No argument here

Bush Republicanism Must Go Away - American Thinker

Reagan's biggest mistake was the future Bush 41.

It's sick and abusive. Republican voters must stop pretending the Brahmin Class Republicans who spend more time bashing their own party's faithful than fighting the evil authoritarianism in full bloom on the other side are anything other than double-agents trying to demoralize and fatigue the only Americans principled enough to resist.

My goodness, George, the Marxists have corrupted everything from kindergarten to the military. They're suckling the little ones on a steady diet of "systemic racism" and "white supremacy" while pushing "woke" trans troops as the future standard for American combat forces. The Supreme Court is too contemptibly craven and compromised by the political left to protect Americans from the harms of lawless "sanctuary cities," the unconstitutional mandates of municipal tyrants, or the repercussions of fraudulent elections. The Federal Reserve has stolen Americans' savings and entered into a suicide pact with the Treasury Department to spend the nation into financial collapse on "the road to serfdom." And most of the Republican Party's top political consultants and conservative "intellectuals" for the past thirty years have "come out of the closet" to reveal — surprise, surprise! — that they've been, not just Democrats, but actual authoritarian socialists all along.
I normally reject references to “class.” But when I read the phrase, “Brahmin Class Republicans” I saw the light! Very good post. Thanks for sharing it.

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