North Korea Unveils New Nukes as U.S. Argues about ‘Misgendering’


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The insanity from the left/Democrats is dooming us. Giving credence to the mentally ill, which is what transgenders are, is the latest insanity from the left/Democrats.

Most transgenders belong in a mental institution. Instead, Democrats and the MSM dwell on them as some magical people deserving of our undivided attention and worship.

As a U.S. aircraft carrier arrived in South Korea for military drills, North Korea responded by unveiling new nuclear warheads. I guess that’s what you call an explosive statement.
Photos of the smaller nuclear warheads, called Hwasan-31s, were released by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Reuters reported.
Nuclear experts reportedly said that, based on the photos, North Korea has made progress “in miniaturising warheads that are powerful yet small enough to mount on intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of striking the United States.”
Meanwhile, back in America, mainstream media outlets, including New York Times, USA Today, and CNN, are apologizing for referring to a female murderer as a woman because she called herself “he/him,” and President Joe Biden cracks jokes about ice cream before discussing the shooting of six people, including three young children. Somehow, that’s not encouraging.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un visited the Nuclear Weapons Institute to inspect the nukes, nuclear counterattack operation plans, and ballistic missile warhead mounting tech. Kim was further reportedly briefed on an “IT-based integrated nuclear weapon management system called Haekbangashoe,” which Reuters reported means “nuclear trigger.”
The dictator ordered his country’s nuclear arsenal to be increased “exponentially.” A South Korean military spokesman said it is not known if the new warheads are deployable, per Reuters, though “North Korea fired short-range ballistic missiles on Monday and conducted a nuclear counterattack simulation last week against the U.S. and South Korea.” North Korea is accusing the allies of conducting a rehearsal for invasion.
While the reality of the nukes is not known, Seoul National University nuclear engineering professor Emeritus Kune Y. Suh sees reason for concern: “It has something more powerful in a smaller space. That’s worrisome.” Former South Korean naval officer Kim Dong-yup described “a miniaturised, lightweight and standardised warhead” with eight delivery platforms based on the photos. “ Now that the delivery vehicles are nearly ready, they would churn out warheads to secure second strike capabilities — perhaps hundreds, not dozens — while running centrifuges even harder to get weapons-grade nuclear material,” the former officer and professor warned.
While Korea worries about nuclear warheads, transgender activists in America are lecturing the media about using the “correct” pronouns for Tennessee mass shooter Audrey Hale, who called herself “Aiden” before she shot up an elementary school. Transgender activists in Tennessee and elsewhere are literally accusing conservatives of “trans genocide.” Tennessee’s supposed “genocidal” actions currently are enacting laws to prevent drag queens from performing in venues that might have children and restricting “transgender” surgeries for minors.
North Korea might not have quite the nuclear capabilities it says it does, but it’s certainly serious about targeting South Korea and the U.S. “Serious” is not really an apt descriptor of much of America right now.

These assholes don't have anything we didn't have x 1000 thirty years ago. We got way better shit now.
The greatest danger the Norks pose for us, IMO, would be if they manage to miniaturize a warhead that they can loft into a stable satellite-type orbit and then detonate it for the EMP. Our nation is extremely vulnerable to such an attack. IIRC there was study done a few years back where they predicted a 90+% mortality rate after one year without power. If something like that were to occur, it wouldn't be anyone's fault but our own. We should have marched on DC years ago with torches and ropes...
The greatest danger the Norks pose for us, IMO, would be if they manage to miniaturize a warhead that they can loft into a stable satellite-type orbit and then detonate it for the EMP. Our nation is extremely vulnerable to such an attack. IIRC there was study done a few years back where they predicted a 90+% mortality rate after one year without power. If something like that were to occur, it wouldn't be anyone's fault but our own. We should have marched on DC years ago with torches and ropes...
Just pay extra for EMP protection.
These assholes don't have anything we didn't have x 1000 thirty years ago. We got way better shit now.
You should do a little reading about the effects of EMP on a vulnerable electrical grid. A true, lasting grid-down scenario would be as deadly as having nukes going off all over the country. The only difference would be the amount of time it took for the deaths to occur. The worst part of it is that we COULD harden our grid against such attacks but even after years of knowing this risk, our government refuses to do it.
Just pay extra for EMP protection.
Yeah, I am down for it. How do we get DC to get their asses in gear and fix the problem? Seriously, it would be a catastrophe and it would take years to recover. If the government would just invest in a limited way to purchase the high tech transformers we rely on and store them in a shielded facility, it would make recovery MUCH quicker. As it stands right now, once the power is gone, we wouldn't be able to build those transformers or other high end systems that would be needed to get the power back on. One month after the lights went out, it'd be LORD OF THE FLIES bad.
The greatest danger the Norks pose for us, IMO, would be if they manage to miniaturize a warhead that they can loft into a stable satellite-type orbit and then detonate it for the EMP. Our nation is extremely vulnerable to such an attack. IIRC there was study done a few years back where they predicted a 90+% mortality rate after one year without power. If something like that were to occur, it wouldn't be anyone's fault but our own. We should have marched on DC years ago with torches and ropes...
Oooooh, the super scary EM pulse. Lots of misconceptions about that one. Not sure you would understand why it's not something to worry about for a very long time concerning NK. The inverse square law and the line of sight nature of radio waves means they couldn't possibly hurt even a fraction of our country like that with what they have.
You should do a little reading about the effects of EMP on a vulnerable electrical grid. A true, lasting grid-down scenario would be as deadly as having nukes going off all over the country. The only difference would be the amount of time it took for the deaths to occur. The worst part of it is that we COULD harden our grid against such attacks but even after years of knowing this risk, our government refuses to do it.
These leftist jerks couldn't care less...They're trivial and unserious people...And their pettiness is only exceeded by their hubris.
The insanity from the left/Democrats is dooming us. Giving credence to the mentally ill, which is what transgenders are, is the latest insanity from the left/Democrats.

Most transgenders belong in a mental institution. Instead, Democrats and the MSM dwell on them as some magical people deserving of our undivided attention and worship.

As a U.S. aircraft carrier arrived in South Korea for military drills, North Korea responded by unveiling new nuclear warheads. I guess that’s what you call an explosive statement.
Photos of the smaller nuclear warheads, called Hwasan-31s, were released by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Reuters reported.
Nuclear experts reportedly said that, based on the photos, North Korea has made progress “in miniaturising warheads that are powerful yet small enough to mount on intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of striking the United States.”
Meanwhile, back in America, mainstream media outlets, including New York Times, USA Today, and CNN, are apologizing for referring to a female murderer as a woman because she called herself “he/him,” and President Joe Biden cracks jokes about ice cream before discussing the shooting of six people, including three young children. Somehow, that’s not encouraging.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un visited the Nuclear Weapons Institute to inspect the nukes, nuclear counterattack operation plans, and ballistic missile warhead mounting tech. Kim was further reportedly briefed on an “IT-based integrated nuclear weapon management system called Haekbangashoe,” which Reuters reported means “nuclear trigger.”
The dictator ordered his country’s nuclear arsenal to be increased “exponentially.” A South Korean military spokesman said it is not known if the new warheads are deployable, per Reuters, though “North Korea fired short-range ballistic missiles on Monday and conducted a nuclear counterattack simulation last week against the U.S. and South Korea.” North Korea is accusing the allies of conducting a rehearsal for invasion.
While the reality of the nukes is not known, Seoul National University nuclear engineering professor Emeritus Kune Y. Suh sees reason for concern: “It has something more powerful in a smaller space. That’s worrisome.” Former South Korean naval officer Kim Dong-yup described “a miniaturised, lightweight and standardised warhead” with eight delivery platforms based on the photos. “ Now that the delivery vehicles are nearly ready, they would churn out warheads to secure second strike capabilities — perhaps hundreds, not dozens — while running centrifuges even harder to get weapons-grade nuclear material,” the former officer and professor warned.
While Korea worries about nuclear warheads, transgender activists in America are lecturing the media about using the “correct” pronouns for Tennessee mass shooter Audrey Hale, who called herself “Aiden” before she shot up an elementary school. Transgender activists in Tennessee and elsewhere are literally accusing conservatives of “trans genocide.” Tennessee’s supposed “genocidal” actions currently are enacting laws to prevent drag queens from performing in venues that might have children and restricting “transgender” surgeries for minors.
North Korea might not have quite the nuclear capabilities it says it does, but it’s certainly serious about targeting South Korea and the U.S. “Serious” is not really an apt descriptor of much of America right now.

I doubt nasty North Korea will harm your precious transgenders.
Shit happens.
And from that a world in turmoil and groups of people exterminated or genocide. It will happen again because it is talked about positively. We will live in a calmer nation and world if the destruction is not total though afterward.

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