Not gonna lie; I underestimated Trump

You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Republicans themselves will tell you that their party now revolves around Trump worship. Even Cruz and Graham, once outspoken critics of Trump, are now his poodles. I am wrong about this somehow? I think it's pretty obvious what has happened. But you're welcome to your opinion I suppose.

You were told that long ago. You were just too stupid to accept it. Trump defeated the Republican elites before he went after the Democrats. He kicks your ass daily because you are still mired in the past waiting for Republicans to play the role assigned to them by the liberals. Trump doesnt follow your rules.
Maybe its dawning on you now. You are shocked to realize that Trump is what he said. An outsider come to drain the swamp of both parties.
How long did it suit you those politics as usual?

And since you are so slow on the uptake I'll give you a little spoiler. Its only going to get worse for you...the Democrats and the Republican elites. His second term...three Supreme Court Justices up by going to penetrate even your dense skull that things have changed.

We shall see. But if you think Trump has anyone's interests at heart but his own, I'm sorry to say that you're the delusional one. Or, at least. even more delusional than yours truly, in the event that I'm deluded.

Personally, I don't think worshiping a human being is good or healthy.

You have already admitted to being deluded. And to your shock at realizing Trump is not just another Republican. You've got some catching up to do.
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

“They don't stand for anything really.”
Huh...are you stupid or just not paying attention?
“Americans First”, “Fuck Wetbacks”, deregulation, law and order, military and middle class prosperity are pretty meaningful things to “stand for”
Yeah he really honored our dead soldiers today A little rain ,,might have spoiled his hair

What the hell do you care about dead American soldiers? It's no secret how you leftists hate the military. Hell, you even elected a President who gave billions of dollars to Iran, who used some of it to finance the killing of American soldiers in the Middle East.

Stop with the phony patriotism already. You're not fooling anyone.

They elected a president who said, and I quote..."I despise the military".
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Republicans themselves will tell you that their party now revolves around Trump worship. Even Cruz and Graham, once outspoken critics of Trump, are now his poodles. I am wrong about this somehow? I think it's pretty obvious what has happened. But you're welcome to your opinion I suppose.
Indeed it is obvious what has happened. Media fed loons are wailing.

View attachment 228051

The media is your boy's best friend. They can't stop talking about him long enough to give anyone else airtime. He owes his political position to CNN and MSN, not to mention FOX. It's a wonder that he's so ungrateful for their support.
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

“They don't stand for anything really.”
Huh...are you stupid or just not paying attention?
“Americans First”, “Fuck Wetbacks”, deregulation, law and order, military and middle class prosperity are pretty meaningful things to “stand for”
Yeah he really honored our dead soldiers today A little rain ,,might have spoiled his hair

What the hell do you care about dead American soldiers? It's no secret how you leftists hate the military. Hell, you even elected a President who gave billions of dollars to Iran, who used some of it to finance the killing of American soldiers in the Middle East.

Stop with the phony patriotism already. You're not fooling anyone.

They elected a president who said, and I quote..."I despise the military".
Please show me that link Until that it's nothing but a dirty fn republican lie
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Republicans themselves will tell you that their party now revolves around Trump worship. Even Cruz and Graham, once outspoken critics of Trump, are now his poodles. I am wrong about this somehow? I think it's pretty obvious what has happened. But you're welcome to your opinion I suppose.

You were told that long ago. You were just too stupid to accept it. Trump defeated the Republican elites before he went after the Democrats. He kicks your ass daily because you are still mired in the past waiting for Republicans to play the role assigned to them by the liberals. Trump doesnt follow your rules.
Maybe its dawning on you now. You are shocked to realize that Trump is what he said. An outsider come to drain the swamp of both parties.
How long did it suit you those politics as usual?

And since you are so slow on the uptake I'll give you a little spoiler. Its only going to get worse for you...the Democrats and the Republican elites. His second term...three Supreme Court Justices up by going to penetrate even your dense skull that things have changed.

We shall see. But if you think Trump has anyone's interests at heart but his own, I'm sorry to say that you're the delusional one. Or, at least. even more delusional than yours truly, in the event that I'm deluded.

Personally, I don't think worshiping a human being is good or healthy.
Interests ?? Trump is making millions as president AGAINST the emoluments clause The dem house is going to nail the SOB

Been hearing that for two years now. Trying for three?
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

Trump's losses in 2018? What losses are those, John? I saw a President campaigning out on the stump and preventing the huge losses that both Obama and Bush had in their first mid term elections. Both of them lost seats in the Senate...Trump gained them and did so because of his own popularity!
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

Sure you're not talking about Antifa, John? Your description sure sounds like them!
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

I have to admit I was surprised too. In the book “Fear” by Bob Woodward, he was portrayed as at least being present in some parts of the White House. I found that surprising he was as interested as he was in policy. It was backwards and embarrassing for him but at least he had an opinion about things.
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

Trump's losses in 2018? What losses are those, John? I saw a President campaigning out on the stump and preventing the huge losses that both Obama and Bush had in their first mid term elections. Both of them lost seats in the Senate...Trump gained them and did so because of his own popularity!

Weren't there like 23 contested seats holding democrats and only 9 holding republicans? Not 100% on the numbers but it was somewhere in that area. I think that played the most important role in their senate wins. Democrats had more than 2 times as many seats to defend.
Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

You call that praise?
All you admitted to is Trump whooping your ass and then adding some partisan bullshit to ease the butthurt.

Trump and I have never met. I never ran for office, and I'm not a partisan.

And believe it or not, I don't hate Trump. He is the same as he's always been; a con-artist, a huckster, a snake oil salesman, and a brilliant marketer. I just don't think those are good qualities for a president to have. If there were a normal republican president in office, I'd probably be pretty happy right now. Actually, I'm the perfect type of person that the republicans should be pursuing for their future electorate, yet I'm an independent instead of a republican. Why? Because at this point, there is no republican party.
..I guess you think a good POTUS should hate America/hate whites/hate cops like Obama?
...a good politician should try to please everyone all the time while screwing over the US?
...he is making common sense decisions that should've been enacted decades ago--plain and simple

I wasn't a big fan of Obama either. He was just better at making speeches.
hitler was VERY good at making speeches
Every possible way here heading in the right direction 3 to 4 times better than that been in 10 years and these guys want to buy back the cash for Kroger brand do you buy voice text using an Apple phone join the 21st-century well, more downtime on Superman’s cape

Do you realize how hard it is to read a run-on sentence with no punctuation? Please, for the love of God, make use of the comma.and period, please.
Mutts That Are Nuts

No wonder his username is from a dog with rabies.
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

I have to admit I was surprised too. In the book “Fear” by Bob Woodward, he was portrayed as at least being present in some parts of the White House. I found that surprising he was as interested as he was in policy. It was backwards and embarrassing for him but at least he had an opinion about things.

LOL...sure are a lot of "surprised" liberals posting on this board! Oh, bought into the talking points that Trump was an idiot? How embarrassing for you...
Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

You call that praise?
All you admitted to is Trump whooping your ass and then adding some partisan bullshit to ease the butthurt.

Trump and I have never met. I never ran for office, and I'm not a partisan.

And believe it or not, I don't hate Trump. He is the same as he's always been; a con-artist, a huckster, a snake oil salesman, and a brilliant marketer. I just don't think those are good qualities for a president to have. If there were a normal republican president in office, I'd probably be pretty happy right now. Actually, I'm the perfect type of person that the republicans should be pursuing for their future electorate, yet I'm an independent instead of a republican. Why? Because at this point, there is no republican party.
..I guess you think a good POTUS should hate America/hate whites/hate cops like Obama?
...a good politician should try to please everyone all the time while screwing over the US?
...he is making common sense decisions that should've been enacted decades ago--plain and simple

I wasn't a big fan of Obama either. He was just better at making speeches.
Why Hitler was such a successful orator
'A born natural orator': Irish student's account of Hitler in 1921 emerges
7 People Whose Words Changed the Course of History
etc etc
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

“They don't stand for anything really.”
Huh...are you stupid or just not paying attention?
“Americans First”, “Fuck Wetbacks”, deregulation, law and order, military and middle class prosperity are pretty meaningful things to “stand for”
Yeah he really honored our dead soldiers today A little rain ,,might have spoiled his hair

What the hell do you care about dead American soldiers? It's no secret how you leftists hate the military. Hell, you even elected a President who gave billions of dollars to Iran, who used some of it to finance the killing of American soldiers in the Middle East.

Stop with the phony patriotism already. You're not fooling anyone.

They elected a president who said, and I quote..."I despise the military".
Please show me that link Until that it's nothing but a dirty fn republican lie

Whether he said that in public or not, is irrelevant. He still despised the military by having the worst record as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces this country has ever seen..

Obama's List of Most Disrespectful Insults to the Military

“30) Looking past all his civilian aides to order a Marine to hold an umbrella over his head like a butler for an entire speech at the Rose Garden, in violation of military regulations.
29) Forcing race-baiting class warfare propaganda, extreme PC “sensitivity” measures, and Gay Pride Month on soldiers.
28) Taking credit for the success of the surge he opposed in Iraq.
27) Taking credit for the success of the interrogation policies he opposed that located Osama bin Laden.
26) Skipping the funeral of the highest-ranking officer to be killed on foreign soil in over 40 years (Major-General Harold J. Greene), to play golf.
25) Smearing veterans as potential domestic terrorists.
24) Trying to make wounded veterans cover their own medical treatment through private health insurance plans, which would inevitably end up increasing their out-of-pocket costs.
23) Blaming our troops for the Taliban attacking them…for everything from objecting to pedophilia and advocating women’s rights, to not wearing latex gloves while handling Korans and walking in front of Muslims while they are praying.
22) Rushing in to misrepresent the Ft. Hood massacre that killed 13 soldiers (one whom was pregnant) as mere “workplace violence.”
21) Giving captured terrorists at Gitmo (who are drenched in soldiers’ blood) a $750,000 soccer field, cable TV, entertainment, classes in painting, etc., while stripping away benefits for soldiers at every turn.
20) Ordering federal agencies to make the sequester cuts as painful as possible for the American people, which ended up cutting tuition assistance for soldiers and increasing other college costs for the Armed Forces across the board.
19) Denying veterans from all over the country access to the WWII Memorial in Washington over a staged government shutdown while allowing illegal immigrants to hold a political rally on closed federal grounds.
18) Cutting military health care benefits and pensions while increasing spending on unionized federal bureaucrats (Obama voters).
17) Ignoring a former Marine frivolously imprisoned in Mexico on trumped up weapons charges.
16) Using soldiers to help a terror-sponsoring dictator fight off outraged civilian protesters.
15) Purging the military of oath-keeping constitutionalists.
14) Imposing draconian cuts to the things we are actually supposed to be spending tax dollars on under the Constitution (like the military), while exploding spending on things the Federal Government has no authority to even be involved in, like Obama’s trillion-dollar health care takeover.
13) Silencing and criminalizing Christianity in the military.
12) Banning time-proven interrogation techniques and insisting on treating foreign terrorists as mere common criminals to be tried in American courts, as civilians.
11) Suppressing military votes.
10) Imposing ludicrous rules of engagement on our troops that have needlessly gotten many soldiers killed.
9) Appeasing our enemies, backing down after drawing “red lines” in the sand, betraying our allies, and dismantling our missile defenses…all of which needlessly endangers our troops.
8) Cutting troops down to pre-WWII levels, and then allowing illegal immigrants into the military.
7) Allowing veterans to die on secret waiting lists at VA hospitals all over the country, after being warned about the manipulated numbers and obscene delays in care (welcome to ‘universal health care’) back in 2008.
6) Abandoning three decorated veterans and a U.S. ambassador to be dragged through the streets and tortured to death by bloodthirsty Islamic savages in Benghazi, and then falsely blaming it on Americans having the right to disagree with Islam in public.
5) Releasing numerous terrorists back onto the streets so they could return and attack our soldiers, including one who ended up becoming the leader of ISIS.
4) Releasing five major terrorist leaders to appease the Taliban into releasing one America-hating deserter.
3) Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq while handing Afghanistan back to the Islamic fundamentalists who facilitated 9/11 (the Taliban).
2) Openly funding and arming Islamic terrorists.
1) Endlessly trampling the Constitution that soldiers are sworn to defend and attacking the rights they fight, bleed, and die to protect.”
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Republicans themselves will tell you that their party now revolves around Trump worship. Even Cruz and Graham, once outspoken critics of Trump, are now his poodles. I am wrong about this somehow? I think it's pretty obvious what has happened. But you're welcome to your opinion I suppose.
Indeed it is obvious what has happened. Media fed loons are wailing.

View attachment 228051

The media is your boy's best friend. They can't stop talking about him long enough to give anyone else airtime. He owes his political position to CNN and MSN, not to mention FOX. It's a wonder that he's so ungrateful for their support.
He owes his political position to the people who voted for him. He owes the media an ass beating.
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

I have to admit I was surprised too. In the book “Fear” by Bob Woodward, he was portrayed as at least being present in some parts of the White House. I found that surprising he was as interested as he was in policy. It was backwards and embarrassing for him but at least he had an opinion about things.

LOL...sure are a lot of "surprised" liberals posting on this board! Oh, bought into the talking points that Trump was an idiot? How embarrassing for you...

No..he’s still an idiot. He’s just an interested idiot.
I thought he was just gonna run off to play golf and hand over the reins to "his" party, or that otherwise, the experienced republicans in Congress would bitchslap him into playing by their rules.

Boy was I wrong! Instead, he bitchslapped them, destroyed the Republican Party and created a new party; the Trump Cult. Basically, the party is now about him. They don't stand for anything really, other than Trump's whims, his need for adoration, and his petty squabbles.

Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.

Has a party ever completely sacrificed its ideals and principles in order to bow down and worship a specific individual before? I must give Trump credit; though he is stupid, he has managed to tap into the unbridled stupidity of so many others, and through the unintelligent masses he has managed to bend the wills of those far more intelligent, but with even less integrity. Because at the end of the day, Trump was always only about Trump. But the Republicans? They used to believe in something (supposedly). Now they just spend their days polishing Donald's ass.

Free trade? What is that? Lol.

Trump's losses in 2018? What losses are those, John? I saw a President campaigning out on the stump and preventing the huge losses that both Obama and Bush had in their first mid term elections. Both of them lost seats in the Senate...Trump gained them and did so because of his own popularity!

Weren't there like 23 contested seats holding democrats and only 9 holding republicans? Not 100% on the numbers but it was somewhere in that area. I think that played the most important role in their senate wins. Democrats had more than 2 times as many seats to defend.

Yes and there were far more Republican House seats being contested this time around. The fact is...Trump did FAR better in his first mid-term election than Barack Obama did! So much better it's laughable that you see what happened as a defeat of Trump.
“They don't stand for anything really.”
Huh...are you stupid or just not paying attention?
“Americans First”, “Fuck Wetbacks”, deregulation, law and order, military and middle class prosperity are pretty meaningful things to “stand for”
Yeah he really honored our dead soldiers today A little rain ,,might have spoiled his hair

What the hell do you care about dead American soldiers? It's no secret how you leftists hate the military. Hell, you even elected a President who gave billions of dollars to Iran, who used some of it to finance the killing of American soldiers in the Middle East.

Stop with the phony patriotism already. You're not fooling anyone.

They elected a president who said, and I quote..."I despise the military".
Please show me that link Until that it's nothing but a dirty fn republican lie

Whether he said that in public or not, is irrelevant. He still despised the military by having the worst record as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces this country has ever seen..

Obama's List of Most Disrespectful Insults to the Military

“30) Looking past all his civilian aides to order a Marine to hold an umbrella over his head like a butler for an entire speech at the Rose Garden, in violation of military regulations.
29) Forcing race-baiting class warfare propaganda, extreme PC “sensitivity” measures, and Gay Pride Month on soldiers.
28) Taking credit for the success of the surge he opposed in Iraq.
27) Taking credit for the success of the interrogation policies he opposed that located Osama bin Laden.
26) Skipping the funeral of the highest-ranking officer to be killed on foreign soil in over 40 years (Major-General Harold J. Greene), to play golf.
25) Smearing veterans as potential domestic terrorists.
24) Trying to make wounded veterans cover their own medical treatment through private health insurance plans, which would inevitably end up increasing their out-of-pocket costs.
23) Blaming our troops for the Taliban attacking them…for everything from objecting to pedophilia and advocating women’s rights, to not wearing latex gloves while handling Korans and walking in front of Muslims while they are praying.
22) Rushing in to misrepresent the Ft. Hood massacre that killed 13 soldiers (one whom was pregnant) as mere “workplace violence.”
21) Giving captured terrorists at Gitmo (who are drenched in soldiers’ blood) a $750,000 soccer field, cable TV, entertainment, classes in painting, etc., while stripping away benefits for soldiers at every turn.
20) Ordering federal agencies to make the sequester cuts as painful as possible for the American people, which ended up cutting tuition assistance for soldiers and increasing other college costs for the Armed Forces across the board.
19) Denying veterans from all over the country access to the WWII Memorial in Washington over a staged government shutdown while allowing illegal immigrants to hold a political rally on closed federal grounds.
18) Cutting military health care benefits and pensions while increasing spending on unionized federal bureaucrats (Obama voters).
17) Ignoring a former Marine frivolously imprisoned in Mexico on trumped up weapons charges.
16) Using soldiers to help a terror-sponsoring dictator fight off outraged civilian protesters.
15) Purging the military of oath-keeping constitutionalists.
14) Imposing draconian cuts to the things we are actually supposed to be spending tax dollars on under the Constitution (like the military), while exploding spending on things the Federal Government has no authority to even be involved in, like Obama’s trillion-dollar health care takeover.
13) Silencing and criminalizing Christianity in the military.
12) Banning time-proven interrogation techniques and insisting on treating foreign terrorists as mere common criminals to be tried in American courts, as civilians.
11) Suppressing military votes.
10) Imposing ludicrous rules of engagement on our troops that have needlessly gotten many soldiers killed.
9) Appeasing our enemies, backing down after drawing “red lines” in the sand, betraying our allies, and dismantling our missile defenses…all of which needlessly endangers our troops.
8) Cutting troops down to pre-WWII levels, and then allowing illegal immigrants into the military.
7) Allowing veterans to die on secret waiting lists at VA hospitals all over the country, after being warned about the manipulated numbers and obscene delays in care (welcome to ‘universal health care’) back in 2008.
6) Abandoning three decorated veterans and a U.S. ambassador to be dragged through the streets and tortured to death by bloodthirsty Islamic savages in Benghazi, and then falsely blaming it on Americans having the right to disagree with Islam in public.
5) Releasing numerous terrorists back onto the streets so they could return and attack our soldiers, including one who ended up becoming the leader of ISIS.
4) Releasing five major terrorist leaders to appease the Taliban into releasing one America-hating deserter.
3) Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq while handing Afghanistan back to the Islamic fundamentalists who facilitated 9/11 (the Taliban).
2) Openly funding and arming Islamic terrorists.
1) Endlessly trampling the Constitution that soldiers are sworn to defend and attacking the rights they fight, bleed, and die to protect.”

In light of the blob not wanting to honor the fallen on Veterans Day because it was raining. your list is funny.

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