Not everyone wants all electric automobiles

Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!

What bothers me most is the image. Next would be the fact you have to time it's accelleration with a calendar or the hour hand. Things have improved but me driving a prius? I think I would rather kick my own ass.
I thought about getting one but I hate buying new cars no matter what. I have never been into the image thing so it doesnt matter to me. As long as it gets me from point A to point B. I havent noticed any difference in the acceleration but then I dont drive race cars either.

I'm with you on that.

The only thing I'm looking for in a vehicle is for it to get me from point A to point B safely and without breaking down.

I don't care if people don't like the way my car looks. They aren't driving it so they don't have to look at it if they don't like it.

I liked all the hybrid cars I have bought through the years.

What I like best, I'm not harming the environment the same way a regular gas car does.
Ok the first Priuses were ugly as sin and looked like rejected clown cars from Ringling Brothers. They have gotten better with age.
You are right Electric cars do not harm the environment the same way a regular gas car does. They have their own methods which in some cases are worse. Battery disposal and the mining for the materials to make the batteries have their own way of harming the averment, so don't feel so smug.
Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!

What bothers me most is the image. Next would be the fact you have to time it's accelleration with a calendar or the hour hand. Things have improved but me driving a prius? I think I would rather kick my own ass.
I thought about getting one but I hate buying new cars no matter what. I have never been into the image thing so it doesnt matter to me. As long as it gets me from point A to point B. I havent noticed any difference in the acceleration but then I dont drive race cars either.

I'm with you on that.

The only thing I'm looking for in a vehicle is for it to get me from point A to point B safely and without breaking down.

I don't care if people don't like the way my car looks. They aren't driving it so they don't have to look at it if they don't like it.

I liked all the hybrid cars I have bought through the years.

What I like best, I'm not harming the environment the same way a regular gas car does.
Ok the first Priuses were ugly as sin and looked like rejected clown cars from Ringling Brothers. They have gotten better with age.
You are right Electric cars do not harm the environment the same way a regular gas car does. They have their own methods which in some cases are worse. Battery disposal and the mining for the materials to make the batteries have their own way of harming the averment, so don't feel so smug.

I made a mistake, the original prius is not the car I had in mind when I called it a clown car., it is just a non descript little economy car. The car I was thinking about was this monstrosity from Honda

Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!

What bothers me most is the image. Next would be the fact you have to time it's accelleration with a calendar or the hour hand. Things have improved but me driving a prius? I think I would rather kick my own ass.
I thought about getting one but I hate buying new cars no matter what. I have never been into the image thing so it doesnt matter to me. As long as it gets me from point A to point B. I havent noticed any difference in the acceleration but then I dont drive race cars either.

I'm with you on that.

The only thing I'm looking for in a vehicle is for it to get me from point A to point B safely and without breaking down.

I don't care if people don't like the way my car looks. They aren't driving it so they don't have to look at it if they don't like it.

I liked all the hybrid cars I have bought through the years.

What I like best, I'm not harming the environment the same way a regular gas car does.

Electric cars hurt the environment as much or more,

But the EU’s formula is nothing but a huge scam. Electric vehicles also emit substantial amounts of CO2, the only difference being that the exhaust is released at a remove – that is, at the power plant. As long as coal- or gas-fired power plants are needed to ensure energy supply during the “dark doldrums” when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining, EVs, like ICE vehicles, run partly on hydrocarbons. And even when they are charged with solar- or wind-generated energy, enormous amounts of fossil fuels are used to produce EV batteries in China and elsewhere, offsetting the supposed emissions reduction. As such, the EU’s intervention is not much better than a cutoff device for an emissions control system.

Earlier this year, the physicist Christoph Buchal and I published a research paper showing that, in the context of Germany’s energy mix, an EV emits a bit more CO2 than a modern diesel car, even though its battery offers drivers barely more than half the range of a tank of diesel. And shortly thereafter, data published by VW confirmed that its e-Rabbit vehicle emits slightly more CO2 than its Rabbit Diesel within the German energy mix. (When based on the overall European energy mix, which includes a huge share of nuclear energy from France, the e-Rabbit fares slightly better than the Rabbit Diesel.)

According to this study, a mid-sized electric passenger car in Germany must drive 219,000 km before it starts outperforming the corresponding diesel car in terms of CO2 emissions. The problem, of course, is that passenger cars in Europe last for only 180,000km, on average. Worse, according to Joanneum, EV batteries don’t last long enough to achieve that distance in the first place. Unfortunately, drivers’ anxiety about the cars’ range prompts them to recharge their batteries too often, at every opportunity, and at a high speed, which is bad for durability.

Part of our problem is no one
Its a cleaner energy for starters.
that has yet to be proven,,
Maybe in Qannon circles but the rest of the world already knows this.
how can you know the long term effects on something that hasnt ever existed before??
Electricity has been around a long time.
you cant be that stupid can you???
Youre the one claiming electric powered devices have not existed before. Are you stupid or just being paid to pretend you are?
where did I say that???
Post #6 you idiot.

you should go back and read it,, cause thats not what I said,,
What were you saying hasnt existed before? We were talking about electric powered cars.
correct,, and then you started talking about electricity and other devices,,,
You do realize an electric car is a electric powered device right?

You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right? And the mining needed to make those batteries is as dirty or dirtier than using coal, oil and natural gas....and the batteries are environmental disasters when they are old and no longer working.......

You guys are so don't think anything through...
"You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right?"

that has yet to be proven,,
Only if youre a Qannon believer. Other people already know the facts about solar powered cars.

not really inspiring there bub..yeah they are working on it but arent close
Its hard to inspire conservatives. They have trouble visualizing anything past the next day.
USual BS...difference between inspire and force. Have posted on this site an EV i might buy if it lives up to its claims. Early Leaf buyers had nothing but regrets,
No one is forcing you. You can keep your fossil fuel burner long after electric cars become the norm. I said inspire. Early adopters of most technology have regrets. However, those with vision can use that to change the world and make it a less poisonous place to live.
Like I’m sorry I bought a beeper. Or 8 track. Or mp3.

You wanna buy my Betamax?
Probably is worth some money like old radios...I'd hang on to it if I were you. Non sequitor. Are you aware that US emissions per capita are at 1950 levels? Now think what life was like then compared to now and marvel at that accomplishment.

I don't have to look anything up. I can go by my own life. BlackSnow, Dirty Air, polluted water and more. The Industrial Revolution of 1895 for the US had gotten completely out of control. Oh, lt's add mud slides where there once were forests. And let's not forget the dead fish and the gunk in the rivers. Corporate America gone crazy. Capitalists destroy everything if allowed all for a short term profit. Capitalism without the desired amount of Socialism (regulations) is a disaster.

We've come a very long way and we have not corrected it all yet. We owe it to Mother Earth to do better. I am High Country. While most of our beliefs coincide with Conservatives, one thing that is the MOST conservative of all is that we don't own the land. We are stewards put in place by God.
There is no mother earth. Quit the psycho green babble and celebrate whats been done. No need for more onerous regulations with things heading quickly in the right direction.

I come from a time long before the New Green Deal when we were caretakers. We took what we needed and protected everything else. In my younger days, I put out more feed than the cattle could eat just to help feed the Deer and the Elk during hard winters. I took a tree, I planted a tree. I cleared a wooded area only to help another wooded area. When forest fires started, WE were the first ones there long before the BLM or the Forest Service and many times, would contain the fire before it got out of hand.

We don't live up there anymore but we still have to make sure that we continue to be the stewards. It has nothing to do with politics.

I remember this commercial when I was a kid. What did conservative kids think when they saw this commercial? Instead of getting the message, they probably had a problem with the indian in the commercial because their parents were raising them to be racists.

View attachment 451412

I was a kid too when that commercial came out.

It was a very effective ad.

I can't speak for all parents but my parents loved and agreed with the commercial.

Come to think of it, I have never encountered anyone who didn't like and agree with that ad.

I never considered that someone wouldn't like or agree with it.
I’m starting to see a pattern. Without evidence, they deny evolution and global warming. Without evidence they believe an election was stolen from them. 75% do. That’s a lot of brainwashed Americans.

This is why I hate religion. If you can get them to believe the Bible stories then it’s probably easy to get them to believe global warming is fake, the coronavirus is fake and the election was rigged. God told pat robertson trump would win re election. If you believe pat robertson then there’s no way trump could have lost. God said

A lot of harm, destruction and suffering have been caused to people by people who misuse religion.

I don't think it's the religion as much as very bad people abusing and misusing religion to brainwash, control and lie to people.

Since 1917 more people have been killed by socialist governments than by religion.......religions did most of their killing at a time when the world was uneducated and primitive...the socialists have done their mass murder in modern times in countries ruled by law, science and philosophy....
Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!
That happens in my gas guzzling f150 too. It shuts off when you stop. I’m glad it’s a three year lease I wouldn’t want my car starting and stopping that much. Can’t be good for the starter
Part of our problem is no one
Its a cleaner energy for starters.
that has yet to be proven,,
Maybe in Qannon circles but the rest of the world already knows this.
how can you know the long term effects on something that hasnt ever existed before??
Electricity has been around a long time.
you cant be that stupid can you???
Youre the one claiming electric powered devices have not existed before. Are you stupid or just being paid to pretend you are?
where did I say that???
Post #6 you idiot.

you should go back and read it,, cause thats not what I said,,
What were you saying hasnt existed before? We were talking about electric powered cars.
correct,, and then you started talking about electricity and other devices,,,
You do realize an electric car is a electric powered device right?

You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right? And the mining needed to make those batteries is as dirty or dirtier than using coal, oil and natural gas....and the batteries are environmental disasters when they are old and no longer working.......

You guys are so don't think anything through...
"You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right?"

that has yet to be proven,,
Only if youre a Qannon believer. Other people already know the facts about solar powered cars.

not really inspiring there bub..yeah they are working on it but arent close
Its hard to inspire conservatives. They have trouble visualizing anything past the next day.
USual BS...difference between inspire and force. Have posted on this site an EV i might buy if it lives up to its claims. Early Leaf buyers had nothing but regrets,
No one is forcing you. You can keep your fossil fuel burner long after electric cars become the norm. I said inspire. Early adopters of most technology have regrets. However, those with vision can use that to change the world and make it a less poisonous place to live.
Like I’m sorry I bought a beeper. Or 8 track. Or mp3.

You wanna buy my Betamax?
Probably is worth some money like old radios...I'd hang on to it if I were you. Non sequitor. Are you aware that US emissions per capita are at 1950 levels? Now think what life was like then compared to now and marvel at that accomplishment.

I don't have to look anything up. I can go by my own life. BlackSnow, Dirty Air, polluted water and more. The Industrial Revolution of 1895 for the US had gotten completely out of control. Oh, lt's add mud slides where there once were forests. And let's not forget the dead fish and the gunk in the rivers. Corporate America gone crazy. Capitalists destroy everything if allowed all for a short term profit. Capitalism without the desired amount of Socialism (regulations) is a disaster.

We've come a very long way and we have not corrected it all yet. We owe it to Mother Earth to do better. I am High Country. While most of our beliefs coincide with Conservatives, one thing that is the MOST conservative of all is that we don't own the land. We are stewards put in place by God.
There is no mother earth. Quit the psycho green babble and celebrate whats been done. No need for more onerous regulations with things heading quickly in the right direction.

I come from a time long before the New Green Deal when we were caretakers. We took what we needed and protected everything else. In my younger days, I put out more feed than the cattle could eat just to help feed the Deer and the Elk during hard winters. I took a tree, I planted a tree. I cleared a wooded area only to help another wooded area. When forest fires started, WE were the first ones there long before the BLM or the Forest Service and many times, would contain the fire before it got out of hand.

We don't live up there anymore but we still have to make sure that we continue to be the stewards. It has nothing to do with politics.

I remember this commercial when I was a kid. What did conservative kids think when they saw this commercial? Instead of getting the message, they probably had a problem with the indian in the commercial because their parents were raising them to be racists.

View attachment 451412

I was a kid too when that commercial came out.

It was a very effective ad.

I can't speak for all parents but my parents loved and agreed with the commercial.

Come to think of it, I have never encountered anyone who didn't like and agree with that ad.

I never considered that someone wouldn't like or agree with it.
I don’t think republican voters were such assholes when we were younger like they are today. Reagan was for going green.

I don't recall reagan wanting to go green.

I do remember reagan removing the solar panels on the White House that Jimmy Carter had installed.

I remember him reversing other environmental policies of Jimmy Carter.
So true. But he did act quickly to ban ozone depleting chloroflurocarbons
Part of our problem is no one
Its a cleaner energy for starters.
that has yet to be proven,,
Maybe in Qannon circles but the rest of the world already knows this.
how can you know the long term effects on something that hasnt ever existed before??
Electricity has been around a long time.
you cant be that stupid can you???
Youre the one claiming electric powered devices have not existed before. Are you stupid or just being paid to pretend you are?
where did I say that???
Post #6 you idiot.

you should go back and read it,, cause thats not what I said,,
What were you saying hasnt existed before? We were talking about electric powered cars.
correct,, and then you started talking about electricity and other devices,,,
You do realize an electric car is a electric powered device right?

You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right? And the mining needed to make those batteries is as dirty or dirtier than using coal, oil and natural gas....and the batteries are environmental disasters when they are old and no longer working.......

You guys are so don't think anything through...
"You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right?"

that has yet to be proven,,
Only if youre a Qannon believer. Other people already know the facts about solar powered cars.

not really inspiring there bub..yeah they are working on it but arent close
Its hard to inspire conservatives. They have trouble visualizing anything past the next day.
USual BS...difference between inspire and force. Have posted on this site an EV i might buy if it lives up to its claims. Early Leaf buyers had nothing but regrets,
No one is forcing you. You can keep your fossil fuel burner long after electric cars become the norm. I said inspire. Early adopters of most technology have regrets. However, those with vision can use that to change the world and make it a less poisonous place to live.
Like I’m sorry I bought a beeper. Or 8 track. Or mp3.

You wanna buy my Betamax?
Probably is worth some money like old radios...I'd hang on to it if I were you. Non sequitor. Are you aware that US emissions per capita are at 1950 levels? Now think what life was like then compared to now and marvel at that accomplishment.

I don't have to look anything up. I can go by my own life. BlackSnow, Dirty Air, polluted water and more. The Industrial Revolution of 1895 for the US had gotten completely out of control. Oh, lt's add mud slides where there once were forests. And let's not forget the dead fish and the gunk in the rivers. Corporate America gone crazy. Capitalists destroy everything if allowed all for a short term profit. Capitalism without the desired amount of Socialism (regulations) is a disaster.

We've come a very long way and we have not corrected it all yet. We owe it to Mother Earth to do better. I am High Country. While most of our beliefs coincide with Conservatives, one thing that is the MOST conservative of all is that we don't own the land. We are stewards put in place by God.
There is no mother earth. Quit the psycho green babble and celebrate whats been done. No need for more onerous regulations with things heading quickly in the right direction.

I come from a time long before the New Green Deal when we were caretakers. We took what we needed and protected everything else. In my younger days, I put out more feed than the cattle could eat just to help feed the Deer and the Elk during hard winters. I took a tree, I planted a tree. I cleared a wooded area only to help another wooded area. When forest fires started, WE were the first ones there long before the BLM or the Forest Service and many times, would contain the fire before it got out of hand.

We don't live up there anymore but we still have to make sure that we continue to be the stewards. It has nothing to do with politics.

I remember this commercial when I was a kid. What did conservative kids think when they saw this commercial? Instead of getting the message, they probably had a problem with the indian in the commercial because their parents were raising them to be racists.

View attachment 451412

I was a kid too when that commercial came out.

It was a very effective ad.

I can't speak for all parents but my parents loved and agreed with the commercial.

Come to think of it, I have never encountered anyone who didn't like and agree with that ad.

I never considered that someone wouldn't like or agree with it.
I’m starting to see a pattern. Without evidence, they deny evolution and global warming. Without evidence they believe an election was stolen from them. 75% do. That’s a lot of brainwashed Americans.

This is why I hate religion. If you can get them to believe the Bible stories then it’s probably easy to get them to believe global warming is fake, the coronavirus is fake and the election was rigged. God told pat robertson trump would win re election. If you believe pat robertson then there’s no way trump could have lost. God said

A lot of harm, destruction and suffering have been caused to people by people who misuse religion.

I don't think it's the religion as much as very bad people abusing and misusing religion to brainwash, control and lie to people.

Since 1917 more people have been killed by socialist governments than by religion.......religions did most of their killing at a time when the world was uneducated and primitive...the socialists have done their mass murder in modern times in countries ruled by law, science and philosophy....
You religious nuts are killing the planet by denying the science
Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!
That happens in my gas guzzling f150 too. It shuts off when you stop. I’m glad it’s a three year lease I wouldn’t want my car starting and stopping that much. Can’t be good for the starter
  1. While your vehicle is turned off, look under the steering wheel and find a white box at the top left corner with 3 connectors connected to it.
  2. Disconnect the lowest connector which is for Auto Start-Stop button.
  3. This will automatically put the system in bypass mode – disabling the Auto Start-Stop function.

Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!
That happens in my gas guzzling f150 too. It shuts off when you stop. I’m glad it’s a three year lease I wouldn’t want my car starting and stopping that much. Can’t be good for the starter
  1. While your vehicle is turned off, look under the steering wheel and find a white box at the top left corner with 3 connectors connected to it.
  2. Disconnect the lowest connector which is for Auto Start-Stop button.
  3. This will automatically put the system in bypass mode – disabling the Auto Start-Stop function.
View attachment 452096

Mine is even easier. There is a button to turn it off. I want to save the gas for the environment so I don't mind it turning off and on so much because it's a lease car. I'm turning it in in 3 years. If it was my truck and I wanted it to last 10 years I'd be concerned with it starting and stopping so much.
Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!
This topic is reminding me of a joke about socialists. The head socialist says to one of the members, "isn't it going to be great? After the revolution we will all have big homes". The guy says "yea that'll be great". Then the head socialist says, "and after the revolution we will all be driving Mercedes cars. Won't it be great?" and the guy says, "actually I don't like Mercedes..." and the head socialist grabs him by the shirt and yells, "listen you mother fucker, after the revolution you're going to take your Mercedes and like it or else!"
Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
Com'on, if life was left up to you old world wishin it was the 50's again loons, we'd still be with horse and buggies and candles....loosen up and welcome to the 21st century.
Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!
That happens in my gas guzzling f150 too. It shuts off when you stop. I’m glad it’s a three year lease I wouldn’t want my car starting and stopping that much. Can’t be good for the starter
  1. While your vehicle is turned off, look under the steering wheel and find a white box at the top left corner with 3 connectors connected to it.
  2. Disconnect the lowest connector which is for Auto Start-Stop button.
  3. This will automatically put the system in bypass mode – disabling the Auto Start-Stop function.
View attachment 452096

Mine is even easier. There is a button to turn it off. I want to save the gas for the environment so I don't mind it turning off and on so much because it's a lease car. I'm turning it in in 3 years. If it was my truck and I wanted it to last 10 years I'd be concerned with it starting and stopping so much.
Why is everything that's good for us, have to be so darn expensive?
Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!
What doe that do to the AC? Does the compressor still turn?
Yeah the car still works like normal. Its just unnerving when it sounds like the engine shuts off

So does my Magnum with it's 2 Cat Converters and 4 mufflers. You can't feel it, you can't hear it until you punch it and then all hell breaks loose. And even then, it's pretty quiet.

My Electric's noise gets drowned out by the road noises just like my Magnum. With the modern Electric Cars, I doubt anyone can tell the difference.
Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!

What bothers me most is the image. Next would be the fact you have to time it's accelleration with a calendar or the hour hand. Things have improved but me driving a prius? I think I would rather kick my own ass.

The Prius had that problem on the first ones.

The 2011 I had and the 2017 I have now don't have that hesitation when you put your foot on the gas.

And being an old motorhead, if I get too close to a Prius, I still find the urge to kick my own ass.
Part of our problem is no one
Its a cleaner energy for starters.
that has yet to be proven,,
Maybe in Qannon circles but the rest of the world already knows this.
how can you know the long term effects on something that hasnt ever existed before??
Electricity has been around a long time.
you cant be that stupid can you???
Youre the one claiming electric powered devices have not existed before. Are you stupid or just being paid to pretend you are?
where did I say that???
Post #6 you idiot.

you should go back and read it,, cause thats not what I said,,
What were you saying hasnt existed before? We were talking about electric powered cars.
correct,, and then you started talking about electricity and other devices,,,
You do realize an electric car is a electric powered device right?

You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right? And the mining needed to make those batteries is as dirty or dirtier than using coal, oil and natural gas....and the batteries are environmental disasters when they are old and no longer working.......

You guys are so don't think anything through...
"You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right?"

that has yet to be proven,,
Only if youre a Qannon believer. Other people already know the facts about solar powered cars.

not really inspiring there bub..yeah they are working on it but arent close
Its hard to inspire conservatives. They have trouble visualizing anything past the next day.
USual BS...difference between inspire and force. Have posted on this site an EV i might buy if it lives up to its claims. Early Leaf buyers had nothing but regrets,
No one is forcing you. You can keep your fossil fuel burner long after electric cars become the norm. I said inspire. Early adopters of most technology have regrets. However, those with vision can use that to change the world and make it a less poisonous place to live.
Like I’m sorry I bought a beeper. Or 8 track. Or mp3.

You wanna buy my Betamax?
Probably is worth some money like old radios...I'd hang on to it if I were you. Non sequitor. Are you aware that US emissions per capita are at 1950 levels? Now think what life was like then compared to now and marvel at that accomplishment.

I don't have to look anything up. I can go by my own life. BlackSnow, Dirty Air, polluted water and more. The Industrial Revolution of 1895 for the US had gotten completely out of control. Oh, lt's add mud slides where there once were forests. And let's not forget the dead fish and the gunk in the rivers. Corporate America gone crazy. Capitalists destroy everything if allowed all for a short term profit. Capitalism without the desired amount of Socialism (regulations) is a disaster.

We've come a very long way and we have not corrected it all yet. We owe it to Mother Earth to do better. I am High Country. While most of our beliefs coincide with Conservatives, one thing that is the MOST conservative of all is that we don't own the land. We are stewards put in place by God.
There is no mother earth. Quit the psycho green babble and celebrate whats been done. No need for more onerous regulations with things heading quickly in the right direction.

I come from a time long before the New Green Deal when we were caretakers. We took what we needed and protected everything else. In my younger days, I put out more feed than the cattle could eat just to help feed the Deer and the Elk during hard winters. I took a tree, I planted a tree. I cleared a wooded area only to help another wooded area. When forest fires started, WE were the first ones there long before the BLM or the Forest Service and many times, would contain the fire before it got out of hand.

We don't live up there anymore but we still have to make sure that we continue to be the stewards. It has nothing to do with politics.

I remember this commercial when I was a kid. What did conservative kids think when they saw this commercial? Instead of getting the message, they probably had a problem with the indian in the commercial because their parents were raising them to be racists.

View attachment 451412

I was a kid too when that commercial came out.

It was a very effective ad.

I can't speak for all parents but my parents loved and agreed with the commercial.

Come to think of it, I have never encountered anyone who didn't like and agree with that ad.

I never considered that someone wouldn't like or agree with it.
I’m starting to see a pattern. Without evidence, they deny evolution and global warming. Without evidence they believe an election was stolen from them. 75% do. That’s a lot of brainwashed Americans.

This is why I hate religion. If you can get them to believe the Bible stories then it’s probably easy to get them to believe global warming is fake, the coronavirus is fake and the election was rigged. God told pat robertson trump would win re election. If you believe pat robertson then there’s no way trump could have lost. God said

A lot of harm, destruction and suffering have been caused to people by people who misuse religion.

I don't think it's the religion as much as very bad people abusing and misusing religion to brainwash, control and lie to people.

Since 1917 more people have been killed by socialist governments than by religion.......religions did most of their killing at a time when the world was uneducated and primitive...the socialists have done their mass murder in modern times in countries ruled by law, science and philosophy....
I can assure you, by the time this pandemic is over, Trump and you right wing whores, will be in the top two of world killings and we're just talking nationally here.
Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!
That happens in my gas guzzling f150 too. It shuts off when you stop. I’m glad it’s a three year lease I wouldn’t want my car starting and stopping that much. Can’t be good for the starter
  1. While your vehicle is turned off, look under the steering wheel and find a white box at the top left corner with 3 connectors connected to it.
  2. Disconnect the lowest connector which is for Auto Start-Stop button.
  3. This will automatically put the system in bypass mode – disabling the Auto Start-Stop function.
View attachment 452096

Mine is even easier. There is a button to turn it off. I want to save the gas for the environment so I don't mind it turning off and on so much because it's a lease car. I'm turning it in in 3 years. If it was my truck and I wanted it to last 10 years I'd be concerned with it starting and stopping so much.
Why is everything that's good for us, have to be so darn expensive?

If an apple was ten cents and a snickers was a dollar we’d still go for the snicker. Lol.
Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
No one is forcing anyone to buy electric cars.
No one is forcing anyone to buy cable tv but have you tried antenna? It sucks. The government passed a law saying broadcasters had to give the basics for free. ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, etc. In my area you get maybe 5 channels. In the city they get 20 free channels. Up north in Michigan where it’s remote you get two channels. No towers are close by.

Eventually they’ll make it tough or impractical to own a gas guzzler. Not a lot of gas stations, expensive gas. So you can get gas for your classic but your everyday car will probably be battery
Not everyone in the world wants or can accept all electric automobiles. Why are certain factions in the US trying to force this all electric cars on the entire world?. It is not right or logical.
A lot of people drive more than 250 miles a day and cannot wait 6 hours to charge their so they continue their journey
most don't and that's where EVs make the most sense

Yep......but again.......there is no reason to force people into EVs......when people want them they will buy is the forcing people that is the issue.

There will be an eventual transition and I think more people will have at least one EV and one gas powered car there is no way all automobile companies will phase out all gas powered cars as long as people still want them.

I would consider an EV as a daily driver. To me that makes the most sense and it will have the most impact on air quality than the occasional long trips people make with a gasoline powered car

The chevy Volt already does that.

We bought one for my ex in 2013. The range on his electric isn't that far but people don't really drive that far around town.

When the electric is drained, the gas engine takes over. So the car has a range of a few hundred miles. If you don't have time to recharge on a long trip, just keep filling the gas tank and keep driving.

The only time he filled the tank was when we went on a long drive but day to day, he very rarely used the gas.

It's small car for the kind of long trips I take.

Usually with a couple dogs and a lot of stuff

Yes that wouldn't work with a couple of dogs and a bunch of stuff.

My Prius has more room in it than the Volt.

I was looking for a used car and a salesman actually got me to glance at a Prius. He was one hell of a salesman. I ended up kicking my own ass.
They take some getting used to. I realized I wasnt being neutral and objective about driving one and when I did it was no longer a big deal. The only thing that bothers me is when it seems to shut off when you stop. The first time it happened I was like WTF!
That happens in my gas guzzling f150 too. It shuts off when you stop. I’m glad it’s a three year lease I wouldn’t want my car starting and stopping that much. Can’t be good for the starter
  1. While your vehicle is turned off, look under the steering wheel and find a white box at the top left corner with 3 connectors connected to it.
  2. Disconnect the lowest connector which is for Auto Start-Stop button.
  3. This will automatically put the system in bypass mode – disabling the Auto Start-Stop function.
View attachment 452096

Mine is even easier. There is a button to turn it off. I want to save the gas for the environment so I don't mind it turning off and on so much because it's a lease car. I'm turning it in in 3 years. If it was my truck and I wanted it to last 10 years I'd be concerned with it starting and stopping so much.
Why is everything that's good for us, have to be so darn expensive?

If an apple was ten cents and a snickers was a dollar we’d still go for the snicker. Lol.

WOW, you can still buy a Snickers for a dollar? Where? You luck guy!!

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