Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and Biological Warfare

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
This a 2019 US Air Force study. The study is rather long, but well worth the read in its entirety. I'm just gonna snip a bit from it, given what s going on at the moment. Emphasis added via bold fonts.


3) Gene Therapy as a Weapon: Gene therapy will revolutionize the treatment of human genetic diseases. The goal is to effect a permanent change in the genetic composition of a person by repairing or replacing a faulty gene. Genes have already been spliced into bacteria to produce ―human‖ insulin in large quantities. The eventual goal is to splice a gene that codes for the production of insulin into human pancreatic tissue to cure diabetes. Similar research is progressing on adding in the missing gene to prevent the symptoms of cystic fibrosis. However, the same technology could be subverted to insert pathogenic genes.

There are two general classes of gene therapy: germ-cell line (reproductive) and somatic cell line (therapeutic). Changes in DNA in germ cells would be inherited by future generations. Changes in DNA of somatic cells would affect only the individual and could not be passed on to descendants. Manipulation of somatic cells is subject to less ethical scrutiny than manipulation of germ cells.

This concept has already been used to alter the immunity of animals. The vaccinia virus (a poxvirus used to make immunization against smallpox) has been used as a vector to insert genes in mammalian cells. This genetically engineered virus has been used successfully to produce an oral vaccine to prevent rabies in wildlife.

Research for similar gene splicing in humans continues for possible vectors to carry the replacement genes to their targets. As has been done for animals, there is potential for human ―vaccination‖ against certain diseases, or as a targeted delivery capability for therapeutic drugs or cytotoxic effects.

One class of experimental vectors is the retroviruses which permanently integrate themselves into human chromosomes. HIV, which causes AIDS, is a retrovirus. So it should not be hard to understand that gene therapy might have sinister capability.

A viral vector has already produced a lethal strain of mousepox virus. The genetically manipulated virus completely suppressed the cell-mediated response (the arm of the immune system that combats viral infections) of the lab mice. Even mice previously vaccinated against the natural mousepox virus died within days of exposure to the super virus. Mousepox (which does not infect humans) and smallpox are related viruses. If smallpox were to be similarly genetically manipulated, our current vaccine may not protect against it. These vectors are not yet very efficient in introducing genes into tissue cells. But if a medical technique is perfected, similar vectors might eventually be used to insert harmful genes into an unsuspecting population.


Techniques for cloning tissues and embryos continue to advance. Reproductive (germ-cell) cloning aims to implant a cloned embryo into a woman‘s uterus leading to the birth of a cloned baby. Therapeutic (somatic cell) cloning aims to use genes from a person‘s own cells to generate healthy tissue to treat a disease. For example, such cloning could be used to grow pancreatic cells to produce insulin to treat diabetes, or to grow nerve cells to repair damaged spinal cords. Already sheep, mice, swine, and cattle have been cloned. However, success (defined as births of live animals) rates are low. Initial cloning work with human embryos to produce omnipotent stem cells has been reported. Theoretically, the stem cells could in turn grow into virtually any cell type and serve as replacement tissue in diseases like diabetes. Researchers have also used a virus to insert a jellyfish gene into a rhesus monkey egg and produced the first genetically altered primate. The use of embryos and germ cells has raised many ethical questions.


4) Stealth Viruses: The concept of a stealth virus is a cryptic viral infection that covertly enters human cells (genomes) and then remains dormant for an extended time. However, a signal by an external stimulus could later trigger the virus to activate and cause disease. This mechanism, in fact, occurs fairly commonly in nature. For example, many humans carry herpes virus which can activate to cause oral or genital lesions. Similarly, varicella virus will sometimes reactivate in the form of herpes zoster (shingles) in some people who had chicken pox earlier in life. However, the vast majority of viruses do not cause disease.

As a biological weapon, a stealth virus could clandestinely infect the genome of a population. Later, the virus could be activated in the targeted population, or a threat of activation could be used as blackmail.

Continued - Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and BW
What we have witnessed is the first State launched bio-attack on the world brought to you by Xi Jinping, Dr. Fauci and the Wuhan Virology Lab. I fear it won't be the last and it will most likely come from China again.
What we have witnessed is the first State launched bio-attack on the world brought to you by Xi Jinping, Dr. Fauci and the Wuhan Virology Lab. I fear it won't be the last and it will most likely come from China again.

It's certainly an interesting course of events. And far better understood once the talking heads in cable news entertainment are ejected from any research of the actual course of events. Seems like they're more the PR wing functioning to dissuade the electorate from any relevant understanding of goings-on.
What we have witnessed is the first State launched bio-attack on the world brought to you by Xi Jinping, Dr. Fauci and the Wuhan Virology Lab. I fear it won't be the last and it will most likely come from China again.

Your thought there also lends to the question of what else the likes of Milley et al are coordinating with these foreign entities about.

I'd really love to know precisely which globalist entity is occupying our governing bodies at the moment. Anyone with even half of a functioning brain cell can see that the President and Vice-President as well as some high-ranking military officials are acting in a manner consistent with the idea that someone else, some outside interest, is directing them.
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This sort of war in a way is a Cold War, even though many people are dying today. because of it.
If this happens again the U.S. should retaliate with a nuclear strike.
Against whom? China? Russia? Chapel Hill, North Carolina?

Whichever nation launched the bioweapon attack (assuming we can determine that).

Isn't that supposed to be the de facto policy of the United States anyway? Respond to any WMD attack with a nuclear strike?
Whichever nation launched the bioweapon attack (assuming we can determine that).

Isn't that supposed to be the de facto policy of the United States anyway? Respond to any WMD attack with a nuclear strike?
What if we can't credibly determine who was the agressor, or even if it was an aggression or an accident?
What is even more important, I'm not sure, that our current administration will retaliate even in some cases of direct nuclear attack against the USA. For example, in the case of effective counter-force strike, eliminating more than 80% of the US nuclear arsenal.
What if we can't credibly determine who was the agressor, or even if it was an aggression or an accident?
What is even more important, I'm not sure, that our current administration will retaliate even in some cases of direct nuclear attack against the USA. For example, in the case of effective counter-force strike, eliminating more than 80% of the US nuclear arsenal.

Is that even possible in the current era? To the first line, I assume we would not respond if we couldn't identify the attacker or if it was an attack. That simply stands to reason.
What we have witnessed is the first State launched bio-attack on the world brought to you by Xi Jinping, Dr. Fauci and the Wuhan Virology Lab. I fear it won't be the last and it will most likely come from China again.

With a bit of luck God it'll hit you first. Then again, no self respecting virus would live in a fool like you. There's no point.
Is that even possible in the current era? To the first line, I assume we would not respond if we couldn't identify the attacker or if it was an attack. That simply stands to reason.
Yes, it is possible. It highly depends on six things:
1) Are the Administration and the Intelligence community wishful thinking, self-comforting and unprofessional enough to ignore Russian and/or Chinese preparation for the attack? I think, they really are.
2) How stupid, provocative and uncontrollable can be our leaders and/or allies? I think they can be very stupid and provocative.
3) How useful can be our allies in our common defense? I think, not very much.
4) How good are Russian and Chinese spies, hackers and saboteurs? I don't know, and I just don't ready to bet millions lives on it.
5) How good are their new anti-sub sensors and weapons? I don't know, and nobody knows (may be, even Russians).
6) How many Ohio's are in sea? Nowadays, usually, 4-6.

The whole system of strategic targets in the USA is less than 500 points, 400 of them are Minutemen III positions. Russian submarines from Northern Fleet technically can launch from Canadian sector of Arctic simultaneously (in 3,5 minutes) 112 missiles with 1120 warhead. With supressed ballistic trajectory it means less than 7 minutes of flight and impossibility of the Launch Under Attack. If they can hack, sabotage or use holes in SBIRS system - US Air Force have even less time to react.
Another option: if NORAD is hacked or sabotaged, 60 of Russian Tu-95 can launch 960 Kh-55 Cruise missiles invisible by SBIRS.

How many Ohio's can they destroy by their first strike? It's a really disputable question. In the worst case (if they have all their positions in real time) they can destroy all of them.
In more realistic situations Biden will still have 2 or 3 of them. Ohio never launched all their missiles in one salvo (4 missiles maximum), so we'll have 3x4x4 = 64 warheads 90kt each. ABD of Moscow region can intercept roughly 100 warheads. So, in this situation Biden could try to destroy few smaller Russian or Chinese cities, if not to win the war, but to punish agressor. But if there is a choice - to surrender and survive (and save 300 millions of American lives, which still can be saved) or have his revenge (against already sheltered and evacuated Russian population), kill less than one million Russians, but lost at least 100 millions of American - what will he choose?
Yes, it is possible. It highly depends on six things:
1) Are the Administration and the Intelligence community wishful thinking, self-comforting and unprofessional enough to ignore Russian and/or Chinese preparation for the attack? I think, they really are.
2) How stupid, provocative and uncontrollable can be our leaders and/or allies? I think they can be very stupid and provocative.
3) How useful can be our allies in our common defense? I think, not very much.
4) How good are Russian and Chinese spies, hackers and saboteurs? I don't know, and I just don't ready to bet millions lives on it.
5) How good are their new anti-sub sensors and weapons? I don't know, and nobody knows (may be, even Russians).
6) How many Ohio's are in sea? Nowadays, usually, 4-6.

The whole system of strategic targets in the USA is less than 500 points, 400 of them are Minutemen III positions. Russian submarines from Northern Fleet technically can launch from Canadian sector of Arctic simultaneously (in 3,5 minutes) 112 missiles with 1120 warhead. With supressed ballistic trajectory it means less than 7 minutes of flight and impossibility of the Launch Under Attack. If they can hack, sabotage or use holes in SBIRS system - US Air Force have even less time to react.
Another option: if NORAD is hacked or sabotaged, 60 of Russian Tu-95 can launch 960 Kh-55 Cruise missiles invisible by SBIRS.

How many Ohio's can they destroy by their first strike? It's a really disputable question. In the worst case (if they have all their positions in real time) they can destroy all of them.
In more realistic situations Biden will still have 2 or 3 of them. Ohio never launched all their missiles in one salvo (4 missiles maximum), so we'll have 3x4x4 = 64 warheads 90kt each. ABD of Moscow region can intercept roughly 100 warheads. So, in this situation Biden could try to destroy few smaller Russian or Chinese cities, if not to win the war, but to punish agressor. But if there is a choice - to surrender and survive (and save 300 millions of American lives, which still can be saved) or have his revenge (against already sheltered and evacuated Russian population), kill less than one million Russians, but lost at least 100 millions of American - what will he choose?

Ohios don't normally launch all their missiles in a single launch but they are quite capable of launching all 24 within something like 8 minutes.
Ohios don't normally launch all their missiles in a single launch but they are quite capable of launching all 24 within something like 8 minutes.
May be. May be not. They never tried really do it. But anyway - 3x22x4 = 264 of life extended (and not really reliable) W76-1 90kt warheads + 3x2x1 = 6 of new W76-2 8 kt is not very much. Especially, if their ABD is ready and population is evacuated and sheltered already. So, will Biden order to launch all remaining missiles and kill less than one million of Russians, when it means that Russian third counter-value strike with 7 thousands of nukes (both missiles and bombs) may almost totally destroy the USA? What is better (from his point of view) - to lose freedom (and became "second France") or to lose all cities and big towns and continue with guerilla war against "international humanitarian occupation"?
May be. May be not. They never tried really do it. But anyway - 3x22x4 = 264 of life extended (and not really reliable) W76-1 90kt warheads + 3x2x1 = 6 of new W76-2 8 kt is not very much. Especially, if their ABD is ready and population is evacuated and sheltered already. So, will Biden order to launch all remaining missiles and kill less than one million of Russians, when it means that Russian third counter-value strike with 7 thousands of nukes (both missiles and bombs) may almost totally destroy the USA? What is better (from his point of view) - to lose freedom (and became "second France") or to lose all cities and big towns and continue with guerilla war against "international humanitarian occupation"?

You can't evacuate the Russian population and prepare for a nuclear attack without it being a huge warning of Russian intentions.

Joe Biden won't be around indefinitely. Or even long probably.
This is a legitimate thing... unfortunately.

The basement/garage lab by a domestic terrorist or hobbyist can actually do a great deal of harm. "Biohackers" are a real group that seek to hack their own genomes to cure various ailments or to breed a particular species of domesticated animal. (Glow in the dark mice or white snakes and etc)

Currently most are "firing blindly" with their genetic experiments with some knowledge...(highly complicated field) but that isn't to say that they couldn't blindly stumble upon a really nasty virus along the way.

State sponsored viral bioweapons are another real concern...but usually the scientific community raises the alarm long before it becomes a point of fear.
Stealth viruses though are going to be problematic eventually... currently the requisite knowledge base for development is extremely limited. And these sorts of things have a way of getting out of control. So they would have to have a cure or vaccine before they release it.
You can't evacuate the Russian population and prepare for a nuclear attack without it being a huge warning of Russian intentions.

Joe Biden won't be around indefinitely. Or even long probably.
As I said, it depends on how wishful-thinking and self-comforting are American leaders and intelligence. If they decide, that Russian "EMERCOM exercises" is nothing but "bluff", they can successfully ignore it and continue their "extremely provocative actions".
This a 2019 US Air Force study. The study is rather long, but well worth the read in its entirety. I'm just gonna snip a bit from it, given what s going on at the moment. Emphasis added via bold fonts.

Continued - Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and BW
All that business of implanting viruses for later death is poisoning any which way one chooses to look at it.
Poisoning people is against the law in civilized countries. Those engaging in such killing tools are no different than black widows who if married 3 times murdered the groom 3 times. It is an insidious form of murder and is not acceptable on a level of nuclear riddance which is also unacceptable if the poisoning is remedied by the initial perpetrator.

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