NO Syrian Refugees!


And where'd he come from? Oh right, the US armed forces...

Thanks for the trip back tho the 90s.... Im sure thats whats concerning the world right now. Yes, France is currently bracing for the next Timothy McVeigh! so is all of Brittain and Germany.

Your a man ahead of your time, maybe we should stick to current events though
You can't even track the whities who blow shit up and you're worried about some darkies off a boat? Get real.

Its nothing to do with the color, its the ideology. I thought you were a liberal? Oh yeah, your the one always concerned about someones color. Whites/ darkies.... grow up
Darkies scare you, especially the sand *******. Just deal with it, it's obvious.

Ive lived in Africa for a couple months, Ive done work in Haiti, I live in a muli- ethnic family, you have No Idea what things I am concerned with, but I can see you project your preconceived notions onto other people.
Again, back to the main point. expediting tens of thousands of people from a war zone, many of whom will be ISIS is idiotic. If I was ISIS i would do everything I could to get as many of my people as possible on that plane to the US. You can't even see this because you have to uphold your so called Liberal Ideas. Helping people is great, but you have to do it wisely, thats all people are calling for.

And you equate me with terrorists, you dislike me just as much. What the fuck does that make you? a Liberal? are you on prescription meds or just self medicating?

And where'd he come from? Oh right, the US armed forces...

Thanks for the trip back tho the 90s.... Im sure thats whats concerning the world right now. Yes, France is currently bracing for the next Timothy McVeigh! so is all of Brittain and Germany.

Your a man ahead of your time, maybe we should stick to current events though
You can't even track the whities who blow shit up and you're worried about some darkies off a boat? Get real.

Its nothing to do with the color, its the ideology. I thought you were a liberal? Oh yeah, your the one always concerned about someones color. Whites/ darkies.... grow up
Darkies scare you, especially the sand *******. Just deal with it, it's obvious.

Ive lived in Africa for a couple months, Ive done work in Haiti, I live in a muli- ethnic family, you have No Idea what things I am concerned with, but I can see you project your preconceived notions onto other people.
Again, back to the main point. expediting tens of thousands of people from a war zone, many of whom will be ISIS is idiotic. If I was ISIS i would do everything I could to get as many of my people as possible on that plane to the US. You can't even see this because you have to uphold your so called Liberal Ideas. Helping people is great, but you have to do it wisely, thats all people are calling for.

And you equate me with terrorists, you dislike me just as much. What the fuck does that make you? a Liberal? are you on prescription meds or just self medicating?
ISIS is an idea, not a person. It is already here! These people coming in are no more of a threat, most likely less, than those that are already here so, stop wetting the bed over them. Paris wasn't turned into a bloodbath by guys who floated there on inner-tubes. It took planning, and planning takes time, If you want to fear the darkies with the odd religion, it's far too late for that now...
ADDRESS the OP boys and girls. Many warnings have been handed out. Keep it civil.
Thanks for the trip back tho the 90s.... Im sure thats whats concerning the world right now. Yes, France is currently bracing for the next Timothy McVeigh! so is all of Brittain and Germany.

Your a man ahead of your time, maybe we should stick to current events though
You can't even track the whities who blow shit up and you're worried about some darkies off a boat? Get real.

Its nothing to do with the color, its the ideology. I thought you were a liberal? Oh yeah, your the one always concerned about someones color. Whites/ darkies.... grow up
Darkies scare you, especially the sand *******. Just deal with it, it's obvious.

Ive lived in Africa for a couple months, Ive done work in Haiti, I live in a muli- ethnic family, you have No Idea what things I am concerned with, but I can see you project your preconceived notions onto other people.
Again, back to the main point. expediting tens of thousands of people from a war zone, many of whom will be ISIS is idiotic. If I was ISIS i would do everything I could to get as many of my people as possible on that plane to the US. You can't even see this because you have to uphold your so called Liberal Ideas. Helping people is great, but you have to do it wisely, thats all people are calling for.

And you equate me with terrorists, you dislike me just as much. What the fuck does that make you? a Liberal? are you on prescription meds or just self medicating?
ISIS is an idea, not a person. It is already here! These people coming in are no more of a threat, most likely less, than those that are already here so, stop wetting the bed over them. Paris wasn't turned into a bloodbath by guys who floated there on inner-tubes. It took planning, and planning takes time, If you want to fear the darkies with the odd religion, it's far too late for that now...

You think they are less of a threat? Ohh you are just to smart for your own good aren't you?

so if 10000 refugees come here and only 500 ISIS make there way, they are combat hardened. DO you know what that means? It means their not like the Islamist college students who have overstayed their visas.
Combat hardened means, they are good at killing and have no hesitation, probably filled with hate as well.

So i see you want to do a compassionate thing by letting poor refugees come here, and I can feel that, however this still plays into ISIS plans by getting more of their people here. SO what if they don't do anything immediately? are you really that short sighted? they are playing chess while you are playing checkers. (of course you have no actual bearing on policy, thank god)

Why give ISIS what they want? why play into their hands? If you want to help muslim refugees, heres a better answer. Seeing as how we are in a time of war, Let them relocate to Turkey or Iran, they are already completely Islamic and they should fit right in. You can still send them relief money.
Why not have the same compassion for your fellow citizens instead of making your bed wetting jokes, it may make YOU feel superior, but its only an exercise in your own hubris.
Why give ISIS what they want? why play into their hands?
That is what your side is doing, not mine.

ISIS wants you, and oddly enough, for most of you, it needs you to be just exactly who you
already are.

It needs you to be enraged, unthinking, unquestioning.
It needs you to go to war, Christians and Jews against Muslims.
It needs you to slaughter Muslim men, women, and children, again.
It needs you to wage terrible wars in Muslim lands.
It needs you to reject the modern, secular, liberal world.
It needs you to be as savage as they are, and take as much pleasure insavage acts.
It needs you to be dogmatically religious, to make a Holy War.
It needs you to believe that you are doing the Will of God, wielding the sword of God.

It needs you, to become them.
Why give ISIS what they want? why play into their hands?
That is what your side is doing, not mine.

ISIS wants you, and oddly enough, for most of you, it needs you to be just exactly who you
already are.

It needs you to be enraged, unthinking, unquestioning.
It needs you to go to war, Christians and Jews against Muslims.
It needs you to slaughter Muslim men, women, and children, again.
It needs you to wage terrible wars in Muslim lands.
It needs you to reject the modern, secular, liberal world.
It needs you to be as savage as they are, and take as much pleasure insavage acts.
It needs you to be dogmatically religious, to make a Holy War.
It needs you to believe that you are doing the Will of God, wielding the sword of God.

It needs you, to become them.

You just spouted a bunch of one size fits all Dogma,

ISIS has plenty of funding from the middle east and is supported by a world wide idealogical base. No, they Don't need US conservatives or republicans, or Liberals for that matter. they will be content to expand as they have for many hundreds of years. They can hate your secular liberal world just as well, all by your lonesome. Do you know why? Because of modern social media, they are fearful their daughters will become westernized and get these crazy 'liberal' ideas in their heads. Do you know what happens when their daughters do that? Then their daughters get accused of infidelity and they get stoned to death. All because of western Ideas, though very benign to YOU and ME. Its all the Imams need to hold up in their Medrasas to recruit more. There is really no winning with them,
so the best thing to do is keep out any of the radical ones. Need we go through the whole legal immigration process theory ?

You assume an awful lot about people who are cautious about brining in these refugees. We've just seen an example of what can easily happen in France, and you laugh about it as though its just some crazy 'Right wingers"
now is a great time to come up with real ideas but all you have to offer is Platitudes like "Liberalism" or "secularism" we don't need "isms" thank you very much
Granny says dat's one o' dem lib'ral activist judges fer ya...

U.S. judge again denies Texas request to bar Syrian refugees
Mon Feb 8, 2016 - A U.S. judge denied for the second time a request by Texas to bar relief agencies from bringing Syrian refugees into the state, a decision that could have a bearing on the attempts of 30 other governors to block refugees from their states.
U.S. District Judge David Godbey said the Republican leaders who have fought the resettlement have not shown Texas would suffer irreparable harm. The same judge rejected in December the state's request for a restraining order saying the evidence presented was "largely speculative hearsay." "The Court does not deny that the Syrian refugees pose some risk. That would be foolish," Godbey wrote in the decision. "In our country, however, it is the federal executive that is charged with assessing and mitigating that risk, not the states and not the courts." Democratic President Barack Obama has pledged to take in 10,000 people fleeing war-torn Syria and has so far admitted 2,000 refugees. Europe is dealing with millions of refugees fleeing conflict in the Middle East and Africa.

After the Paris attacks in November, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, was one of the first of more than 30 U.S. governors who are seeking to block the resettlement of Syrians into their states. Some legislators fear that Islamic State, which claimed credit for the Paris attacks, will hide militants intent on carrying out more killings among the influx of refugees entering the United States. The federal government has tightened visa waiver rules for visitors following the attacks in France that killed 130 people and immigration has become a flashpoint in the November presidential election in America.

Since the fiscal year 2011, 243 Syrian refugees have resettled in Texas, a U.S. court filing in December said, making the state one of the main U.S. relocation sites since the Syrian civil war erupted about five years ago. Since Obama took office in January 2009, the most populous Republican-controlled state has filed suit against his administration 39 times on issues ranging from immigration to the environment to abortion.

U.S. judge again denies Texas request to bar Syrian refugees
Sometimes people aren't afraid for themselves as much as they are for others. Its not just his ' One Stop Light Town' why don't you learn to have a little compassion before you get so happy about releasing a bunch of cutthroats into your country.

That's easy.

According to Paintmyass if you don't want them here its because your a racist and a bigot.

He completely ignores the fact that these refugees can't be vetted and there are bound to be terrorists among them. He also doesn't seem to care how much these refugee's are going to cost we the taxpayer.

He's a fool.

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