Not a Cult


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Not a cult at all, nosiree.
The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join The Satanic Temple
“I am a 40-something attorney and mother who lives in a quiet neighborhood with a yard and a garage full of scooters and soccer balls. I am not the type of person who would normally consider becoming a Satanist, but these are not normal times.”
Some of the bullshit touted by commies masquerading as "Christians" caused me to convert to Norse Paganism so they can't use their bullshit misinterpretation of charity on me. I don't give a fuck.

My creed is kill all your enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.
Some of the bullshit touted by commies masquerading as "Christians" caused me to convert to Norse Paganism so they can't use their bullshit misinterpretation of charity on me. I don't give a fuck.

My creed is kill all your enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.
You will find that the vast numbers of Left wingers are like Karl Marx, they are atheists.

Ever wonder why?
If you read what she said, it's obvious she's a mental fruitbasket.

However, due to Political Correctness, this is accepted as the norm on the Left.

Until Trump builds a massive system of Insane Asylums and packs the house with rabid Leftists, we have little hope.
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If you read what she said, it's obvious she's a mental fruitbasket.

However, due to Political Correctness, this is the norm on the Left.

Until Trump builds a massive system of Insane Asylums and packs the house with rabid Leftists, we have little hope.
The one question I have is, what is the difference between evil, stupidity, and insanity? I think I know the answer.

What they all have in common is the fact that it is all counterproductive and causes harm. In that respect, they are all kind of crazy.

However, those that do "evil" seem to benefit materially in some way for a brief time, or benefit from various types of pleasure included for a brief time.

Those that are stupid try to benefit materially from an evil act, but are too stupid to get away with it.

Lastly, those that are insane have no real objective, rather, they are just blown around by the winds of a mindless whim.

As for the lady in question, the verdict I still out.

I'm guessing she might be all 3 though
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Not a cult at all, nosiree.
The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join The Satanic Temple
“I am a 40-something attorney and mother who lives in a quiet neighborhood with a yard and a garage full of scooters and soccer balls. I am not the type of person who would normally consider becoming a Satanist, but these are not normal times.”
How unenlightened. She could have started a temple dedicated to a goddess of Love where she could pray for True Love and perform True Love rituals.
Not a cult at all, nosiree.
The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join The Satanic Temple
“I am a 40-something attorney and mother who lives in a quiet neighborhood with a yard and a garage full of scooters and soccer balls. I am not the type of person who would normally consider becoming a Satanist, but these are not normal times.”
So you're voting for Biden....?

There's this kind of bat shit crazy..

And then there's this type....

She full on colony of bat shit crazy!!!!
Some of the bullshit touted by commies masquerading as "Christians" caused me to convert to Norse Paganism
Catholicism is communism by any other name, under the Pope's dictatorship of the proletariat masses.
My creed is kill all your enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla
True Christians never had a problem with Pagans of that Creed.
Some of the bullshit touted by commies masquerading as "Christians" caused me to convert to Norse Paganism
Catholicism is communism by any other name, under the Pope's dictatorship of the proletariat masses.
My creed is kill all your enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla
True Christians never had a problem with Pagans of that Creed.


The Pope won't kill or imprison ANYONE for leaving the Catholic faith.

Part of the problem with leftists is that they demand Communism but have absolutely ZERO clue what it is

The Pope won't kill or imprison ANYONE for leaving the Catholic faith.
We have too much church history from the Dark Ages of Europe to countenance the bald-faced lies of the Roman Catholic Church.
Part of the problem with leftists is that they demand Communism but have absolutely ZERO clue what it is
Communism became entrenched in Europe when Pope Gregory VII confiscated the inherited property of his Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests, and prohibited them from entering lawful marriage — thereby instituting wholesale prostitution with or without marriages of convenience under the full protection of Catholicism and Communism throughout Europe.

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