Next week's March for Life will be bigger than the "Women's March" but the media will ignore it

Well the problem is the pro life people are too nice. Too clean cut when they should be rocking it and showing what happens during an abortion.

Want to make a point? Want to drive home the issue? Show an abortion on a jumbotron.

Stop being nice little ladies. Get up and fight. Hit the decks running. Stop being mealy mouths and hit it for heavens sake.

Put up all the pictures of Gosnell's hell hole. Put them up. Be brave.
A pro-life group up here used to display photos of aborted babies at the State Fair. They were forced to move their displays inside in order to prevent offending pro-abortion people.
Well that's not why there is no media coverage though is it?
It's a ratings killer. That's the simpler explanation.
No more than baby chopping.
Support contraceptives, adoption incentives, and childcare for poor mothers then. Or stop acting like you give a fuck about abortion.
I'm all pro-choice, but you do realize that "NO" is also a choice. If a woman fails to keep her legs together, murdering her child should not become an alternative "choice". You don't want kids, can't afford kids, want to wait a bit...don't screw around, or use contraception.
Of course saying no is a choice. Congratulations, you just turned having a baby into a punishment for saying yes.
That is correct. You should not be saying "yes" when you know, and understand, the consequences of doing so. Personal responsibility should be clearly explained and consequences of irresponsible choices emphasized. If someone doesn't want a baby, don't f**k around.
Well the problem is the pro life people are too nice. Too clean cut when they should be rocking it and showing what happens during an abortion.

Want to make a point? Want to drive home the issue? Show an abortion on a jumbotron.

Stop being nice little ladies. Get up and fight. Hit the decks running. Stop being mealy mouths and hit it for heavens sake.

Put up all the pictures of Gosnell's hell hole. Put them up. Be brave.
Too late the Pro-choice march already did that in order to drum up support.
Well the problem is the pro life people are too nice. Too clean cut when they should be rocking it and showing what happens during an abortion.

Want to make a point? Want to drive home the issue? Show an abortion on a jumbotron.

Stop being nice little ladies. Get up and fight. Hit the decks running. Stop being mealy mouths and hit it for heavens sake.

Put up all the pictures of Gosnell's hell hole. Put them up. Be brave.
You loons already do that. You should consider voting to support women who decide to have the kid instead.
It's a ratings killer. That's the simpler explanation.
No more than baby chopping.
Support contraceptives, adoption incentives, and childcare for poor mothers then. Or stop acting like you give a fuck about abortion.
I'm all pro-choice, but you do realize that "NO" is also a choice. If a woman fails to keep her legs together, murdering her child should not become an alternative "choice". You don't want kids, can't afford kids, want to wait a bit...don't screw around, or use contraception.
Of course saying no is a choice. Congratulations, you just turned having a baby into a punishment for saying yes.
That is correct. You should not be saying "yes" when you know, and understand, the consequences of doing so. Personal responsibility should be clearly explained and consequences of irresponsible choices emphasized. If someone doesn't want a baby, don't f**k around.
So how many years of jail time for an abortion?
No more than baby chopping.
Support contraceptives, adoption incentives, and childcare for poor mothers then. Or stop acting like you give a fuck about abortion.
I'm all pro-choice, but you do realize that "NO" is also a choice. If a woman fails to keep her legs together, murdering her child should not become an alternative "choice". You don't want kids, can't afford kids, want to wait a bit...don't screw around, or use contraception.
Of course saying no is a choice. Congratulations, you just turned having a baby into a punishment for saying yes.
That is correct. You should not be saying "yes" when you know, and understand, the consequences of doing so. Personal responsibility should be clearly explained and consequences of irresponsible choices emphasized. If someone doesn't want a baby, don't f**k around.
So how many years of jail time for an abortion?
Woman wants an abortion, she's welcome to it. I should not be forced to pay for her choice. The taxpayer is not offered a choice about abortion. I have never advocated a lack of safe abortion availability, but it should be at the cost of the person making that choice. There are some cases, incest and rape are the most common, where the choice of abortion might be considered. Should the fathers be permitted a say, no. They certainly didn't consider the responsibility of a child when they "got their nut", did they? Of course, like any other issue, abortion is complicated and many variables exist. Generally, I do not approve of abortion as an alternate to contraception. And I certainly do not believe the parties who are totally uninvolved in both in initiating the pregnancy, nor ending it through abortion, should be charged to finance either.
Support contraceptives, adoption incentives, and childcare for poor mothers then. Or stop acting like you give a fuck about abortion.
I'm all pro-choice, but you do realize that "NO" is also a choice. If a woman fails to keep her legs together, murdering her child should not become an alternative "choice". You don't want kids, can't afford kids, want to wait a bit...don't screw around, or use contraception.
Of course saying no is a choice. Congratulations, you just turned having a baby into a punishment for saying yes.
That is correct. You should not be saying "yes" when you know, and understand, the consequences of doing so. Personal responsibility should be clearly explained and consequences of irresponsible choices emphasized. If someone doesn't want a baby, don't f**k around.
So how many years of jail time for an abortion?
Woman wants an abortion, she's welcome to it. I should not be forced to pay for her choice. The taxpayer is not offered a choice about abortion. I have never advocated a lack of safe abortion availability, but it should be at the cost of the person making that choice. There are some cases, incest and rape are the most common, where the choice of abortion might be considered. Should the fathers be permitted a say, no. They certainly didn't consider the responsibility of a child when they "got their nut", did they? Of course, like any other issue, abortion is complicated and many variables exist. Generally, I do not approve of abortion as an alternate to contraception. And I certainly do not believe the parties who are totally uninvolved in both in initiating the pregnancy, nor ending it through abortion, should be charged to finance either.
Then you vote that a woman who cannot afford an abortion should have the baby. Do you vote for programs to help that woman and her baby? If she has the baby and is unable to raise it, how long should she go to jail?
The pro-choice feminists have finally given up even pretending to be nice people, at the Women's March they announced "I am a nasty woman" and now they're proud of being mean and hateful. It's like Satan took over their minds and is controlling them now.

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