Nigeria....a win for gun control....citizens unarmed in the face of muslim terroists....a win win...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This piece looks at one of the main reasons to own and carry guns.....When the government can't or won't do its job and protect its citizens from violent criminals and monsters....

The Wages Of Gun Control The Killing Went On And On Extrano s Alley a gun blog

Jeff Bezos’ Pravda Potomac reports the murderous barbarian group called Boko Haran gas struck again, and it is the old story of the armed against the disarmed. Briefly quoting the anti-gun WaPo report linked above:

Gunshots punctured the early morning quiet. “They came through the north, the west and from the southern part of the town because the eastern part is only water,” one resident told the BBC. “So, when we [went] toward the western part, we saw heavily armed Boko Haram men coming toward us.” At the sight of the incoming insurgents, the soldiers put up a scant fight before abandoning their base and leaving residents defenseless.

Uh huh. The same old story. The government of Nigeria will not defend the people they disarm, leaving them to the mercy of the barbarian horde.

Pravda Potomac guesses at 2,000 dead, and thousands more enslaved. Local reports suggest a far higher death toll. But of course, the complicit media wants gun bans “because it cannot happen here.”

Which ignores five thousand years of human history. History filled with proof that gun control enables killers.

Well, this week is full of stories that accentuate the benefits of gun control when innocent people are unarmed in the face of violent killers.....France and Nigeria.....two success stories for gun control.......

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