North Korea on standby to launch in defiance of Trump threats


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
North Korea took its turn Saturday in the country’s escalating, back-and-fourth with President Trump, with the state-run newspaper saying leader Kim Jung Un’s revolutionary army is “capable of fighting any war the U.S. wants.” The assertion was made in an editorial that also states the Paektusan army is now “on the standby to launch fire into its mainland, waiting for an order of final attack.”

North Korea 'on Standby to Launch in defiance of Trump Threats

Well fat boy chubs is pounding his chest now lmao
North Korea took its turn Saturday in the country’s escalating, back-and-fourth with President Trump, with the state-run newspaper saying leader Kim Jung Un’s revolutionary army is “capable of fighting any war the U.S. wants.” The assertion was made in an editorial that also states the Paektusan army is now “on the standby to launch fire into its mainland, waiting for an order of final attack.”

North Korea 'on Standby to Launch in defiance of Trump Threats

Well fat boy chubs is pounding his chest now lmao
. What about the Packistan army in relation to NK ?
The whole issue has radically changed with the entrance of China. China has announced that if Kim launches any attack against US soil or an alley, they are on their own. So the good news is that if Kim doesn't sit pat, we will squash him like a bug and no one's gonna miss him.

That's the good news. Guam and Seoul can quit worrying.

The bad news is that China says that if we attack first, they will intervene. How? No one knows, but it puts a wrench in the gears now as if we attack preemptively to end N. Korea's nuclear and missile threat, China will get involved. HOW involved no one can say; since it won't be a ground war, it would have to be plane against plane, ship against ship, missile against missile. It isn't a question of whether we can beat them because we have the technology edge to fight a computer war while China has the manpower edge to fight a war on the ground, but do we really want to get dragged into a war with China? No.

So the bad news is that unless President Trump can apply better leverage, N. Korea will now be left alone to continue working on refining their offensive weapons.
Nah. China wants to take over NK, so the only "involvement" they will be party to is being ready to take over Fatboys country.

It's all been planned. Putin, Trump and China all had a "church" meeting (aka Sons of Anarchy table thump) and its going as planned.
China does not want a westernized North Korea on their border. And they also do not want anyone messing up their profitable trade relations with the US. So if North Korea is stupid enough to launch over Japan at Guam, and we take him out, but stop there, they would take over North Korea, and privately thank us. However, if we cannot effectively decapitate North Korea, and they launch an all out offensive against South Korea, the upshot of that is anyone's guess. A situation fraught with bad, really bad, outcomes.

Now I do not like the treasonous fat old orange clown's rhetoric, but it did result in the fat slob racheting his rhetoric up, and making China back off on supporting North Korea if it does something exceptionally stupid.
The whole issue has radically changed with the entrance of China. China has announced that if Kim launches any attack against US soil or an alley, they are on their own. So the good news is that if Kim doesn't sit pat, we will squash him like a bug and no one's gonna miss him.

That's the good news. Guam and Seoul can quit worrying.

The bad news is that China says that if we attack first, they will intervene. How? No one knows, but it puts a wrench in the gears now as if we attack preemptively to end N. Korea's nuclear and missile threat, China will get involved. HOW involved no one can say; since it won't be a ground war, it would have to be plane against plane, ship against ship, missile against missile. It isn't a question of whether we can beat them because we have the technology edge to fight a computer war while China has the manpower edge to fight a war on the ground, but do we really want to get dragged into a war with China? No.

So the bad news is that unless President Trump can apply better leverage, N. Korea will now be left alone to continue working on refining their offensive weapons.

China won't intervene either way, they are way too dependent on trade with the US. If they dare get in our way or support NK in the slightest, Trump will kill their trade off.
The whole issue has radically changed with the entrance of China. China has announced that if Kim launches any attack against US soil or an alley, they are on their own. So the good news is that if Kim doesn't sit pat, we will squash him like a bug and no one's gonna miss him.

That's the good news. Guam and Seoul can quit worrying.

The bad news is that China says that if we attack first, they will intervene. How? No one knows, but it puts a wrench in the gears now as if we attack preemptively to end N. Korea's nuclear and missile threat, China will get involved. HOW involved no one can say; since it won't be a ground war, it would have to be plane against plane, ship against ship, missile against missile. It isn't a question of whether we can beat them because we have the technology edge to fight a computer war while China has the manpower edge to fight a war on the ground, but do we really want to get dragged into a war with China? No.

So the bad news is that unless President Trump can apply better leverage, N. Korea will now be left alone to continue working on refining their offensive weapons.

China won't intervene either way, they are way too dependent on trade with the US. If they dare get in our way or support NK in the slightest, Trump will kill their trade off.

I think Trump is already telling them they are going to lose trade with us if they don't reign in Kim.
The whole issue has radically changed with the entrance of China. China has announced that if Kim launches any attack against US soil or an alley, they are on their own. So the good news is that if Kim doesn't sit pat, we will squash him like a bug and no one's gonna miss him.

That's the good news. Guam and Seoul can quit worrying.

The bad news is that China says that if we attack first, they will intervene. How? No one knows, but it puts a wrench in the gears now as if we attack preemptively to end N. Korea's nuclear and missile threat, China will get involved. HOW involved no one can say; since it won't be a ground war, it would have to be plane against plane, ship against ship, missile against missile. It isn't a question of whether we can beat them because we have the technology edge to fight a computer war while China has the manpower edge to fight a war on the ground, but do we really want to get dragged into a war with China? No.

So the bad news is that unless President Trump can apply better leverage, N. Korea will now be left alone to continue working on refining their offensive weapons.
. It's time to talk tough with China about these very things, because NK can't be left alone to become a rogue nuclear power. It is in no one's interest if that happens. It needs to be laid out to China in the way that you have presented it, and then ultimatums must be met. Getting China to control NK's nuclear ambitions should be front and center with American/China relations now. We must restore our relations with Russia pronto. The left has had it's fun with that, but we are talking world relations now, and we must use our freedom and capatalist model as examples to others in a positive way. We must fix healthcare immediately, because we look like fools on the subject. Can't influence anyone if we can't even help ourselves.
The whole issue has radically changed with the entrance of China. China has announced that if Kim launches any attack against US soil or an alley, they are on their own. So the good news is that if Kim doesn't sit pat, we will squash him like a bug and no one's gonna miss him.

That's the good news. Guam and Seoul can quit worrying.

The bad news is that China says that if we attack first, they will intervene. How? No one knows, but it puts a wrench in the gears now as if we attack preemptively to end N. Korea's nuclear and missile threat, China will get involved. HOW involved no one can say; since it won't be a ground war, it would have to be plane against plane, ship against ship, missile against missile. It isn't a question of whether we can beat them because we have the technology edge to fight a computer war while China has the manpower edge to fight a war on the ground, but do we really want to get dragged into a war with China? No.

So the bad news is that unless President Trump can apply better leverage, N. Korea will now be left alone to continue working on refining their offensive weapons.

China won't intervene either way, they are way too dependent on trade with the US. If they dare get in our way or support NK in the slightest, Trump will kill their trade off.

I think Trump is already telling them they are going to lose trade with us if they don't reign in Kim.
. We need not push China to NK's side with threats, but rather we should just lay out what is to be seen as a world security issue, and then work from there having the leaders of the civilized world in conference over the issues, just like Trump did in Saudi-Arabia concerning ISIS.
It's time to talk tough with China about these very things, because NK can't be left alone to become a rogue nuclear power. It is in no one's interest if that happens. It needs to be laid out to China in the way that you have presented it, and then ultimatums must be met. Getting China to control NK's nuclear ambitions should be front and center with American/China relations now. We must restore our relations with Russia pronto. The left has had it's fun with that, but we are talking world relations now, and we must use our freedom and capatalist model as examples to others in a positive way. We must fix healthcare immediately, because we look like fools on the subject. Can't influence anyone if we can't even help ourselves.

Getting China to control NK's nuclear ambitions should be front and center. We must restore our relations with Russia pronto.

Lessee: If Trump can pull those two off, he will be right up there with Kissinger and Churchill as one of the great World Negotiators of history. China wants N. Korea just as it is, and provides them with 90% of their economy. It has been said that China would not intervene if we attack Kim, but they will. Maybe not all out war but they will have to respond in some way to show Kim they got his back in protecting their own interests. China cannot be appealed to through altruism and humanitarian means so the only card we have with them is to sever trade relations. If we severed all trade AND crippled N. Korea's economy through attack, that would be a huge loss for the Chinese. But that is easier said than done and carries with it many ramifications.

As far as patching things with Russia, good luck with that. We are lucky it isn't worse! I give that about a 10% chance. For the time being I would say that at least the chances of Kim attacking us has been cut to the quick. But part of me is hoping he still does. I love a good ass-kicking. I'm sure every facet of our Military is just sitting in the ready, plan in hand, targets laid out just waiting for the orders to LAUNCH Operation: Pig Roast.

As far as healthcare, I don't think McConnell has a chance of keeping at least McCain, Collins, Rand or others from voting no on anything. It only takes three RINO's to kill any bill.
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