me, though they will make comment seeking like-minded, but shut the hell up if you don't jump on board to commiserate against Dems or anti-gun nuts, or blacks, or Biden, or even the abortion issue. I do meet some, visibly irritated at lack of support, but residual military bearing seems to keep them at bay, and they drop it, even though they are unknown or uncertain of my background. It's another gift that keeps on giving, that I never appear a willing compliant victim to much or anybody.
So I figure, hell with your post as you are just another radical right, trying to mislead while seeking support of some kind. Try to figure out your issue of the moment and keep a single train of thought, throughout your post, if you have that ability. If not, be content to be relegated to the ones nobody cares to listen to, just like they say you were thinking before 2016.
Saw your post headline and thought, "right on", not guns but criminals, "focus on the criminal". Then read your post and not about the criminal, just an attack on democrats. You call yourself 2aguy, but should be repagainstdem guy. People having guns does not bother me, though idiots with guns does.
Typical Democrats you meet on the street, do not bother me, possibly because they are typically not inclined to be obnoxious about their support around here and almost no nut balls in evidence here, just people going about their lives.
Normal republicans don't bother me, though they will make comment seeking like-minded, but shut the hell up if you don't jump on board to commiserate against Dems or anti-gun nuts, or blacks, or Biden, or even the abortion issue. I do meet some, visibly irritated at lack of support, but residual military bearing seems to keep them at bay, and they drop it, even though they are unknown or uncertain of my background. It's another gift that keeps on giving, that I never appear a willing compliant victim to much or anybody.
So I figure, hell with your post as you are just another radical right, trying to mislead while seeking support of some kind. Try to figure out your issue of the moment and keep a single train of thought, throughout your post, if you have that ability. If not, be content to be relegated to the ones nobody cares to listen to, just like they say you were thinking before 2016.

The democrat party through it's policies, judges and prosecutors are releasing the violent criminals in cities around the country. You can make yourself feel good by claiming to be "above it," but that is just stupid. I have shown the policies, I have shown the releasing of the criminals.....

1) since 2015 the democrat party, using blm and antifa have launched relentless attacks on our police......the police have stopped pro-active policing.

2) Since 2015, the democrat party prosecutors have stopped prosecuting all sorts of crime, and are now dropping charges on violent gun criminals in our major cities......

3) democrat party judges are releasing known, violent, repeat gun offenders on bail, often no-cash bail, home monitoring, where they go back to the very neighborhoods where they shot or murdered people.....and then the community stops cooperating with the police since turning in the criminals does not result in their being removed from the neighborhood...
The democrat party through it's policies, judges and prosecutors are releasing the violent criminals in cities around the country. You can make yourself feel good by claiming to be "above it," but that is just stupid. I have shown the policies, I have shown the releasing of the criminals.....

1) since 2015 the democrat party, using blm and antifa have launched relentless attacks on our police......the police have stopped pro-active policing.

2) Since 2015, the democrat party prosecutors have stopped prosecuting all sorts of crime, and are now dropping charges on violent gun criminals in our major cities......

3) democrat party judges are releasing known, violent, repeat gun offenders on bail, often no-cash bail, home monitoring, where they go back to the very neighborhoods where they shot or murdered people.....and then the community stops cooperating with the police since turning in the criminals does not result in their being removed from the neighborhood...
Perhaps you should have used something, such as your thesis statement in the opening paragraph of this post as your thread title.
The truth about crime...tiny numbers of people in tiny sections of a city cause almost all of the crime...

First, crime is heavily concentrated by place. As a general matter, 5 percent of the locations in a given city account for 50 percent of that city’s crime. This finding has been replicated so often that it is sometimes referred to as “the law of crime concentration.” As David Weisburd and Taryn Zastrow note in a recent Manhattan Institute report, “there is tremendous consistency in the degree to which crime is concentrated at hot spots across cities.” This is not just a matter of neighborhoods: between 3 percent and 5 percent of specific addresses on city blocks generate 50 percent or more of reported crimes. And if the focus is strictly on violent crime, such as shootings, then even fewer locations—perhaps a drug house or a liquor-store check-cashing operation—are magnets for an even greater percentage of violent crime.

This first rule has important implications for law enforcement. Identifying and concentrating on hot spots can yield big rewards. Merely parking a patrol car outside of these addresses can lessen crime; even better to identify what exactly is going on there. Some crime may be displaced to other locations when the police shut down hot spots, but evidence shows that suppressing crime at these magnet addresses may create a diffusion of benefits that extends beyond the hot spot. After all, setting up another stash house or problematic liquor store is not always so simple.

Second, violent crime is heavily concentrated in a relatively few individuals. In general,
5 percent of the criminal offenders (not 5 percent of the general population) in a given city commit about 50 percent of that city’s violent crime. One study found that just 1 percent of offenders were responsible for over 60 percent of violent crime.

The concentration of crime among people reinforces the need for precision policing. If the police and prosecutors are able to focus on this high-offending cohort, they can respond with enhanced investigative efforts and increase the chance that these “violence generators” will face arrest, conviction, and sentencing for their crimes. Identifying the small fraction of the most dangerous criminals and taking them out of circulation reduces the violent crime rate—in a recent paper, Penn criminologist Aaron Chalfin notes that when the NYPD arrested and prosecuted members of violent criminal gangs, gun violence in gang areas fell by approximately one-third in the first year after a gang takedown. Focusing on the worst of the worst also eases the load on the criminal-justice system. In a hypothetical city of 1.5 million people with 100,000 criminal offenders, the police department has an achievable goal of targeting 5,000 violent offenders, rather than the Sisyphean task of proactively monitoring every criminal. Creative diversion programs for low-risk offenders can also preserve space in correctional facilities.

So...when the democrat party keeps releasing that 1-5% of the most violent offenders, over and over again, they drive the gun crime rate and all the other crime rates............

This is why we need to control the democrat party...they don't care about stopping crime.
They're never going to do that, it's too hard. Besides, the criminals can fight back, the guns can't :)
The truth about crime...tiny numbers of people in tiny sections of a city cause almost all of the crime...

First, crime is heavily concentrated by place. As a general matter, 5 percent of the locations in a given city account for 50 percent of that city’s crime. This finding has been replicated so often that it is sometimes referred to as “the law of crime concentration.” As David Weisburd and Taryn Zastrow note in a recent Manhattan Institute report, “there is tremendous consistency in the degree to which crime is concentrated at hot spots across cities.” This is not just a matter of neighborhoods: between 3 percent and 5 percent of specific addresses on city blocks generate 50 percent or more of reported crimes. And if the focus is strictly on violent crime, such as shootings, then even fewer locations—perhaps a drug house or a liquor-store check-cashing operation—are magnets for an even greater percentage of violent crime.

This first rule has important implications for law enforcement. Identifying and concentrating on hot spots can yield big rewards. Merely parking a patrol car outside of these addresses can lessen crime; even better to identify what exactly is going on there. Some crime may be displaced to other locations when the police shut down hot spots, but evidence shows that suppressing crime at these magnet addresses may create a diffusion of benefits that extends beyond the hot spot. After all, setting up another stash house or problematic liquor store is not always so simple.

Second, violent crime is heavily concentrated in a relatively few individuals. In general,
5 percent of the criminal offenders (not 5 percent of the general population) in a given city commit about 50 percent of that city’s violent crime. One study found that just 1 percent of offenders were responsible for over 60 percent of violent crime.

The concentration of crime among people reinforces the need for precision policing. If the police and prosecutors are able to focus on this high-offending cohort, they can respond with enhanced investigative efforts and increase the chance that these “violence generators” will face arrest, conviction, and sentencing for their crimes. Identifying the small fraction of the most dangerous criminals and taking them out of circulation reduces the violent crime rate—in a recent paper, Penn criminologist Aaron Chalfin notes that when the NYPD arrested and prosecuted members of violent criminal gangs, gun violence in gang areas fell by approximately one-third in the first year after a gang takedown. Focusing on the worst of the worst also eases the load on the criminal-justice system. In a hypothetical city of 1.5 million people with 100,000 criminal offenders, the police department has an achievable goal of targeting 5,000 violent offenders, rather than the Sisyphean task of proactively monitoring every criminal. Creative diversion programs for low-risk offenders can also preserve space in correctional facilities.

So...when the democrat party keeps releasing that 1-5% of the most violent offenders, over and over again, they drive the gun crime rate and all the other crime rates............

This is why we need to control the democrat party...they don't care about stopping crime.
Kirk, It starts tiny, like the ghosts towns that are only interested in making money. People see that thinking that only happened there, not visualizing that, on the enter planet. The mad dash of take, take, take to make money, will not have a good end.

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