Not going to work, an interesting dichotomy.

In this country there is a group of people that are basically refusing to go to work for what they consider shit wages for shit jobs. They are holding out hoping to force companies to pay better wages. This group is venerated by the left and vilified by the right.

Then we have a group of people that are staging "sick outs" and quitting their jobs over the vaccine mandates, hoping to force companies not to enforce it. This group is venerated by the right and vilified by the left.

But in the end, are not both groups trying for the same thing, to use the power in numbers that employees have to force changes by employers?
I don't "villify" either group. People are free to sell their labor, or not. But Biden's Bulging Budget Busting Bid for Inflation Bill gives cash transfer payments to non-workers and Literally ENCOURAGES not working. (Bernie's vision of Heaven)

Meanwhile some state legislatures are attempting to allow workers fired for not getting vacced collect UI. That's just RW socialism because UI is supposed to be for people who did not choose to become unemployed.

We have the majority of pols in both parties who INTENTIOALLY pursue policies to lower the number of workers. Because of Trump, We don't have enough Americans and documented workers interested in unloading ships and transporting goods by truck. Because of Biden and Bernie we INTENTIONALLY encourage people to not seek any available work.
a completely automated restaurant requires people to fix the machines, a much higher paying job
one you won't get without an education - which was my last point to begin with. learn skills worth the money desired or be phased out.

if these people would learn those skills, they'd not be all upset that menial jobs are simply not worth $15 an hour.
In this country there is a group of people that are basically refusing to go to work for what they consider shit wages for shit jobs. They are holding out hoping to force companies to pay better wages. This group is venerated by the left and vilified by the right.

Then we have a group of people that are staging "sick outs" and quitting their jobs over the vaccine mandates, hoping to force companies not to enforce it. This group is venerated by the right and vilified by the left.

But in the end, are not both groups trying for the same thing, to use the power in numbers that employees have to force changes by employers?
Proof, the true minimum wage is not zero? Wages need to go up if social programs like subsidized childcare are not available.

you will simply see more and more automation. the value of handing someone a burger and fries and going "light on the ice" only goes so far. thinking it's a $15 an hour job while many go to trade school and learn don't make that type of money.

automation doesn't call in sick. it doesn't get into fights with customers over the shirt they are wearing. it doesn't need overtime. sooner or later regardless of how emotional people wish to see this, it is a fact of life. people who own the franchise are out to get the most value they can from their investment.

we all are, usually.

the walmart near me has done away with people at cash registers. you now must check yourself out and that is likely to continue moreso than be a fad.

sooner or later you simply price your services out of the value an employer gets for them. if you choose to continue to rely on minimum wage jobs then you will continue to be phased out as the cost becomes more than moving to said automation.

I agree with all of this, it is a risk they run. Not unlike the auto factory workers of the 70s that led to the automation of that job. One of the reasons my son choose to become a far there is no possible way to be automated out of that line of work
a completely automated restaurant requires people to fix the machines, a much higher paying job
Yeah and I would be one of those people capable of doing so.
But...they aren't there because they flat out can't get the groceries transformed into packaging that works with the automation.

If they were able...they would be about 5 years out...they will need automation to be set up at the processing facilities as packaging needs to be secured and the farmers conforming to new standards.
All this processing and configuration usually removes positive taste/flavor and introduced negative ones....but considering that so many people have lost their sense of smell and taste from might work out.
I agree with all of this, it is a risk they run. Not unlike the auto factory workers of the 70s that led to the automation of that job. One of the reasons my son choose to become a far there is no possible way to be automated out of that line of work
yea, not trying to take sides or get emotional about it. there is a set value to your skills. no one person has set it, but the market has. if it is more cost effective to automate than pay, that's what will happen.

you can cry out how you need money for 18 kids but my answer is stop having kids, put them to work if you can, or learn a trade that pays more.

there's a ton of jobs out there that do pay well for actual work. is lineman electrical? trade schools should be going to town and mike rowe needs to head up that gov division to push learning trades. :)

but yea, learn a solid trade/skill, you'll be fine. learn nothing and that's what you wind up with.
I would add that I am more than willing to pay 1 buck extra for a burger and fires if it means people are back to work and getting paid a decent wage
You people really have to stop this lying fucking bullshit.
If you gave two fucks about the American worker and their wages you’d march on DC TOMORROW and demand that 40 million illegal wetbacks be rounded up and sent home to Mehico. Trust me, NOBODY believes you when you play this bullshit tune….NOBODY!
there's a ton of jobs out there that do pay well for actual work. is lineman electrical? trade schools should be going to town and mike rowe needs to head up that gov division to push learning trades. :)

You can go either electrical or telecommunication route for lineman training. My son did electrical.

I agree 100% about tech/trade schools
yea, not trying to take sides or get emotional about it. there is a set value to your skills. no one person has set it, but the market has. if it is more cost effective to automate than pay, that's what will happen.

you can cry out how you need money for 18 kids but my answer is stop having kids, put them to work if you can, or learn a trade that pays more.

there's a ton of jobs out there that do pay well for actual work. is lineman electrical? trade schools should be going to town and mike rowe needs to head up that gov division to push learning trades. :)

but yea, learn a solid trade/skill, you'll be fine. learn nothing and that's what you wind up with.
It is difficult to get trained lineman. These guys are usually working so far out of town (while traveling far from home) that in the event of an accident (like a snakebite) that there is no help available if a cell phone could work.....

Or they are working insanely long shifts to repair an entire grid from a natural disaster like tornado, flood, or ice storm. (Which usually has poor leadership in the middle of a shit show)

you will simply see more and more automation. the value of handing someone a burger and fries and going "light on the ice" only goes so far. thinking it's a $15 an hour job while many go to trade school and learn don't make that type of money.

automation doesn't call in sick. it doesn't get into fights with customers over the shirt they are wearing. it doesn't need overtime. sooner or later regardless of how emotional people wish to see this, it is a fact of life. people who own the franchise are out to get the most value they can from their investment.

we all are, usually.

the walmart near me has done away with people at cash registers. you now must check yourself out and that is likely to continue moreso than be a fad.

sooner or later you simply price your services out of the value an employer gets for them. if you choose to continue to rely on minimum wage jobs then you will continue to be phased out as the cost becomes more than moving to said automation.
But, there is diminishing return on that automation.

If there are fewer and fewer jobs available because of automation, there will be fewer and fewer consumers, which defeats the purpose all together.

Communist Academics have been pushing this false idea of automation so they can get people to believe that someday there will be no jobs, so we MUST go to Socialism/Marxism/Communism or everyone will starve and die. It's complete bullshit.
You people really have to stop this lying fucking bullshit.
If you gave two fucks about the American worker and their wages you’d march on DC TOMORROW and demand that 40 million illegal wetbacks be rounded up and sent home to Mehico. Trust me, NOBODY believes you when you play this bullshit tune….NOBODY!

This from a slave to the duopoly!

What is it like going through life without a sense of irony?
It is difficult to get trained lineman. These guys are usually working so far out of town (while traveling far from home) that in the event of an accident (like a snakebite) that there is no help available if a cell phone could work.....

Or they are working insanely long shifts to repair an entire grid from a natural disaster like tornado, flood, or ice storm. (Which usually has poor leadership in the middle of a shit show)
yea, skillset needed, risk of job, disruption to "normal" life - these people should be paid more and are earning it by hard work. in my eyes, you need to do more than flip burgers to take care of a family.

while this may sound harsh, reality can definitely be that harsh or worse. instead of giving these people money and a guaranteed income, lets give them a guaranteed education in skills and services that can aid them in getting a better life.
It is difficult to get trained lineman. These guys are usually working so far out of town (while traveling far from home) that in the event of an accident (like a snakebite) that there is no help available if a cell phone could work.....

Or they are working insanely long shifts to repair an entire grid from a natural disaster like tornado, flood, or ice storm. (Which usually has poor leadership in the middle of a shit show)

He wants to do those things, that is where the big bucks are.

His biggest problem is he is only 19 so his CDL is only good in one state at at time, fucking stupid bullshit.
Proof, the true minimum wage is not zero? Wages need to go up if social programs like subsidized childcare are not available.
But subsidized after school care doesn't encourage people to not seek work. Actually it does the opposite. I wonder why all D's and R's aren't for it. And available for workers earning more than minimal pay.

School breakfasts and lunches don't discourage work, either.

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