Noow heear this!! DeBlasio bureaucrats to fine businesses that fail to use 'correct' gender pronouns

Hurt feelings are not harm, and are certainly not $135k of harm.

Its not up to you and not up to government to make those choices. and you keep assuming this whole wife beating thing without a shred of evidence. Projecting maybe?

Again, he totally destroyed the business she spent years building up. That she didn't drag him into divorce court and scream loudly, "Not me" tells me that's a dog that been beaten into submission.

Where are you getting this crap from?
You see what you want to see. Not surprising coming from a narrow minded crotchety fascist dickwad such as yourself.

I see a woman who just stands their silently while her Husband talks about ow he destroyed her business. Oh, but she brought cupcakes.

the whole Feminist movement just passed her by,apparently. No wonder her husband was mortified she was talking to lesbians!
You see what you want to see. Not surprising coming from a narrow minded crotchety fascist dickwad such as yourself.

I see a woman who just stands their silently while her Husband talks about ow he destroyed her business. Oh, but she brought cupcakes.

the whole Feminist movement just passed her by,apparently. No wonder her husband was mortified she was talking to lesbians!

More supposition on your part, i.e. pulling shit out of your ass.
In a land of freedom, we are being told what to think, how to think and what words to say. Sounds like a page out of Orwell's 1984. It's political correctness.
Yep, and there's a lot more on the way. Incredible to watch.
The thing is...I used to be a liberal, but something has gone desperately wrong with liberalism. Critical self examination within the liberal camp is taboo. And that isn't what liberalism is about. I wash my hands of them.
It is not liberalism at all. It, like everything else, is disguised as that but is in fact tyranny.

They use the term "liberal" (I do this) or use hot topics that appeal to "liberal" sensibilities and they manipulate them. It is called manipulating the masses. THEY use language that seduces the masses and appeals to the "emotional" side of humanity. That is how they get the caring people to believe they are on the side of the poor and down trodden.

Then, after THEY get what they want, they use a new "law" to gain control. THEY will now use their shiney new weapon to batter the small business owner. The middle class etc.

We can now see how this struggle with "gender identity" is used to make government more tyrannical. "We will be fined if use the WRONG PRONOUN?" This would not have even occurred to a hitler or a roman emperor.

Can you believe what the gullible idiots are allowing to happen?

Talk about ridiculous.

To bad that business doesn't pull up stakes and leave NY for somewhere that isn't run by an idiot.
There is another option, the business itself could sue citing 1st Amendment civil rights violation.
I would never call a man "she" and never call a woman "he". In fact, I'm thinking of traveling to New York, starting up a business just so I can call trannies by their real sex pronouns so I will get fined. Then I'll have a lawyer waiting in the wings to sue the city of New York for impinging on my 1st Amendment rights to freedom of speech. So far as I know, a person cannot deny the civil rights of someone to name a thing as it actually is. ie: a person or government cannot force a person to lie in speech.

I would win and I could retire. I'm actually really seriously giving this idea some thought.
I would never call a man "she" and never call a woman "he". In fact, I'm thinking of traveling to New York, starting up a business just so I can call trannies by their real sex pronouns so I will get fined. Then I'll have a lawyer waiting in the wings to sue the city of New York for impinging on my 1st Amendment rights to freedom of speech. So far as I know, a person cannot deny the civil rights of someone to name a thing as it actually is. ie: a person or government cannot force a person to lie in speech.

I would win and I could retire. I'm actually really seriously giving this idea some thought.
I mean has it never occurred to anyone that a government cannot force you to lie, re: the 1st Amendment?

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