No one hates Obama...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
First I have never had hatred for anyone in my 69 years of life.
Much less is there any "hate" for Obama by me!

What amazes me though is the apparent "hatred" that non-conservatives have including Obama!

Truly why would anyone want ANY company to go bankrupt.. yet Obama said:
So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

And why would anyone want an entire industry to be replaced by one government entity? Why would ANY president want to see an industry that pays $100 billion in
Federal,state,local income taxes as well as local property taxes, employee taxes and spends billions on utilities, building throwing people out of work...
YET OBAMA wants that when he said:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

If you favor single payer that means 1,400 health insurance companies go out of business! These companies employs millions,pays billions in taxes yet Obama wants to destroy them.. again why?

These are just two industries that Obama from ALL indications doesn't want to exist!

Finally no hates Obama but confuses logical thinkers when Obama follows an agenda that benefits the few while hurting the many.. specifically Keystone!
Why does Obama and a handful of environmentalists WANT another Exxon Valdez to occur? Especially when at the worst case 325 barrels would spill in one mile of pipeline!

Yet evidently Obama hasn't thought about that .. something people like me keep asking i.e. why is Obama in favor of 1 million barrels shipped by another Exxon Valdez every day putting immense ocean areas at risk with higher odds of that happening?

So again.. no one hates Obama but as most of us feel sorry for him and our country that Obama doesn't seemingly think these things through!
I don't hate him. But I think he possibly hates me.... otherwise, why would he call me his 'enemy'?

That's my thinking. Why are we enemies for wanting border security and laws upheld? Why are we ridiculed for disagreeing with his policies? A moat with alligators, my ass. He told that crowd of amnesty supporters to know who the enemy is. The enemies are those who disagree with the way he is coddling illegal aliens.

Why have so many of us been reported to his Soviet-style AttackWatch website? We are being treated like we're guilty of something because we have different ideas of what will fix this country.

Why didn't Michelle respect America before Obama got elected? They were both successful and making lots of money, yet didn't give any credit to living in a free country where people can pursue their dreams. Now they tell the rest of us that, at some point, we've made enough money. I guess we don't deserve what they have enjoyed.

Why is he telling us to sacrifice, yet has not cut down on vacations and perks for him and his family? Again, it's like the rest of us don't deserve what they have.

If we can't afford the high gas prices, he tells us to buy a more efficient car. Hello, if we can't afford gas, we can't afford a new Hybrid car. Smart ass answer he gave to that woman who actually asked this.

I am not feeling the love at all. All I sense is that we're supposed to suck it up and stop complaining no matter how bad it gets. We don't know what's best for us, so it's okay for him to ignore so many polls about what Americans are thinking.
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I don't hate him. But I think he possibly hates me.... otherwise, why would he call me his 'enemy'?

Paranoid today much? I thought you had the high water mark for self importance but your statement raises the bar again! Obama has singled you out for his hatred? Over-inflated ego much?

I have have a large amount of DISLIKE for The Newt, myself. :D
I don't hate the guy.

I just think he sucks as POTUS and his policies suck.

If he had done the job and the economy was booming I'd be on his side 100%. He just doesn't seem to know what to do. Not good for a POTUS.
This is just about the STUPIDEST post I've seen in a long time.

1: Whether you agree with the science or not, burning fossil fuels is NO LONGER A VIABLE OPTION.
End of story. That's the science. There's not ONE SCIENTIFIC BODY on the PLANET who says climate change isn't happening and man dumping CO2 into the atmosphere is the primary driver of it.
Think a few coal fired power plants are cost effective versus what you'd pay in environmental damage? Think again!

2. Healthcare. Again....all I will present are the IRREFUTABLE FACTS. Look them up if you don't believe me.
Socialist countries pay at least HALF what we do for healthcare and receive better care and live longer.
Do insurance companies heal people? No. Doctors do. All we're talking about is WHO PAYS. As european socialism has proved over, oh the last 6 DECADES, pooling together makes the most economic and healthcare sense. Why do you think NO ONE is rushing to change to OUR SYSTEM OF HEALTHCARE? Because it COSTS MORE. I guess paying twice as much is worth keeping all those middleman insurance jobs...if you're an insurance company employee. The other 300 million people who live in America? Not so much.

As for Keystone, that oil that is refined is destined for foreign countries. NONE of the oil transported will be refined for US use. Why should we make it cheaper for canadian oil companies to ship their product to the rest of the world?

You complain about the lack of logic in Liberals' arguments, yet yours was a giant mess.
2. Healthcare. Again....all I will present are the IRREFUTABLE FACTS. Look them up if you don't believe me.
Socialist countries pay at least HALF what we do for healthcare and receive better care and live longer.

Well then, you must really, really hate Obama. Because ObamaCare does not bend our cost curve down, at all.

I guess you forgot that irrefutable fact.

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