No Romney...But We've Got.......


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
On the morning that Mitt Romney declined to run for the presidency, let's remember who the most stupid electorate in the history of the nation saddled America with......

Here, "Obama's Greatest Foreign Policy HIts."

1. "( – White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday the Obama administration’s foreign policies in a number of areas have enhanced the world’s “tranquility” – a word that raised eyebrows asreporters pointed to situations in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine and the South China Sea."WH We ve Substantially Improved the Tranquility of the Global Community CNS News

2. "Leaders ofthe five BRICS nations plan to create a development bank in a direct challenge to theWorld Bankthat they accuse of Western bias. The bank would use $50 billion of seed capital shared equally between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa but would undoubtedly be dominated by China. It would be the first institution of the informal forum started in 2009 amid the economic meltdown to chart a new and more equitable world economic order."Watch Out World Bank Here Comes the BRICS Bank

a. "WhenBarackObamatook office, he pledgeda new overture to the world’s emerging powers. Today each of the Brics – Brazil, Russia, India,Chinaand South Africa – is at loggerheads with America, or worse."

3. [August 18, 2011].... [Obama} called Thursday for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to resign, after months of his violent crackdown on protesters. The rhetorical escalation was backed bynew U.S. sanctions designed to undermine Assad’sability to finance his military operation..... culminatedmonths of calibrateddiplomacythat has included three rounds of sanctionsand a gradual policy shift toward regime change in a nation long at odds with U.S. policy in the Middle East."Assad must go Obama says - The Washington Post

4."Russia 'to reopen Cold WarCuban listening post used to spy on America' Moscow-based daily Kommersant claimedRussia and Cuba have struck a deal'in principle' after President Vladimir Putin visited the island last week.

Citing several sources within Russian authorities, the respected daily wrote: 'The agreements were finalised while President Vladimir Putin visited Havana last Friday."
Russia to reopen Cold War Cuban listening post used to spy on America Daily Mail Online

5. When the Egyptian people declined to be governed by the 7th century savages, the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama had a fit:
"The U.S. government has decided privately to act as if the military takeover of Egypt was a coup, temporarily suspending most forms of military aid, despite deciding not to announce publicly a coup determination one way or the other, according to a leading U.S. senator.
In the latest example of its poorly understood Egypt policy, the Obama administrationhas decided to temporarily suspend the disbursement of most direct military aid, the delivery of weapons to the Egyptian military, and some forms of economic aid to the Egyptiangovernment while it conducts a broad review of the relationship."
Senator: Obama Administration Secretly Suspended Military Aid to Egypt - The Daily Beast

6. "Putin Poised to Retaliate Against Obama by Trashing Iran Deal
Now that the U.S.-Russia relationship hasbroken down,Moscow could throw a wrench into the teetering nuclear negotiations with Iran.

But if Putin decides that retaliating against the U.S. and ruining Obama’s foreign policy legacy is more important than sealing a pact with Iran, the whole thing could unravel....Yet this time around, Obama is willing to accept an agreement from Iraq’s foreign ministry on U.S. forces in Iraq without a vote of Iraq’s parliament. .... We basically need a piece of paper from them,” another U.S. official involved in the negotiations told The Daily Beast. The official didn’t explain why the parliamentary vote, so crucial three years ago, was no longer needed.."Putin Poised to Retaliate Against Obama by Trashing Iran Deal - The Daily Beast

7. "ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama,suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close."Turkish PM says he Obama no longer talk directly - Yahoo News

8. Underestimated the "Islamic State, IS" "The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is ifa jayvee teamputs on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,”Obama told the New Yorker, referring to ISIS.
“I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”

9. Obama made another huge mistake inrefusing to negotiate an agreement to leave US troops in Iraq.
This is the source of the problem with ISIS: they're there because we weren't.
"Obama's 2012 Debate Boast: I Didn't Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq
Obama then denied that he ever supported a status of forces agreement that would have left troops in Iraq:

MR. ROMNEY: [W]ith regards to Iraq, you and I agreed, I believe, that there should have been a status of forces agreement. Did you —

PRESIDENT OBAMA:That's not true.

MR. ROMNEY:Oh, you didn't — you didn't want a status of forces agreement?

PRESIDENT OBAMA:No, but what I — what I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.

"Here's one thing I've learned as commander in chief," Obama said at the end of the exchange. "You've got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean
Obama s 2012 Debate Boast I Didn t Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq The Weekly Standard

a. "This month, Colin Kahl, the senior Pentagon official in charge of Iraq policy at the time, explained why the White House insisted on Iraq’s parliament approving the changes to the SOFA.

He wrote inPolitico Magazinethat in 2011 Iraq’s prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, “told U.S. negotiators that he was willing to sign an executive memorandum of understanding that included these legal protections.

Yet this time around, Obama is willing to accept an agreement from Iraq’s foreign ministry on U.S. forces in Iraq without a vote of Iraq’s parliament. “We believe we need a separate set of assurances from the Iraqis,” one senior U.S. defense official told The Daily Beast on Sunday. This official said this would likely be an agreement or exchange of diplomatic notes from the Iraq’s foreign ministry. “We basically need a piece of paper from them,” another U.S. official involved in the negotiations told The Daily Beast. The official didn’t explain why the parliamentary vote, so crucial three years ago, was no longer needed.”
Obama Does a U-Turn on Immunity for U.S. Troops in Iraq - The Daily Beast

Obama rejected it.

10. "Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadistsin neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP" Thursdayhttp://Breaking TURKEY REFUSES OBAMA REQUEST to Use Its Airbases to Fight ISIS The Gateway Pundit

11. "
First and foremost, I want the American people to know that our experts, here at the CDC and across our government, agree that the chances of an Ebola outbreak here in the United States are extremely low. We’ve been taking the necessary precautions, including working with countries in West Africa to increase screening at airports so that someone with the virus doesn’t get on a plane for the United States.In the unlikely event that someone with Ebola does reach our shores, we’ve taken new measures so that we’re prepared here at home. " Obama Two Weeks Ago Chances of an Ebola Outbreak Here ... Extremely Low The Weekly Standard

a. "U.S. Nurses Say They Are Unprepared To Handle Ebola Patients" U.S. Nurses Say They Are Unprepared To Handle Ebola Patients
b. "After first Ebola case, red flags emerge that U.S. unprepared for pandemic" After first Ebola case fears turn to U.S. pandemic preparedness - Washington Times

12. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official Obama is The Weakest of U.S. Presidents Washington Free Beacon

13. "Shock U.S. Army admission: Obama freed Taliban ‘psychopath’ in Bergdahl trade"The Obama administration released Fazl and four other Taliban commanders May 31 from the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for Sgt. Bergdahl,
Taliban prisoner traded for Bowe Bergdahl a dangerous psychopath Army colonel - Washington Times

a. "Breaking: Bowe Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion…Update: Attorney Has Received Charges But WH Delaying Notice To Public…Update: Senior Defense Officials Confirm">Breaking:Bowe Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion…Update:Attorney Has Received Charges But WH Delaying Notice To Public…Update:Senior Defense Officials Confirm" Breaking Bowe Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion 8230 Update Attorney Has Received Charges But WH Delaying Notice To Public 8230 Update Senior Defense Officials Confirm Weasel Zippers

14. "GUMMING UP THE WORKS: Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian prime minister
Obama, who has been caught before munching on gum during high-profile political events, was taken to task by the country’s largest newspaper after he was spotted taking a piece out of his mouth during the annual Republic Day parade."
Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian PM - NY Daily News

15. "Obama White House Declares Muslim Brotherhood Is Not a Terrorist OrganizationObama White House Declares Muslim Brotherhood Is Not a Terrorist Organization
a. "The Muslim Brotherhood called for “a long, uncompromising jihad” in Egypt just days after a delegation of the Islamist group’s key leaders and allies met with the State Department, according to an official statement released this week.

Just days after a delegation that included two top Brotherhood leaders washosted at the State Department, the organization released an official statement calling on its supporters to “prepare” for jihad, according to an independent translation of thestatementfirst posted on Tuesday." Open Jihad Declared in Egypt Following State Dept. Meeting with Muslim Brotherhood-Aligned Leaders Washington Free Beacon

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