NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%

Who the hell is "TickPick" and just what percent of NFL tickets go through them?
You'd have to be a blind partisan tool to not see the blowback. It is real & it is making its own DEMANDS that the players WILL kneel to.

Not at all. I am not partisan as I have no party. I see people desperate to prove they are right so they turn to things like this, some small time ticket reseller that has had a drop in sales. Just like when people grabbed on to some small, tiny suit maker pulling their ads from the NFL.

Show me some numbers from StubHub or Ticketmaster or let me know when Budweiser pulls their ads. Till then I think the NFL will take the short term damage to broaden their market base. Right now the majority of NFL viewers are old white guys. That is not a good long term strategy as old white guys die off.
Who the hell is "TickPick" and just what percent of NFL tickets go through them?
You'd have to be a blind partisan tool to not see the blowback. It is real & it is making its own DEMANDS that the players WILL kneel to.

Not at all. I am not partisan as I have no party. I see people desperate to prove they are right so they turn to things like this, some small time ticket reseller that has had a drop in sales. Just like when people grabbed on to some small, tiny suit maker pulling their ads from the NFL.

Show me some numbers from StubHub or Ticketmaster or let me know when Budweiser pulls their ads. Till then I think the NFL will take the short term damage to broaden their market base. Right now the majority of NFL viewers are old white guys. That is not a good long term strategy as old white guys die off.
Broaden their base? Lol

Not just blind but stupid as well.
Ouch! That's gotta hurt!

The National Football League is feeling the impact of the "Trump Effect."

Ticket sales since he called on team owners to fire players who take a knee to protest the National Anthem have cratered.

The online ticket reseller TickPick told Secrets that sales have dropped 17.9 percent, far more than the usual Week Three fall.

From TickPick:

  • 17.9 percent decrease in NFL orders this week compared to the previous week.
  • Last year the drop was 10.8 percent in orders on Monday & Tuesday following Week Three games.

"We have seen a massive decrease in NFL ticket purchases this past week in comparison to years past. Week 3 seems to usually have less ticket orders than week 2, but this year ticket purchases are down more than 7 percent from this time last year," said TickPick's Jack Slingland.

"While we can't specify if this decrease is due to the president's comments, player and owner protests, play on the field, or simply the continued division of consumer's media attention, the conversation around the NFL this week has focused on the president's comments as well as the players' and owners' reaction. As viewers continue to abandon their NFL Sunday habits, both the number of ticket sales and the purchase price of tickets will drop," he told us.

Let me try doing my PROG IMPRESSION:

That's fake news because the source is unreliable!

Plus, OP is racist anyhow.
Interesting how many liberals have become NFL fans, even to the point of defending the 1 percent. I think it says a lot about what they really are all about.
Who the hell is "TickPick" and just what percent of NFL tickets go through them?
You'd have to be a blind partisan tool to not see the blowback. It is real & it is making its own DEMANDS that the players WILL kneel to.
I believe this, but it was still presented dishonestly in the OP.
You see dishonesty I see anecdotal evidence that the NFL better get their shit together.

That's the same kind of "logic" they use to call Trump a liar.
Ouch! That's gotta hurt!

The National Football League is feeling the impact of the "Trump Effect."

Ticket sales since he called on team owners to fire players who take a knee to protest the National Anthem have cratered.

The online ticket reseller TickPick told Secrets that sales have dropped 17.9 percent, far more than the usual Week Three fall.

From TickPick:

  • 17.9 percent decrease in NFL orders this week compared to the previous week.
  • Last year the drop was 10.8 percent in orders on Monday & Tuesday following Week Three games.

"We have seen a massive decrease in NFL ticket purchases this past week in comparison to years past. Week 3 seems to usually have less ticket orders than week 2, but this year ticket purchases are down more than 7 percent from this time last year," said TickPick's Jack Slingland.

"While we can't specify if this decrease is due to the president's comments, player and owner protests, play on the field, or simply the continued division of consumer's media attention, the conversation around the NFL this week has focused on the president's comments as well as the players' and owners' reaction. As viewers continue to abandon their NFL Sunday habits, both the number of ticket sales and the purchase price of tickets will drop," he told us.
And believe me that it is going to be less people attending the following weeks. The NFL is on its way down hill. Those players are thinking that they are going to see a big check. They better start moving away from their big luxury mansions in a nice gated community with high-tech armed security. And move into the nearest gated trailer park with a security dog that its name is Lazy Hound.. And believe me that they will be hurrying up the process to have that wall built.
Interesting how many liberals have become NFL fans, even to the point of defending the 1 percent. I think it says a lot about what they really are all about.
Who is the one percent
NFL football players are the 1%, moron.

Yet they are willing to fight for those less fortunate

They aren't fighting for anyone but themselves. What could be more loathsome than a bunch of millionaires whining about how mistreated they are? They're spitting on the country that gave them everything they have.
Interesting how many liberals have become NFL fans, even to the point of defending the 1 percent. I think it says a lot about what they really are all about.
Who is the one percent
NFL football players are the 1%, moron.

Yet they are willing to fight for those less fortunate


You have a strange definition of "fight for"
Lifting their leg on the flag is his idea of fighting for the less fortunate.
Interesting how many liberals have become NFL fans, even to the point of defending the 1 percent. I think it says a lot about what they really are all about.
Who is the one percent
NFL football players are the 1%, moron.

Yet they are willing to fight for those less fortunate


You have a strange definition of "fight for"
Lifting their leg on the flag is his idea of fighting for the less fortunate.

Yeah, I'm not really sure how "I'm being oppressed by our country which allows me to make millions playing a game once a week" helps anyone. Especially when those supposedly being helped are the people working their butts off and sacrificing for this nation that they are attacking.

But what do I know?
Who the hell is "TickPick" and just what percent of NFL tickets go through them?
You'd have to be a blind partisan tool to not see the blowback. It is real & it is making its own DEMANDS that the players WILL kneel to.
I believe this, but it was still presented dishonestly in the OP.
You see dishonesty I see anecdotal evidence that the NFL better get their shit together.

That's the same kind of "logic" they use to call Trump a liar.

Trump is a liar. He lies almost non-stop. And he lies about little crap that does not even really matter, which makes you wonder how much he is lying about the important stuff
Just did a little research on Tickpick...last year they had total revenue of 49.7 million while StubHub had a revenue of 279 million ,last quarter alone.

More wag the dog reporting, find a tiny ticket reseller that is having a bad week and use them to cast doom and gloom.

Find me such number from StubHub or Ticket Master and then you might have a story. This is as much a story as the pay day loan shark guys pulling their ads from the NFL.

So you are denying there is a backlash? Really? All you have to do is google it. There are PLENTY of sources reporting that the NFL is losing fans and money. To say otherwise is to be living under a rock.

They like to live under rocks. It gives them something to look up to as a rock generally has a higher IQ than a liberal.

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