NO Syrian Refugees!

Newly found evidence......

And WHY we must SWEEP the RINO ELITE from the positions of power in Congress...can you imagine this PIECE OF SHIT declaring this!!!!!

  • Paul Ryan: No Mass Deportations on My Watch ^ | 11/15/2015 | Greg Richter
    House Speaker Paul Ryan says not to expect any Donald Trump-style mass deportations under his watch. In a "60 Minutes" profile that aired Sunday, Ryan told interviewer Scott Pelley he doesn't advocate the GOP presidential front-runner's plan to deport every illegal immigrant. "I can't imagine how it could happen," Ryan said. Ryan, who at 45 is the youngest House speaker since the 1860s, said he doesn't see the job as a long-term proposition. "I was just planning on serving out my tenure as Ways and Means chair, and then going finding out something else to do with my life," he...
Ryan is up for re-election in 2016.


Sometimes people aren't afraid for themselves as much as they are for others. Its not just his ' One Stop Light Town' why don't you learn to have a little compassion before you get so happy about releasing a bunch of cutthroats into your country.
This nation was already filled with cutthroats, and xenophobes, Islamophobes, and assorted other bed-wetters...

So you want to import more that we don't understand, and that damn well don't understand or respect our way of life. Im sure the government will be looking for people to take in some of these refugees. You should apply.
Oh, and no women and children for you.
You don't respect our way of life, so I don't dislike them anymore than I do you.

I don't know what way of life it is you have, that I don't respect........ but it must be pretty damn pathetic .
It's liberalism, the founding ideology of this nation, which you don't respect and they don't respect.

OH God no you don't subscribe to liberalism. First of all, You DISLIKE me as much as the scumbags who killed 160 people in Pairis, and injured 100s more. Do you want to bet those injuries are agonizingly painful?? I can only imagine.

And lets get this straight again, You dislike me just as much for something I said on a message board. Your a liberal? don't delude yourself, you don't accept opposing views from your fellow Americans without Hating them.

Im not quite sure what this makes you.
Listen paint, its a pretty damn important thing that any Syrian Refugees have back ground checks, In light of what happened in Paris, how can you make light of it ? its better to be proactive than react to the aftermath of the next incident. Its not going to be pretty and your chicken little jokes wouldn't sound very funny then. Do you have kids ?
What I have is common sense. Those fresh off the boats didn't bring their AK-47s and suicide bomb vests with them.

They didn't have to bring their AKs, Im sure they'll have some waiting for them when they get here.
So what are you worried about, you were fucked anyway...

Im not worried about a damn thing. But I might be worried for some innocent people in a shopping mall getting killed.
We already lost 3,000 in office buildings. The local Sears is what keeps you up at night?

Its not right to import battle hardened combatants by the 10s of thousands into our community especially at this time in an expedited manner. Its a recipe for disaster. Yes, I would be worried about innocent people getting killed. It doesn't mean I hate someone or am a racist. Can you even understand that people can have concerns? Just because Obama says its ok doesn't make it ok.

Their leadership gives a shit about the people, as compared to fucking DemocRATS here who only care about the VOTES they MAY GET from these scum of the ME!
Israel could have let all of Syria in, but didn't, they are neighbors (and enemies) dumbass.

Their leadership gives a shit about the people, as compared to fucking DemocRATS here who only care about the VOTES they MAY GET from these scum of the ME!
Israel could have let all of Syria in, but didn't, they are neighbors (and enemies) dumbass.

Yes, douche bag, CHRISTIAN Syrians are Israel's enemies.... Proving with every post how fucking moronic this pond scum is!
Its not right to import battle hardened combatants by the 10s of thousands into our community especially at this time in an expedited manner.
BS, total. Learn to be rational, and stop wetting the bed. You're a big boy now...

Tell that to Parisians, why don't you go there and tell them that to their face?
Tell them they should stop wetting their beds ... now you definitely are an asshole

Their leadership gives a shit about the people, as compared to fucking DemocRATS here who only care about the VOTES they MAY GET from these scum of the ME!
Israel could have let all of Syria in, but didn't, they are neighbors (and enemies) dumbass.

Yes, douche bag, CHRISTIAN Syrians are Israel's enemies.... Proving with every post how fucking moronic this pond scum is!
Thought you said Israel cared? I gather not. Zionists, BTW, care only for Zionists.

Their leadership gives a shit about the people, as compared to fucking DemocRATS here who only care about the VOTES they MAY GET from these scum of the ME!
Israel could have let all of Syria in, but didn't, they are neighbors (and enemies) dumbass.

Yes, douche bag, CHRISTIAN Syrians are Israel's enemies.... Proving with every post how fucking moronic this pond scum is!
Thought you said Israel cared? I gather not. Zionists, BTW, care only for Zionists.

And YOU care only about muslim terrorists, proven each time you post, Allah Akbar!

Their leadership gives a shit about the people, as compared to fucking DemocRATS here who only care about the VOTES they MAY GET from these scum of the ME!
They don't long as it displaces white people and drains their resources and helps undermine the country they've been taught to hate....

And where'd he come from? Oh right, the US armed forces...

Thanks for the trip back tho the 90s.... Im sure thats whats concerning the world right now. Yes, France is currently bracing for the next Timothy McVeigh! so is all of Brittain and Germany.

Your a man ahead of your time, maybe we should stick to current events though
You can't even track the whities who blow shit up and you're worried about some darkies off a boat? Get real.

Its nothing to do with the color, its the ideology. I thought you were a liberal? Oh yeah, your the one always concerned about someones color. Whites/ darkies.... grow up

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