NO MERCY: Democrats Sowed the Nuclear Option – Now They Can Reap the Whirlwind of a 6th Conservative Supreme Court Justice


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
NO MERCY: Democrats Sowed the Nuclear Option – Now They Can Reap the Whirlwind of a 6th Conservative Supreme Court Justice

19 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Guest post by Richard Blaine
“Politics,” as they say, “ain’t bean-bag.” Nevertheless, Harry Reid’s elimination of the Senate filibuster for Executive Branch and Judicial nominees in 2013 was rightly described as the “nuclear option.” “The Senate is a living thing,” said Harry.
At the time, Democrats cheered Reid’s decision. It was the age of Obama, and Democrats were content to revel in it – and ram it down our throats.
What goes around, comes around.
Historically, use of the filibuster either forced bipartisanship, or it resulted in a deadlock on nominations and legislation. As anyone who has lived through the age of Trump could tell you, Democrats don’t give a tinker’s damn about bipartisanship. They haven’t, they don’t now, and they never, ever, will.
Democrats have:
  • repeatedly and illegally attempted to negate the 2016 election through numerous coups against the President;
  • rioted, looted, and burned our cities all over the nation;
  • set forest fires all over the West;
  • used their federally imposed tech immunities to destroy any news outlet outside the mainstream echo chamber;
  • censored tens of thousands of Americans;
  • sowed racial division and demanded total thought conformity through lies and propaganda; and
  • even now, they conspire to steal the 2020 election through fraud.
But then Ruth Ginsburg died.
Make no mistake, Democrats are merciless and ruthless. They seize every possible opportunity to steal this country from you and your children.
If elected, Biden-Harris will work quickly to render this nation unrecognizable. Here’s Victor Davis Hanson explaining what the Democrats have in store for us if they win in November. We will all be thought-slaves to hardcore communists and their deep state henchmen.

Hmm..., Dingy Harry is now crying buckets of tears for thinking he had put one over on the Republicans never dreaming his actions would come back to haunt him. Thank you Harry!

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NO MERCY: Democrats Sowed the Nuclear Option – Now They Can Reap the Whirlwind of a 6th Conservative Supreme Court Justice

19 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Guest post by Richard Blaine
“Politics,” as they say, “ain’t bean-bag.” Nevertheless, Harry Reid’s elimination of the Senate filibuster for Executive Branch and Judicial nominees in 2013 was rightly described as the “nuclear option.” “The Senate is a living thing,” said Harry.
At the time, Democrats cheered Reid’s decision. It was the age of Obama, and Democrats were content to revel in it – and ram it down our throats.
What goes around, comes around.
Historically, use of the filibuster either forced bipartisanship, or it resulted in a deadlock on nominations and legislation. As anyone who has lived through the age of Trump could tell you, Democrats don’t give a tinker’s damn about bipartisanship. They haven’t, they don’t now, and they never, ever, will.
Democrats have:
  • repeatedly and illegally attempted to negate the 2016 election through numerous coups against the President;
  • rioted, looted, and burned our cities all over the nation;
  • set forest fires all over the West;
  • used their federally imposed tech immunities to destroy any news outlet outside the mainstream echo chamber;
  • censored tens of thousands of Americans;
  • sowed racial division and demanded total thought conformity through lies and propaganda; and
  • even now, they conspire to steal the 2020 election through fraud.
But then Ruth Ginsburg died.
Make no mistake, Democrats are merciless and ruthless. They seize every possible opportunity to steal this country from you and your children.
If elected, Biden-Harris will work quickly to render this nation unrecognizable. Here’s Victor Davis Hanson explaining what the Democrats have in store for us if they win in November. We will all be thought-slaves to hardcore communists and their deep state henchmen.

Hmm..., Dngy Harry is now crying buckets of tears for thinking he had put one over on the Republicans never dreaming his actions would come back to haunt him. Thank you Harry!


Wait, what? Thought it was Harris-Biden.

NO MERCY: Democrats Sowed the Nuclear Option – Now They Can Reap the Whirlwind of a 6th Conservative Supreme Court Justice

19 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Guest post by Richard Blaine
“Politics,” as they say, “ain’t bean-bag.” Nevertheless, Harry Reid’s elimination of the Senate filibuster for Executive Branch and Judicial nominees in 2013 was rightly described as the “nuclear option.” “The Senate is a living thing,” said Harry.
At the time, Democrats cheered Reid’s decision. It was the age of Obama, and Democrats were content to revel in it – and ram it down our throats.
What goes around, comes around.
Historically, use of the filibuster either forced bipartisanship, or it resulted in a deadlock on nominations and legislation. As anyone who has lived through the age of Trump could tell you, Democrats don’t give a tinker’s damn about bipartisanship. They haven’t, they don’t now, and they never, ever, will.
Democrats have:
  • repeatedly and illegally attempted to negate the 2016 election through numerous coups against the President;
  • rioted, looted, and burned our cities all over the nation;
  • set forest fires all over the West;
  • used their federally imposed tech immunities to destroy any news outlet outside the mainstream echo chamber;
  • censored tens of thousands of Americans;
  • sowed racial division and demanded total thought conformity through lies and propaganda; and
  • even now, they conspire to steal the 2020 election through fraud.
But then Ruth Ginsburg died.
Make no mistake, Democrats are merciless and ruthless. They seize every possible opportunity to steal this country from you and your children.
If elected, Biden-Harris will work quickly to render this nation unrecognizable. Here’s Victor Davis Hanson explaining what the Democrats have in store for us if they win in November. We will all be thought-slaves to hardcore communists and their deep state henchmen.

Hmm..., Dngy Harry is now crying buckets of tears for thinking he had put one over on the Republicans never dreaming his actions would come back to haunt him. Thank you Harry!


Well, file this under, "Be careful what you wish for". Let's keep to the discussion to the use of the nuclear option. The list of what Democrats have "done" is false and bogus. It just undermines your argument that Democrats brought the whole SC thing on themselves by eliminating the filibuster. And it comes off as election year whining. It's only since Mitch McConnell has ascended to the leadership of the Senate that it has been the case that bi-partisanship has gone out the window. Don't believe me? Let's go back in time.
Mitch McConnell embodies the absolute worst of what a politician should be in Washington. Hopefully, the residents of his state (who can't stand him) will turn him out on November 3rd.

Now, you can make the case that Reid's elimination of the filibuster came back to bite Democrats as it concerns SC justice nominees. But that knife will cut both ways if Biden wins and/if Democrats take back the Senate. Depending on how large the majority margin is, you may see an expansion of the SC. You may see more liberal judges.
NO MERCY: Democrats Sowed the Nuclear Option – Now They Can Reap the Whirlwind of a 6th Conservative Supreme Court Justice

19 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Guest post by Richard Blaine
“Politics,” as they say, “ain’t bean-bag.” Nevertheless, Harry Reid’s elimination of the Senate filibuster for Executive Branch and Judicial nominees in 2013 was rightly described as the “nuclear option.” “The Senate is a living thing,” said Harry.
At the time, Democrats cheered Reid’s decision. It was the age of Obama, and Democrats were content to revel in it – and ram it down our throats.
What goes around, comes around.
Historically, use of the filibuster either forced bipartisanship, or it resulted in a deadlock on nominations and legislation. As anyone who has lived through the age of Trump could tell you, Democrats don’t give a tinker’s damn about bipartisanship. They haven’t, they don’t now, and they never, ever, will.
Democrats have:
  • repeatedly and illegally attempted to negate the 2016 election through numerous coups against the President;
  • rioted, looted, and burned our cities all over the nation;
  • set forest fires all over the West;
  • used their federally imposed tech immunities to destroy any news outlet outside the mainstream echo chamber;
  • censored tens of thousands of Americans;
  • sowed racial division and demanded total thought conformity through lies and propaganda; and
  • even now, they conspire to steal the 2020 election through fraud.
But then Ruth Ginsburg died.
Make no mistake, Democrats are merciless and ruthless. They seize every possible opportunity to steal this country from you and your children.
If elected, Biden-Harris will work quickly to render this nation unrecognizable. Here’s Victor Davis Hanson explaining what the Democrats have in store for us if they win in November. We will all be thought-slaves to hardcore communists and their deep state henchmen.

Hmm..., Dngy Harry is now crying buckets of tears for thinking he had put one over on the Republicans never dreaming his actions would come back to haunt him. Thank you Harry!


Well, file this under, "Be careful what you wish for". Let's keep to the discussion to the use of the nuclear option. The list of what Democrats have "done" is false and bogus. It just undermines your argument that Democrats brought the whole SC thing on themselves by eliminating the filibuster. And it comes off as election year whining. It's only since Mitch McConnell has ascended to the leadership of the Senate that it has been the case that bi-partisanship has gone out the window. Don't believe me? Let's go back in time.
Mitch McConnell embodies the absolute worst of what a politician should be in Washington. Hopefully, the residents of his state (who can't stand him) will turn him out on November 3rd.

Now, you can make the case that Reid's elimination of the filibuster came back to bite Democrats as it concerns SC justice nominees. But that knife will cut both ways if Biden wins and/if Democrats take back the Senate. Depending on how large the majority margin is, you may see an expansion of the SC. You may see more liberal judges.

I'm convinced that people like McConnell, Pelosi and Schumer etc are not elected.....but are placed by the establishment to ensure their will be done.

No, I can't explain how they do it.....but I sure as hell can't see living breathing people electing these morons for decades after decade either.
NO MERCY: Democrats Sowed the Nuclear Option – Now They Can Reap the Whirlwind of a 6th Conservative Supreme Court Justice

19 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Guest post by Richard Blaine
“Politics,” as they say, “ain’t bean-bag.” Nevertheless, Harry Reid’s elimination of the Senate filibuster for Executive Branch and Judicial nominees in 2013 was rightly described as the “nuclear option.” “The Senate is a living thing,” said Harry.
At the time, Democrats cheered Reid’s decision. It was the age of Obama, and Democrats were content to revel in it – and ram it down our throats.
What goes around, comes around.
Historically, use of the filibuster either forced bipartisanship, or it resulted in a deadlock on nominations and legislation. As anyone who has lived through the age of Trump could tell you, Democrats don’t give a tinker’s damn about bipartisanship. They haven’t, they don’t now, and they never, ever, will.
Democrats have:
  • repeatedly and illegally attempted to negate the 2016 election through numerous coups against the President;
  • rioted, looted, and burned our cities all over the nation;
  • set forest fires all over the West;
  • used their federally imposed tech immunities to destroy any news outlet outside the mainstream echo chamber;
  • censored tens of thousands of Americans;
  • sowed racial division and demanded total thought conformity through lies and propaganda; and
  • even now, they conspire to steal the 2020 election through fraud.
But then Ruth Ginsburg died.
Make no mistake, Democrats are merciless and ruthless. They seize every possible opportunity to steal this country from you and your children.
If elected, Biden-Harris will work quickly to render this nation unrecognizable. Here’s Victor Davis Hanson explaining what the Democrats have in store for us if they win in November. We will all be thought-slaves to hardcore communists and their deep state henchmen.

Hmm..., Dngy Harry is now crying buckets of tears for thinking he had put one over on the Republicans never dreaming his actions would come back to haunt him. Thank you Harry!


Well, file this under, "Be careful what you wish for". Let's keep to the discussion to the use of the nuclear option. The list of what Democrats have "done" is false and bogus. It just undermines your argument that Democrats brought the whole SC thing on themselves by eliminating the filibuster. And it comes off as election year whining. It's only since Mitch McConnell has ascended to the leadership of the Senate that it has been the case that bi-partisanship has gone out the window. Don't believe me? Let's go back in time.
Mitch McConnell embodies the absolute worst of what a politician should be in Washington. Hopefully, the residents of his state (who can't stand him) will turn him out on November 3rd.

Now, you can make the case that Reid's elimination of the filibuster came back to bite Democrats as it concerns SC justice nominees. But that knife will cut both ways if Biden wins and/if Democrats take back the Senate. Depending on how large the majority margin is, you may see an expansion of the SC. You may see more liberal judges.

I'm convinced that people like McConnell, Pelosi and Schumer etc are not elected.....but are placed by the establishment to ensure their will be done.

No, I can't explain how they do it.....but I sure as hell can't see living breathing people electing these morons for decades after decade either.

What "will" would that be? Who in their conscious mind, left or right would want this kind of chaos? And what does it have to do with some nut shooting people for no apparent reason? Let's say for the sake of argument this was motivated by the current climate. In that light, could you see an outcome such as this? You shouldn't see that. But it wouldn't be a surprise.
Correction: 5th conservative judge.

Roberts is an establishment squish who is being blackmailed because his kids were adopted illegally.
NO MERCY: Democrats Sowed the Nuclear Option – Now They Can Reap the Whirlwind of a 6th Conservative Supreme Court Justice

19 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Guest post by Richard Blaine
“Politics,” as they say, “ain’t bean-bag.” Nevertheless, Harry Reid’s elimination of the Senate filibuster for Executive Branch and Judicial nominees in 2013 was rightly described as the “nuclear option.” “The Senate is a living thing,” said Harry.
At the time, Democrats cheered Reid’s decision. It was the age of Obama, and Democrats were content to revel in it – and ram it down our throats.
What goes around, comes around.
Historically, use of the filibuster either forced bipartisanship, or it resulted in a deadlock on nominations and legislation. As anyone who has lived through the age of Trump could tell you, Democrats don’t give a tinker’s damn about bipartisanship. They haven’t, they don’t now, and they never, ever, will.
Democrats have:
  • repeatedly and illegally attempted to negate the 2016 election through numerous coups against the President;
  • rioted, looted, and burned our cities all over the nation;
  • set forest fires all over the West;
  • used their federally imposed tech immunities to destroy any news outlet outside the mainstream echo chamber;
  • censored tens of thousands of Americans;
  • sowed racial division and demanded total thought conformity through lies and propaganda; and
  • even now, they conspire to steal the 2020 election through fraud.
But then Ruth Ginsburg died.
Make no mistake, Democrats are merciless and ruthless. They seize every possible opportunity to steal this country from you and your children.
If elected, Biden-Harris will work quickly to render this nation unrecognizable. Here’s Victor Davis Hanson explaining what the Democrats have in store for us if they win in November. We will all be thought-slaves to hardcore communists and their deep state henchmen.

Hmm..., Dngy Harry is now crying buckets of tears for thinking he had put one over on the Republicans never dreaming his actions would come back to haunt him. Thank you Harry!


Well, file this under, "Be careful what you wish for". Let's keep to the discussion to the use of the nuclear option. The list of what Democrats have "done" is false and bogus. It just undermines your argument that Democrats brought the whole SC thing on themselves by eliminating the filibuster. And it comes off as election year whining. It's only since Mitch McConnell has ascended to the leadership of the Senate that it has been the case that bi-partisanship has gone out the window. Don't believe me? Let's go back in time.
Mitch McConnell embodies the absolute worst of what a politician should be in Washington. Hopefully, the residents of his state (who can't stand him) will turn him out on November 3rd.

Now, you can make the case that Reid's elimination of the filibuster came back to bite Democrats as it concerns SC justice nominees. But that knife will cut both ways if Biden wins and/if Democrats take back the Senate. Depending on how large the majority margin is, you may see an expansion of the SC. You may see more liberal judges.
not false and bogus --but the truth
The only requirement necessary to be appointed to any position by the current administration, the appointee must have their nose firmly up the impeached president trump's fat a$$.

A place his devoted fanatics would kill to occupy.

The only requirement necessary to be appointed to any position by the current administration, the appointee must have their nose firmly up the impeached president trump's fat a$$.

A place his devoted fanatics would kill to occupy.

we LOVE it!!!!!!!!!LOVING it
What "will" would that be? Who in their conscious mind, left or right would want this kind of chaos? And what does it have to do with some nut shooting people for no apparent reason? Let's say for the sake of argument this was motivated by the current climate. In that light, could you see an outcome such as this? You shouldn't see that. But it wouldn't be a surprise.

What will?????
I thought it was obvious.
The consolidation of power and wealth.

The government has been granting itself greater and greater power over the People AND the Constitution for a long time now.
That this is not obvious to all is alarming.
NO MERCY: Democrats Sowed the Nuclear Option – Now They Can Reap the Whirlwind of a 6th Conservative Supreme Court Justice

19 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Guest post by Richard Blaine
“Politics,” as they say, “ain’t bean-bag.” Nevertheless, Harry Reid’s elimination of the Senate filibuster for Executive Branch and Judicial nominees in 2013 was rightly described as the “nuclear option.” “The Senate is a living thing,” said Harry.
At the time, Democrats cheered Reid’s decision. It was the age of Obama, and Democrats were content to revel in it – and ram it down our throats.
What goes around, comes around.
Historically, use of the filibuster either forced bipartisanship, or it resulted in a deadlock on nominations and legislation. As anyone who has lived through the age of Trump could tell you, Democrats don’t give a tinker’s damn about bipartisanship. They haven’t, they don’t now, and they never, ever, will.
Democrats have:
  • repeatedly and illegally attempted to negate the 2016 election through numerous coups against the President;
  • rioted, looted, and burned our cities all over the nation;
  • set forest fires all over the West;
  • used their federally imposed tech immunities to destroy any news outlet outside the mainstream echo chamber;
  • censored tens of thousands of Americans;
  • sowed racial division and demanded total thought conformity through lies and propaganda; and
  • even now, they conspire to steal the 2020 election through fraud.
But then Ruth Ginsburg died.
Make no mistake, Democrats are merciless and ruthless. They seize every possible opportunity to steal this country from you and your children.
If elected, Biden-Harris will work quickly to render this nation unrecognizable. Here’s Victor Davis Hanson explaining what the Democrats have in store for us if they win in November. We will all be thought-slaves to hardcore communists and their deep state henchmen.

Hmm..., Dngy Harry is now crying buckets of tears for thinking he had put one over on the Republicans never dreaming his actions would come back to haunt him. Thank you Harry!


Well, file this under, "Be careful what you wish for". Let's keep to the discussion to the use of the nuclear option. The list of what Democrats have "done" is false and bogus. It just undermines your argument that Democrats brought the whole SC thing on themselves by eliminating the filibuster. And it comes off as election year whining. It's only since Mitch McConnell has ascended to the leadership of the Senate that it has been the case that bi-partisanship has gone out the window. Don't believe me? Let's go back in time.
Mitch McConnell embodies the absolute worst of what a politician should be in Washington. Hopefully, the residents of his state (who can't stand him) will turn him out on November 3rd.

Now, you can make the case that Reid's elimination of the filibuster came back to bite Democrats as it concerns SC justice nominees. But that knife will cut both ways if Biden wins and/if Democrats take back the Senate. Depending on how large the majority margin is, you may see an expansion of the SC. You may see more liberal judges.

Sorry, that's all out the door when pelosi and company went on russian collusion witch hunts that weren't true and impeachments based on third hand knowledge. They can pound sand now and cry a river. Their tears fall on deaf ears.
NO MERCY: Democrats Sowed the Nuclear Option – Now They Can Reap the Whirlwind of a 6th Conservative Supreme Court Justice

19 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Guest post by Richard Blaine
“Politics,” as they say, “ain’t bean-bag.” Nevertheless, Harry Reid’s elimination of the Senate filibuster for Executive Branch and Judicial nominees in 2013 was rightly described as the “nuclear option.” “The Senate is a living thing,” said Harry.
At the time, Democrats cheered Reid’s decision. It was the age of Obama, and Democrats were content to revel in it – and ram it down our throats.
What goes around, comes around.
Historically, use of the filibuster either forced bipartisanship, or it resulted in a deadlock on nominations and legislation. As anyone who has lived through the age of Trump could tell you, Democrats don’t give a tinker’s damn about bipartisanship. They haven’t, they don’t now, and they never, ever, will.
Democrats have:
  • repeatedly and illegally attempted to negate the 2016 election through numerous coups against the President;
  • rioted, looted, and burned our cities all over the nation;
  • set forest fires all over the West;
  • used their federally imposed tech immunities to destroy any news outlet outside the mainstream echo chamber;
  • censored tens of thousands of Americans;
  • sowed racial division and demanded total thought conformity through lies and propaganda; and
  • even now, they conspire to steal the 2020 election through fraud.
But then Ruth Ginsburg died.
Make no mistake, Democrats are merciless and ruthless. They seize every possible opportunity to steal this country from you and your children.
If elected, Biden-Harris will work quickly to render this nation unrecognizable. Here’s Victor Davis Hanson explaining what the Democrats have in store for us if they win in November. We will all be thought-slaves to hardcore communists and their deep state henchmen.

Hmm..., Dingy Harry is now crying buckets of tears for thinking he had put one over on the Republicans never dreaming his actions would come back to haunt him. Thank you Harry!

Stick the nominee right up their ass.

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