No need for Congressional legislation granting reparations....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...with the damage to and theft / looting of property across the country that could total in the BILLIONS, they have already gotten / continue to get their 'reparations'...

...with the damage to and theft / looting of property across the country that could total in the BILLIONS, they have already gotten / continue to get their 'reparations'...

Exactly. Good call.
...with the damage to and theft / looting of property across the country that could total in the BILLIONS, they have already gotten / continue to get their 'reparations'...

Really bad logic. You would be just authorizing the people that did not loot, steal and destroy to go out and do some, to get their share. I am not for reparations in any form. Reparations has nothing to do with the criminals rioting because they hate police. I think they should be locked up and fined heavily, with prosecutions and long, long jail sentences, that would make the 1994 crime bill look tame.
...with the damage to and theft / looting of property across the country that could total in the BILLIONS, they have already gotten / continue to get their 'reparations'...

Really bad logic. You would be just authorizing the people that did not loot, steal and destroy to go out and do some, to get their share. I am not for reparations in any form. Reparations has nothing to do with the criminals rioting because they hate police. I think they should be locked up and fined heavily, with prosecutions and long, long jail sentences, that would make the 1994 crime bill look tame.
Some people just spoil it for everyone, snowflake....we'll just consider the billions in damages, stolen property, destroyed businesses / lives, and cost to rebuild squares everyone as 'even'.
...with the damage to and theft / looting of property across the country that could total in the BILLIONS, they have already gotten / continue to get their 'reparations'...

Really bad logic. You would be just authorizing the people that did not loot, steal and destroy to go out and do some, to get their share. I am not for reparations in any form. Reparations has nothing to do with the criminals rioting because they hate police. I think they should be locked up and fined heavily, with prosecutions and long, long jail sentences, that would make the 1994 crime bill look tame.
Some people just spoil it for everyone, snowflake....we'll just consider the billions in damages, stolen property, destroyed businesses / lives, and cost to rebuild squares everyone as 'even'.
Hey, enjoy your reparations.
...with the damage to and theft / looting of property across the country that could total in the BILLIONS, they have already gotten / continue to get their 'reparations'...

Really bad logic. You would be just authorizing the people that did not loot, steal and destroy to go out and do some, to get their share. I am not for reparations in any form. Reparations has nothing to do with the criminals rioting because they hate police. I think they should be locked up and fined heavily, with prosecutions and long, long jail sentences, that would make the 1994 crime bill look tame.
Some people just spoil it for everyone, snowflake....we'll just consider the billions in damages, stolen property, destroyed businesses / lives, and cost to rebuild squares everyone as 'even'.
Hey, enjoy your reparations.
I don't want reparations.

I don't get reparations.

My people were slaughtered, forced onto reservations, and had their land stolen...

But only blacks deserve reparations.

Japanese Americans were forced into internment camps during WWII...

But only foreign-funded, America-hating domestic terrorists who promise to burn down America if they don't get what they want deserve reparations....
...with the damage to and theft / looting of property across the country that could total in the BILLIONS, they have already gotten / continue to get their 'reparations'...

Really bad logic. You would be just authorizing the people that did not loot, steal and destroy to go out and do some, to get their share. I am not for reparations in any form. Reparations has nothing to do with the criminals rioting because they hate police. I think they should be locked up and fined heavily, with prosecutions and long, long jail sentences, that would make the 1994 crime bill look tame.
Some people just spoil it for everyone, snowflake....we'll just consider the billions in damages, stolen property, destroyed businesses / lives, and cost to rebuild squares everyone as 'even'.
Hey, enjoy your reparations.
I don't want reparations.

I don't get reparations.

My people were slaughtered, forced onto reservations, and had their land stolen...

But only blacks deserve reparations.

Japanese Americans were forced into internment camps during WWII...

But only foreign-funded, America-hating domestic terrorists who promise to burn down America if they don't get what they want deserve reparations....
foreign-funded? I don't know. America-hating domestic terrorist? You correctly identified the problem. They can forget reparations. They do not deserve them. They only deserve treatment as Americans, and then only when they act like American. If they act like terrorists, they should be treated like terrorist. To me, that should almost be on the clock. Protestors between a half hour before sunset to a half hour after sunrise are domestic terrorists, not late night concert goers or party attendees, out for a good time.
...with the damage to and theft / looting of property across the country that could total in the BILLIONS, they have already gotten / continue to get their 'reparations'...

Really bad logic. You would be just authorizing the people that did not loot, steal and destroy to go out and do some, to get their share. I am not for reparations in any form. Reparations has nothing to do with the criminals rioting because they hate police. I think they should be locked up and fined heavily, with prosecutions and long, long jail sentences, that would make the 1994 crime bill look tame.

You have to remember who most of the DAs are, very few if any will be prosecuted. And the criminals know it.

...with the damage to and theft / looting of property across the country that could total in the BILLIONS, they have already gotten / continue to get their 'reparations'...

Really bad logic. You would be just authorizing the people that did not loot, steal and destroy to go out and do some, to get their share. I am not for reparations in any form. Reparations has nothing to do with the criminals rioting because they hate police. I think they should be locked up and fined heavily, with prosecutions and long, long jail sentences, that would make the 1994 crime bill look tame.

You have to remember who most of the DAs are, very few if any will be prosecuted. And the criminals know it.

They prosecutors will have to get over it and go back to doing their jobs of working with the police to rid their cities of the BLM rioting faction scum or see their cities permanently reduced to toilets where decent people will not live in them for long, as they are uncomfortable living, passing through and even working if only partially demilitarized zones, as they are unsure for their personal safety and property, they have worked to put their money into, and having no wish to have to take up arms on a continuing basis to protect themselves from the predators.
...with the damage to and theft / looting of property across the country that could total in the BILLIONS, they have already gotten / continue to get their 'reparations'...

Really bad logic. You would be just authorizing the people that did not loot, steal and destroy to go out and do some, to get their share. I am not for reparations in any form. Reparations has nothing to do with the criminals rioting because they hate police. I think they should be locked up and fined heavily, with prosecutions and long, long jail sentences, that would make the 1994 crime bill look tame.

You have to remember who most of the DAs are, very few if any will be prosecuted. And the criminals know it.

They prosecutors will have to get over it and go back to doing their jobs of working with the police to rid their cities of the BLM rioting faction scum or see their cities permanently reduced to toilets where decent people will not live in them for long, as they are uncomfortable living, passing through and even working if only partially demilitarized zones, as they are unsure for their personal safety and property, they have worked to put their money into, and having no wish to have to take up arms on a continuing basis to protect themselves from the predators.

These hard left prosecutors have no desire to do their job, they want to destroy the country just like BLM and ANTIFA. And on the occasions they actually do their job and put someone in jail, you have celebrities donating 10s of millions dollars to post bail for the criminals, putting them right back on the streets. I saw a report a couple of nights ago, one of the celebrity funds paid more than 350K to free a convicted rapist with two additional sexual assault charges. Things will get worse until these people are voted out or otherwise dealt with.

I want to thank those Democrat politicians and Libtards in positions of power for completely turn g their backs on Americans, for betraying them every bit as much as Barry and Hillary did to those Americans they allowed to be slaughtered by terrorists in Benghazi.

I want to thank Democrats for demonstrating how Democrats can not offer protection, can not offer security, can not offer seen by neighborhoods being held hostage, businesses being destroyed, children being murdered.

I want to thank Democrats for showing Americans that, just like Barry & Hillary, stand with criminals - rioters, rapists, racists, looters, murderers, pedophiles, our nation's enemies, foreign and domestic terrorists over the American people.....

I want to thank Democrats for showing Americans that the 1st chance they get they crap on the Constitution and trample Constitutional and civil rights, violate the rule of law, and facilitate hate and violence on Americans...

I want to thank Democrats for showing Americans how much they have embraced Marxist, communist, socialist doctrine and have done their best, especially in the last 6 months to follow Saul Alensky's Rules for Radicals by dividing this nation, attempting to destroy Christianity/religion, destroy authority to create a violent dangerous unprotected society, and how they keep trying to undermine our govt...

All right before the election.

Americans don't want the embrace of a socialist Amerika under 3rd World would-be oppressive dictatorial self-appointed Dem leaders.

The domestic enemies have revealed themselves...

Thank you, Democrats.


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