NJ Republican Councilwoman murdered

One was a black female, the other not so much, Not a peep from the media. Links are hard to find. Wow, the silence on this speaks volumes.
What? The city council people, where the suspected kill was found dead in a car shortly after the 2nd murder? Looked like Moonglow gave you a whole page full of links the first time you posted this.
George Floyd self-induced fentanyl overdose, moral outrage over a thing that isn't a thing. But a real outrage, YAWN.
You are supposedly in the midwest and you are up in the air about some council people on the East Coast in New Jersey?
George Floyd did home invasions where pregnant women were pistol whipped, so of course he's a major Hero for the Democrats. Killing two elected Republicans is entirely different, since Democrats will soon be having their street thugs kill many more. Nothing to see there, the media is all for that.
Fox is the one who is flaming the flames by reporting that it was republicans and that it was not reported by news.

“Heller was gunned down yesterday morning in the parking lot of this New Jersey power company where he had a full-time job as a supervisor. Investigators say that gunman was a former employee who drove off and later killed himself,” she added.
Politics does not seem to have been a motive it was just coincidence. The first incident there appears to be no arrest made so nobody knows what actually happen

The report does not even say what happen. It just says republican has died. FOX bias on reporting is so obvious.

See this is a real story with the perp arrested and he shot at a democrats home when his children were there. It was a republican who lost an election. Luckily no one died. He hired people and decided to even join in on the shooting. Another fine example of gun ownership in America. His children were home at the time.

It is what happens when stole elections are the latest mantra.

well guess what on the lady that was shot first, if you do a simple google search the story is available on most major networks at least 2 days ago.

Another lie by FOX news

The media have not reported much on these two cases because:

1. They were only Republicans.

2. There is so much crime in this country nowadays that murders have become commonplace.

3. It happened in New Jersey! So no one is shocked.
One was a black female, the other not so much, Not a peep from the media. Links are hard to find. Wow, the silence on this speaks volumes.
Your title was good but the OP needs more detail and links and your case built up with discussion points.

What happened to the story of the two murdered NJ councilmen?

17 Feb 2023 ~~ By David Strom

We are being told it is a coincidence, and that there don’t appear to be any political motivations behind the murders. Perhaps that is true. I have no reason one way or another to believe otherwise.
But it sure is odd that not one, but two Republican councilmen in New Jersey were murdered in a week, and both had been elected since 2020.
The first murder was of Councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour of Sayreville; the second of Milford Borough Councilman Russell Heller. The second murder may have been work-related, as his killer shared the same employer. However, nobody is saying “boo” about what happened and it isn’t even clear that the killer and the councilman knew each other.
On a whim, I searched the Googles and found a distinct dearth of stories about the killings, neither of which has an apparent motive. The police indicated that each was a targeted killing, but the reasons behind the murders are unknown.
It has been two weeks since the first murder and a week since the second. Both briefly made national news, and then the story was memory-holed. A brief update was covered locally when the 911 call for the first was released. But the initial flurry of stories died out almost immediately.
Everybody has chalked it up to coincidence and…that’s it.
Maybe. But it sure seems weird that we haven’t been given much of an explanation about what happened in either case, and the coincidence is rather striking.
One thing is certain: if these were two Democrats we would be enduring endless lectures about insurrections, political violence, violent rhetoric, and gun control.
Perhaps they know more than they are saying. That is common enough. Yet why is nobody in the media pressing them for answers? Again, one could be certain the pressure would be on if these were Democrats. One could be pretty certain the White House would have put out a statement or two by now, blaming MAGA extremists.
I do blame the media for not following up, though. We deserve to know.
Because the coincidence is just too striking to ignore.

According to Democrats murdering a republican is not illegal. There's open season on Republicans at all levels. Joe Biden will issue the permits.

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