No more "humane" death penalty?

I would use a tripod mounted machine gun with a electric solenoid to fire it. That way there is one person doing the deed. No muss, no fuss, no problem hitting the mark as you can dial it right in and then leave it. Article - States consider reviving old-fashioned executions

Hmmm. Might make those planning to break the law rethink those thoughts.

Why don't they just use morphine? A morphine drip at increased dosages until the heart stops.

The guillotine is the most efficient and least painful, but the American consumer can't stomach it. Not even the conservative. -- There's some notion that the brain gets visual signals for several moments after the head is severed.
How about just turning the convicted murder over to the family and friends of the victim. Armed, of course, with nothing other than three-tine forks (no length restriction)?
If I did something really bad and were to die due to what I did...and I had a would be firing squad.

Imagine having to walk the green mile and Percy is at the controls. Shudder.
If they murdered and raped a kid, or murdered people for drugs, or any other heinious crime...then they were pretty bloodthirsty themselves.
If they murdered and raped a kid, or murdered people for drugs, or any other heinious crime...then they were pretty bloodthirsty themselves.

Honestly. The left doesn't believe in victim's rights. It's all about the criminal and how to make their poor and misjudged lives better.

Except in Texas.
How about just turning the convicted murder over to the family and friends of the victim. Armed, of course, with nothing other than three-tine forks (no length restriction)?

Then the family lowers themselves to the level of the killer.
I am FOR the death penalty. Enough of this hand slapping crap. But, with conditions. DNA evidence. 100% positive they are guilty.
Too many crimes are committed while in prison by people who are locked up but still order those crimes. I am tired of supporting them. Send them off to hell where they belong.
I am FOR the death penalty. Enough of this hand slapping crap. But, with conditions. DNA evidence. 100% positive they are guilty.
Too many crimes are committed while in prison by people who are locked up but still order those crimes. I am tired of supporting them. Send them off to hell where they belong.

Even with DNA, the person could have still been set up. All I need is a bit of your DNA, plant it at my crime scene, and you get strapped down and a needle in your arm.
Firing squad works for me.

bullets are expensive.

rope is not.

this hypocrisy, especially, from the lying EU is disgusting.

the "care" so much about our executions that patients in neurosurgical ICUs and going to surgery now do not have the very needed barbiturates.

On the other hand I don't see any reason why the cheapest drug under the sun can not be produced in the US.
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