North Korea now making missile-ready nuclear weapons, U.S. analysts say


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It may already be too late. It's certainly getting to the 12th hour. Time for heavy sanctions against China and a renewed commitment to America even by the alt-left and treasonous citizens.

North Korea now making missile-ready nuclear weapons, U.S. analysts say

North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles, crossing a key threshold on the path to becoming a full-fledged nuclear power, U.S. intelligence officials have concluded in a confidential assessment.

The new analysis completed last month by the Defense Intelligence Agency comes on the heels of another intelligence assessment that sharply raises the official estimate for the total number of bombs in the communist country’s atomic arsenal. The U.S. calculated last month that up to 60 nuclear weapons are now controlled by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Some independent experts believe the number of bombs is much smaller.

The findings are likely to deepen concerns about an evolving North Korean military threat that appears to be advancing far more rapidly than many experts had predicted. U.S. officials last month concluded that Pyongyang is also outpacing expectations in its effort to build an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking cities on the American mainland.
Kinda begs the question: what are we going to do about it? I personally think it's time to look that fat little fuck square in the eye and tell him the facts of life: The day you fire a missile, with or without a nuke that lands in any other country is the day you die. NK is already pretty much a wasteland anyway, but we will find you and blow your sorry ass to kingdom come.

And it is also time to tell China the facts of life too: either you fix this problem or we will, and if we have to do it then the Korea peninsula will be totally out of your control. I think its past time to stop messing around, we need to tell the Chinese in no uncertain terms that sanctions WILL be applied by us to them and those sanctions will be increased in severity until they play ball or we totally stop doing business with them. Yeah, it's going to hurt us too economy-wise, but the alternative is a nuclear-armed NK with ICBMs that can reach the mainland US. I think Trump needs to go on national TV and tell us the trade-off, here's what we can do and here's how much it can hurt.
Gee, they couldn't possibly be getting backing from China, whom Bill Clinton gave the technology to, could they?

It may already be too late. It's certainly getting to the 12th hour. Time for heavy sanctions against China and a renewed commitment to America even by the alt-left and treasonous citizens.

North Korea now making missile-ready nuclear weapons, U.S. analysts say

North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles, crossing a key threshold on the path to becoming a full-fledged nuclear power, U.S. intelligence officials have concluded in a confidential assessment.

The new analysis completed last month by the Defense Intelligence Agency comes on the heels of another intelligence assessment that sharply raises the official estimate for the total number of bombs in the communist country’s atomic arsenal. The U.S. calculated last month that up to 60 nuclear weapons are now controlled by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Some independent experts believe the number of bombs is much smaller.

The findings are likely to deepen concerns about an evolving North Korean military threat that appears to be advancing far more rapidly than many experts had predicted. U.S. officials last month concluded that Pyongyang is also outpacing expectations in its effort to build an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking cities on the American mainland.
Was there a new test? Or why does the US claim this? Sure, its more than warmongering?
I said for years China needs taken down a few pegs...folks the cheap shit you buy from China at Walmart isn't worth what they are doing to us. SO now thanks to China we are going to war with North Korea.......
Kinda begs the question: what are we going to do about it? I personally think it's time to look that fat little fuck square in the eye and tell him the facts of life: The day you fire a missile, with or without a nuke that lands in any other country is the day you die. NK is already pretty much a wasteland anyway, but we will find you and blow your sorry ass to kingdom come.

And it is also time to tell China the facts of life too: either you fix this problem or we will, and if we have to do it then the Korea peninsula will be totally out of your control. I think its past time to stop messing around, we need to tell the Chinese in no uncertain terms that sanctions WILL be applied by us to them and those sanctions will be increased in severity until they play ball or we totally stop doing business with them. Yeah, it's going to hurt us too economy-wise, but the alternative is a nuclear-armed NK with ICBMs that can reach the mainland US. I think Trump needs to go on national TV and tell us the trade-off, here's what we can do and here's how much it can hurt.
I'm sure Kim knows it would be suicide. He's crazy, but not that crazy. He just enjoys poking Uncle Sam in the eye and pissing on us.
Gee, they couldn't possibly be getting backing from China, whom Bill Clinton gave the technology to, could they?


I hope you are not suggesting that the Clintons sold for profit tons of us military secrets to the Chinese or had Chinese agents working right in their own administration? That would be colluding with a foreign enemy, worse, conspiring to aide a foreign threat. That is Treason. Such people are investigated by Special Investigators, then probed and prosecuted by Grand Juries for that. Since none were ever convened against the Clintons, then it could not have possibly happened! The Clintons are Aces!

Maybe the whole suborning of perjury thing was just a red herring to throw the Congress and American people off the real scent?
Kinda begs the question: what are we going to do about it? I personally think it's time to look that fat little fuck square in the eye and tell him the facts of life: The day you fire a missile, with or without a nuke that lands in any other country is the day you die. NK is already pretty much a wasteland anyway, but we will find you and blow your sorry ass to kingdom come.

And it is also time to tell China the facts of life too: either you fix this problem or we will, and if we have to do it then the Korea peninsula will be totally out of your control. I think its past time to stop messing around, we need to tell the Chinese in no uncertain terms that sanctions WILL be applied by us to them and those sanctions will be increased in severity until they play ball or we totally stop doing business with them. Yeah, it's going to hurt us too economy-wise, but the alternative is a nuclear-armed NK with ICBMs that can reach the mainland US. I think Trump needs to go on national TV and tell us the trade-off, here's what we can do and here's how much it can hurt.
I'm sure Kim knows it would be suicide. He's crazy, but not that crazy. He just enjoys poking Uncle Sam in the eye and pissing on us.

About being that crazy, how many lives are you willing to risk on that premise? I'm sure most people thought the same about Hitler or Mussolini. How sure is he that China has his back? Funny thing about being crazy, even if he ain't that nuts right now the possibility exists that he becomes that crazy at some point. Down the road he miscalculates, we miscalculate, the Chinese miscalculate but at the expense of how many dead people? WWIII. I dunno that we want to screw around and allow that possibility to grow.
Let's consider this fascist sob and how he rules his country with an iron fist. He was given the reigns of leadership because his crazy dad died, and his son is far crazier than him. He never earned a thing in life. They spread the most ridiculous propaganda, the type of "news" you wouldn't find those fake rags that are on the shelves on the way out of the grocery store. He has not backed down, he has ramped up.

These guys are worse than Russians because at least with Russia they had a reputation on the world stage to protect. As we saw during the Cuban Missile Crisis when Russians were exposed to the world as having warheads in Cuba. They backed down after America moved out of Turkey and the world has avoided nuclear war or World War for over 70 years.

In this case, in my opinion, all solutions go through Beijing. China has been using N Korea to keep pressure off of their own exploits in the South Southern Sea. They have stolen millions of U.S jobs, and many of the companies looking at the cheap source of labour and large market do so without understanding that they are propping up an enemy.

If the choice is, full scale war or allowing North Korea full ability to nuke anyone on any day, well then, the world has a tough decision to make. It really isn't that difficult though considering world history.
One other aspect to this is that while the FLF (fat little fuck) may not be that crazy (yet) to fire a missile, nuke or not, at us or our allies, he isn't above selling nukes to a terrorist organization that IS that crazy. It ain't a good situation for anybody.
Let's consider this fascist sob and how he rules his country with an iron fist. He was given the reigns of leadership because his crazy dad died, and his son is far crazier than him. He never earned a thing in life. They spread the most ridiculous propaganda, the type of "news" you wouldn't find those fake rags that are on the shelves on the way out of the grocery store. He has not backed down, he has ramped up.

These guys are worse than Russians because at least with Russia they had a reputation on the world stage to protect. As we saw during the Cuban Missile Crisis when Russians were exposed to the world as having warheads in Cuba. They backed down after America moved out of Turkey and the world has avoided nuclear war or World War for over 70 years.

In this case, in my opinion, all solutions go through Beijing. China has been using N Korea to keep pressure off of their own exploits in the South Southern Sea. They have stolen millions of U.S jobs, and many of the companies looking at the cheap source of labour and large market do so without understanding that they are propping up an enemy.

If the choice is, full scale war or allowing North Korea full ability to nuke anyone on any day, well then, the world has a tough decision to make. It really isn't that difficult though considering world history.
Looks like western propaganda has done a number on you, eh?
“This is a good deal for the United States,” “North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons.” Billy Boy Clinton as he subsidized their weapon program
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One other aspect to this is that while the FLF (fat little fuck) may not be that crazy (yet) to fire a missile, nuke or not, at us or our allies, he isn't above selling nukes to a terrorist organization that IS that crazy. It ain't a good situation for anybody.

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