Normal gun owners don't cause gun crime. Democrat party policies that demonize the police and release criminals cause gun crime.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
2,290 call all cops racists, and want to fire them..........or pretend to want to fire them to support the democrat party terrorist groups antifa and black lives matter...

And now, the police stand down......and your gun murder rates are going through the roof.......

Americans owning and carrying guns do not cause gun crime or gun party policies that demonize and attack police, and policies that release repeat, violent gun offenders over and over again cause gun crime...

That is the truth, the fact, and the reality..

Since Memorial day, there have been 111 people shot in the city of Minneapolis. That may be only a single weekend’s total for their large neighbor to the southeast, Chicago, but the City of Lakes has less than a quarter the population and is well on its way to achieving Windy City-like levels of mayhem.
As we’ve pointed out, defunding or otherwise neutering the effectiveness of local law enforcement inevitably has a disproportionately negative effect on…black people. But that didn’t stop the city’s far-left city council from voting to do just that. Unanimously.

The predictable impact of this on the city’s minorities has been unmistakable so far.

Joining Frey at his Monday press conference, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo pointed out “many” of the victims in recent shootings are Black.
“The number of gunshot wound victims, specifically to our African Amercian community, in young men — their lives are not disposable,” Arradondo said.
He added: “This cannot become our normal, as a city. This is unacceptable, and as your chief, I cannot tolerate this here. People have to be held accountable when they come in and do harm to our communities.”
Blah, blah, blah. Meaningless platitudes by the man who heads a department full of hobbled, demoralized, reluctant officers who can’t possibly be effective in responding to — let alone preventing — crime in the toxic atmosphere that pervades the city. The Chief’s words carry zero weight and every Minneapolitan knows it.

I don't need a democrat or a politician for me to realize the cops are the enemy..

So what you're telling us is that you became a leftist follower because you were already evil, rather than becoming evil by being a leftist follower.

Good to know. call all cops racists, and want to fire them..........or pretend to want to fire them to support the democrat party terrorist groups antifa and black lives matter...

And now, the police stand down......and your gun murder rates are going through the roof.......

Americans owning and carrying guns do not cause gun crime or gun party policies that demonize and attack police, and policies that release repeat, violent gun offenders over and over again cause gun crime...

That is the truth, the fact, and the reality..

Since Memorial day, there have been 111 people shot in the city of Minneapolis. That may be only a single weekend’s total for their large neighbor to the southeast, Chicago, but the City of Lakes has less than a quarter the population and is well on its way to achieving Windy City-like levels of mayhem.
As we’ve pointed out, defunding or otherwise neutering the effectiveness of local law enforcement inevitably has a disproportionately negative effect on…black people. But that didn’t stop the city’s far-left city council from voting to do just that. Unanimously.

The predictable impact of this on the city’s minorities has been unmistakable so far.

Joining Frey at his Monday press conference, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo pointed out “many” of the victims in recent shootings are Black.
“The number of gunshot wound victims, specifically to our African Amercian community, in young men — their lives are not disposable,” Arradondo said.
He added: “This cannot become our normal, as a city. This is unacceptable, and as your chief, I cannot tolerate this here. People have to be held accountable when they come in and do harm to our communities.”
Blah, blah, blah. Meaningless platitudes by the man who heads a department full of hobbled, demoralized, reluctant officers who can’t possibly be effective in responding to — let alone preventing — crime in the toxic atmosphere that pervades the city. The Chief’s words carry zero weight and every Minneapolitan knows it.

Well, of course you are correct.....but....
The real crime is that good men are doing nothing to preserve their rights. it's as if they couldn't care less. call all cops racists, and want to fire them..........or pretend to want to fire them to support the democrat party terrorist groups antifa and black lives matter...

And now, the police stand down......and your gun murder rates are going through the roof.......

Americans owning and carrying guns do not cause gun crime or gun party policies that demonize and attack police, and policies that release repeat, violent gun offenders over and over again cause gun crime...

That is the truth, the fact, and the reality..

Since Memorial day, there have been 111 people shot in the city of Minneapolis. That may be only a single weekend’s total for their large neighbor to the southeast, Chicago, but the City of Lakes has less than a quarter the population and is well on its way to achieving Windy City-like levels of mayhem.
As we’ve pointed out, defunding or otherwise neutering the effectiveness of local law enforcement inevitably has a disproportionately negative effect on…black people. But that didn’t stop the city’s far-left city council from voting to do just that. Unanimously.

The predictable impact of this on the city’s minorities has been unmistakable so far.

Joining Frey at his Monday press conference, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo pointed out “many” of the victims in recent shootings are Black.
“The number of gunshot wound victims, specifically to our African Amercian community, in young men — their lives are not disposable,” Arradondo said.
He added: “This cannot become our normal, as a city. This is unacceptable, and as your chief, I cannot tolerate this here. People have to be held accountable when they come in and do harm to our communities.”
Blah, blah, blah. Meaningless platitudes by the man who heads a department full of hobbled, demoralized, reluctant officers who can’t possibly be effective in responding to — let alone preventing — crime in the toxic atmosphere that pervades the city. The Chief’s words carry zero weight and every Minneapolitan knows it.

I want to know where the outrage is, for the CHAD leader who gave out weapons of mass destruction, didnt have mandatory background checks.
Maybe the guy who was released from jail wouldn`t have been there in the first place if idiots like the OP didn`t insist on easy access to guns.

Which guy would that be, who was transformed from a fluffy, harmless, law-abiding bunny to a vicious criminal by the "eeevil" influence of guns?
I don't need a democrat or a politician for me to realize the cops are the enemy..
I know.....the vast majority of cops that just enforce the laws your politicians enact, are monsters for preventing you from or arresting you for, your attempts to rob mom & pop stores, mug pedestrians, beat spouses, rape women, sell hardcore illegal drugs that leave the users addicted and committing crimes to support the addiction, home invasions, et cetera, et cetera. I can see where their presence is so horrendous to you.
Last edited: call all cops racists, and want to fire them..........or pretend to want to fire them to support the democrat party terrorist groups antifa and black lives matter...

And now, the police stand down......and your gun murder rates are going through the roof.......

Americans owning and carrying guns do not cause gun crime or gun party policies that demonize and attack police, and policies that release repeat, violent gun offenders over and over again cause gun crime...

That is the truth, the fact, and the reality..

Since Memorial day, there have been 111 people shot in the city of Minneapolis. That may be only a single weekend’s total for their large neighbor to the southeast, Chicago, but the City of Lakes has less than a quarter the population and is well on its way to achieving Windy City-like levels of mayhem.
As we’ve pointed out, defunding or otherwise neutering the effectiveness of local law enforcement inevitably has a disproportionately negative effect on…black people. But that didn’t stop the city’s far-left city council from voting to do just that. Unanimously.

The predictable impact of this on the city’s minorities has been unmistakable so far.

Joining Frey at his Monday press conference, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo pointed out “many” of the victims in recent shootings are Black.
“The number of gunshot wound victims, specifically to our African Amercian community, in young men — their lives are not disposable,” Arradondo said.
He added: “This cannot become our normal, as a city. This is unacceptable, and as your chief, I cannot tolerate this here. People have to be held accountable when they come in and do harm to our communities.”
Blah, blah, blah. Meaningless platitudes by the man who heads a department full of hobbled, demoralized, reluctant officers who can’t possibly be effective in responding to — let alone preventing — crime in the toxic atmosphere that pervades the city. The Chief’s words carry zero weight and every Minneapolitan knows it.

accomplishing exactly what the demofk kkkrs want. call all cops racists, and want to fire them..........or pretend to want to fire them to support the democrat party terrorist groups antifa and black lives matter...

And now, the police stand down......and your gun murder rates are going through the roof.......

Americans owning and carrying guns do not cause gun crime or gun party policies that demonize and attack police, and policies that release repeat, violent gun offenders over and over again cause gun crime...

That is the truth, the fact, and the reality..

Since Memorial day, there have been 111 people shot in the city of Minneapolis. That may be only a single weekend’s total for their large neighbor to the southeast, Chicago, but the City of Lakes has less than a quarter the population and is well on its way to achieving Windy City-like levels of mayhem.
As we’ve pointed out, defunding or otherwise neutering the effectiveness of local law enforcement inevitably has a disproportionately negative effect on…black people. But that didn’t stop the city’s far-left city council from voting to do just that. Unanimously.

The predictable impact of this on the city’s minorities has been unmistakable so far.

Joining Frey at his Monday press conference, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo pointed out “many” of the victims in recent shootings are Black.
“The number of gunshot wound victims, specifically to our African Amercian community, in young men — their lives are not disposable,” Arradondo said.
He added: “This cannot become our normal, as a city. This is unacceptable, and as your chief, I cannot tolerate this here. People have to be held accountable when they come in and do harm to our communities.”
Blah, blah, blah. Meaningless platitudes by the man who heads a department full of hobbled, demoralized, reluctant officers who can’t possibly be effective in responding to — let alone preventing — crime in the toxic atmosphere that pervades the city. The Chief’s words carry zero weight and every Minneapolitan knows it.

I want to know where the outrage is, for the CHAD leader who gave out weapons of mass destruction, didnt have mandatory background checks.
Don`t hold your breath. I`ve been waiting a long time for the outrage over 4,500 killed looking for WMDs that weren`t there. call all cops racists, and want to fire them..........or pretend to want to fire them to support the democrat party terrorist groups antifa and black lives matter...

And now, the police stand down......and your gun murder rates are going through the roof.......

Americans owning and carrying guns do not cause gun crime or gun party policies that demonize and attack police, and policies that release repeat, violent gun offenders over and over again cause gun crime...

That is the truth, the fact, and the reality..

Since Memorial day, there have been 111 people shot in the city of Minneapolis. That may be only a single weekend’s total for their large neighbor to the southeast, Chicago, but the City of Lakes has less than a quarter the population and is well on its way to achieving Windy City-like levels of mayhem.
As we’ve pointed out, defunding or otherwise neutering the effectiveness of local law enforcement inevitably has a disproportionately negative effect on…black people. But that didn’t stop the city’s far-left city council from voting to do just that. Unanimously.

The predictable impact of this on the city’s minorities has been unmistakable so far.

Joining Frey at his Monday press conference, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo pointed out “many” of the victims in recent shootings are Black.
“The number of gunshot wound victims, specifically to our African Amercian community, in young men — their lives are not disposable,” Arradondo said.
He added: “This cannot become our normal, as a city. This is unacceptable, and as your chief, I cannot tolerate this here. People have to be held accountable when they come in and do harm to our communities.”
Blah, blah, blah. Meaningless platitudes by the man who heads a department full of hobbled, demoralized, reluctant officers who can’t possibly be effective in responding to — let alone preventing — crime in the toxic atmosphere that pervades the city. The Chief’s words carry zero weight and every Minneapolitan knows it.

I want to know where the outrage is, for the CHAD leader who gave out weapons of mass destruction, didnt have mandatory background checks.
Don`t hold your breath. I`ve been waiting a long time for the outrage over 4,500 killed looking for WMDs that weren`t there.
How about the 100's of thousands that died at the hands of black people who used a pistol for their murders? Seems that the "assault style weapon" just doesnt add up to blacks murdering blacks.. call all cops racists, and want to fire them..........or pretend to want to fire them to support the democrat party terrorist groups antifa and black lives matter...

And now, the police stand down......and your gun murder rates are going through the roof.......

Americans owning and carrying guns do not cause gun crime or gun party policies that demonize and attack police, and policies that release repeat, violent gun offenders over and over again cause gun crime...

That is the truth, the fact, and the reality..

Since Memorial day, there have been 111 people shot in the city of Minneapolis. That may be only a single weekend’s total for their large neighbor to the southeast, Chicago, but the City of Lakes has less than a quarter the population and is well on its way to achieving Windy City-like levels of mayhem.
As we’ve pointed out, defunding or otherwise neutering the effectiveness of local law enforcement inevitably has a disproportionately negative effect on…black people. But that didn’t stop the city’s far-left city council from voting to do just that. Unanimously.

The predictable impact of this on the city’s minorities has been unmistakable so far.

Joining Frey at his Monday press conference, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo pointed out “many” of the victims in recent shootings are Black.
“The number of gunshot wound victims, specifically to our African Amercian community, in young men — their lives are not disposable,” Arradondo said.
He added: “This cannot become our normal, as a city. This is unacceptable, and as your chief, I cannot tolerate this here. People have to be held accountable when they come in and do harm to our communities.”
Blah, blah, blah. Meaningless platitudes by the man who heads a department full of hobbled, demoralized, reluctant officers who can’t possibly be effective in responding to — let alone preventing — crime in the toxic atmosphere that pervades the city. The Chief’s words carry zero weight and every Minneapolitan knows it.

Seize and destroy all firearms. Tomorrow in Chicago the brothers will be snuffing each other out with crossbows and air rifles. Seize and destroy all crossbows and air rifles. The next night in Chicago the brothers will be chucking spears at each other's hearts. Seize and destroy all spears. In Chicago, a few nights later, the brothers will be biting through each other's necks and poking out each other's eyes. call all cops racists, and want to fire them..........or pretend to want to fire them to support the democrat party terrorist groups antifa and black lives matter...

And now, the police stand down......and your gun murder rates are going through the roof.......

Americans owning and carrying guns do not cause gun crime or gun party policies that demonize and attack police, and policies that release repeat, violent gun offenders over and over again cause gun crime...

That is the truth, the fact, and the reality..

Since Memorial day, there have been 111 people shot in the city of Minneapolis. That may be only a single weekend’s total for their large neighbor to the southeast, Chicago, but the City of Lakes has less than a quarter the population and is well on its way to achieving Windy City-like levels of mayhem.
As we’ve pointed out, defunding or otherwise neutering the effectiveness of local law enforcement inevitably has a disproportionately negative effect on…black people. But that didn’t stop the city’s far-left city council from voting to do just that. Unanimously.

The predictable impact of this on the city’s minorities has been unmistakable so far.

Joining Frey at his Monday press conference, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo pointed out “many” of the victims in recent shootings are Black.
“The number of gunshot wound victims, specifically to our African Amercian community, in young men — their lives are not disposable,” Arradondo said.
He added: “This cannot become our normal, as a city. This is unacceptable, and as your chief, I cannot tolerate this here. People have to be held accountable when they come in and do harm to our communities.”
Blah, blah, blah. Meaningless platitudes by the man who heads a department full of hobbled, demoralized, reluctant officers who can’t possibly be effective in responding to — let alone preventing — crime in the toxic atmosphere that pervades the city. The Chief’s words carry zero weight and every Minneapolitan knows it.

Normal gun owners don't get dressed up in tactical gear and casrry assault type riflers around in public.

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