North Korea/Russia summit to be held............


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Well, now that Trump has given legitimacy to the N. Korea regime by having 2 summits with them, it seems that Russia also is going to meet with them.

Kinda interesting that Un is meeting with Putin shortly after telling Trump's admin that Pompeo is no longer welcome at any more nuclear talks. Wonder if this is the beginning of the end of Trump's "great relationship" with Un?

North Korea's Kim to make three-day visit to Russia from Wednesday for summit with Putin | The Japan Times

SEOUL/MOSCOW/VLADIVOSTOK, RUSSIA - Final arrangements are being made for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to visit Russia for three days from Wednesday next week, it was learned Thursday from official sources of both countries.

The Russian presidential office announced the visit the same day, saying Kim will be making the trip at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin.

Kim will be traveling to the country by special train and hold his first summit with Putin on Russky Island off the city of Vladivostok, according to the sources.

A team of North Korean security staffers is scheduled to arrive in Vladivostok next Tuesday on a special flight operated by the country’s national carrier Air Koryo, a Russian government official has said.
By the way, do you think that this means Putin and Un will become besties and leave Trump out of their friendship circle?
Well, now that Trump has given legitimacy to the N. Korea regime by having 2 summits with them, it seems that Russia also is going to meet with them.

Kinda interesting that Un is meeting with Putin shortly after telling Trump's admin that Pompeo is no longer welcome at any more nuclear talks. Wonder if this is the beginning of the end of Trump's "great relationship" with Un?

North Korea's Kim to make three-day visit to Russia from Wednesday for summit with Putin | The Japan Times

SEOUL/MOSCOW/VLADIVOSTOK, RUSSIA - Final arrangements are being made for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to visit Russia for three days from Wednesday next week, it was learned Thursday from official sources of both countries.

The Russian presidential office announced the visit the same day, saying Kim will be making the trip at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin.

Kim will be traveling to the country by special train and hold his first summit with Putin on Russky Island off the city of Vladivostok, according to the sources.

A team of North Korean security staffers is scheduled to arrive in Vladivostok next Tuesday on a special flight operated by the country’s national carrier Air Koryo, a Russian government official has said.
So what?

They are neighbors.

HUH: Daimler Has ‘Absolutely No Idea’ How North Korea Got Its Mercedes-Maybach Limos.
Is that good news or bad news to the angry incoherent left? Democrat icon Harry Truman and his inept General left us in a state of war with North Korea seventy years ago when they managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory at a cost of 35,000 Americans lost in a three year quagmire. President Trump brought N.K. to the negotiation table when no other president (including Reagan) had the balls to do it and now the left hates him for it.
Is that good news or bad news to the angry incoherent left? Democrat icon Harry Truman and his inept General left us in a state of war with North Korea seventy years ago when they managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory at a cost of 35,000 Americans lost in a three year quagmire. President Trump brought N.K. to the negotiation table when no other president (including Reagan) had the balls to do it and now the left hates him for it.
The Left always hates GOP Presidents while they are in office.

Dennis Rodman, following his heart, got more accomplished than the entire State Department in 50 years.
Well, now apparently, Trump isn't as good as a negotiator as he previously bragged. Seems that in order to get Warmbier back from N. Korea, we were supposed to pay them 2 million for "medical expenses". When the diplomat heard that, he called Tillerson to verify this was true. Tillerson got back to him a short while later and told the diplomat to sign the agreement for 2 million.

Only problem is, while the US agreed to pay the money, they still haven't sent the check. How do you think this is going to play with N. Korea going forward? Trump promised them something, but then refused to pay.

John Bolton says U.S. DID agree to pay North Korea $2 million for Otto Warmbier but never paid | Daily Mail Online

  • A new book claims North Korea gave the United States a $2 million bill to cover its expenses for the care of comatose Otto Warmbier
  • President Trump tweeted on Friday that he hasn't paid anything for hostage releases, but didn't rule out the possibility that an invoice existed
  • National Security Advisor John Bolton confirmed Sunday that the U.S. did agree to pay for Warmbier's release
  • But he said the U.S. stiffed Kim Jong-un on the bill
  • Otto’s father, Fred Warmbier, said that he had not been informed about any hospital bill and it sounded like a 'ransom' for his late son, 22
  • North Korea sentenced Warmbier to 15 years hard labor in 2016 for stealing a poster before returning him to the U.S. in a coma in 2017; he died shortly after
Well, now apparently, Trump isn't as good as a negotiator as he previously bragged. Seems that in order to get Warmbier back from N. Korea, we were supposed to pay them 2 million for "medical expenses". When the diplomat heard that, he called Tillerson to verify this was true. Tillerson got back to him a short while later and told the diplomat to sign the agreement for 2 million.

Only problem is, while the US agreed to pay the money, they still haven't sent the check. How do you think this is going to play with N. Korea going forward? Trump promised them something, but then refused to pay.

John Bolton says U.S. DID agree to pay North Korea $2 million for Otto Warmbier but never paid | Daily Mail Online

  • A new book claims North Korea gave the United States a $2 million bill to cover its expenses for the care of comatose Otto Warmbier
  • President Trump tweeted on Friday that he hasn't paid anything for hostage releases, but didn't rule out the possibility that an invoice existed
  • National Security Advisor John Bolton confirmed Sunday that the U.S. did agree to pay for Warmbier's release
  • But he said the U.S. stiffed Kim Jong-un on the bill
  • Otto’s father, Fred Warmbier, said that he had not been informed about any hospital bill and it sounded like a 'ransom' for his late son, 22
  • North Korea sentenced Warmbier to 15 years hard labor in 2016 for stealing a poster before returning him to the U.S. in a coma in 2017; he died shortly after
Yeah, this is ugly. I see two possibilities and nothing good about either:

A) Trump did pay it and lied.
That would nail him for paying it and lying.
B) Trump promised to pay it, knowing he never would.
How exactly is that going to help the Norks believe any commitments made by this Administration?
My guess is that Trump will at some point state that disposition of this bill will be part of an overall deal with North Korea and that he will make the Chinese pay for it.
My guess is that Trump will at some point state that disposition of this bill will be part of an overall deal with North Korea and that he will make the Chinese pay for it.

And just like the lie that Mexico is paying for the wall, his supporters will swallow it hook, line and sinker.
My guess is that Trump will at some point state that disposition of this bill will be part of an overall deal with North Korea and that he will make the Chinese pay for it.

And just like the lie that Mexico is paying for the wall, his supporters will swallow it hook, line and sinker.
These are distant issues. It's not like he sent the Iranians pallets of cash or told us that if we liked our health plan that we could keep our health plan. Besides the other choice was Hillary. After listening to Hillary lie to us for 25 years, we deserved a new liar.

And holy crap, what a Job Trump is doing on the economy!

A strong economy and dubious Democrats may re-elect Trump.


The news that the economy grew at a 3.2 percent rate in the first quarter of 2019 was like a jackhammer to the skull of Democrats seeking to derail President Trump’s re-election.

We have seen this before when Democrats were seeking to unseat a GOP president. In 1984, Democrats looking to beat Ronald Reagan hoped with all their hearts that despite fabulous economic growth that the public would reject him.

Mondull actually ran against trade deficits because he didn’t have much else to dwell on by that point. In 1983, the economy had grown by 4.6 percent. In 1984, it grew by 7.2 percent. This was an economic recovery of a remarkable sort.

Trump took office in 2016 with an economy whose recovery from a brutal recession was abnormally slow and weak, owing to the growth-unfriendly policies of the Obama administration that was more interested in spying on Americans than jobs and wages.

The idea that we are “due” for a recession might not work in this case, because the pre-Trump economy didn’t grow as one might have expected it to and that the economy is neither overheating nor getting too big for its britches. It appears poised to continue it's Trump Strong Expansion.

What will Democrats do if 2020 is like 1984? They will continue to talk about how Trump’s tax cut went only to the wealthy when, in fact, 65 percent of all Americans paid less in taxes in 2018 than they did in 2017?

This argument will fail in an economy is good — if people make more money and have more job mobility — you will be unable to talk them into believing the economy is bad.
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