Next Big Step for Riots - the Insurrection Act


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Senator Tom Cotton (R- AR) on Monday proposed invoking the Insurrection Act to quell the riots overtaking cities across the country.

The 1807 law gives the president authority to order troops into the interior of the U.S. to put down rebellion. While use of the law is rare, then-president George H.W. Bush invoked the law in 1992, to send troops into Los Angeles during the Rodney King riots.

It has become increasingly noticed that in some states (mostly blue) governors and mayors are being reluctant to be forceful in stopping rioting and looting. This is parallell to some of these politicians allowing rioters to riot, as we saw a few years ago in Ferguson, MO, when Democrat governor Jay Nixon called out the National Guard, and then moved them miles away from the rioting. TV viewers saw the result live, as looters went into stores, and looted and set them afire, with all of us sitting in our living rooms saying "Where's the National Guard ?"

The idea of invoking the Insurrection Act, is to have military troops overwhelm the rioters, in places where politicians are not deploying their National Guard troops.

"What the president can do…[is say that] the rioting, the anarchy, and the looting ends tonight,” Cotton said on Fox News. “If local law enforcement is overwhelmed, if local politicians will not do their most basic job to protect our citizens, let’s see how these anarchists respond when the 101st Airborne is on the other side of the street.”

Cotton later added on Twitter, “and, if necessary, the 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne, 1st Cav, 3rd Infantry—whatever it takes to restore order. No quarter for insurrectionists, anarchists, rioters, and looters.”

Senator Tom Cotton (R- AR) on Monday proposed invoking the Insurrection Act to quell the riots overtaking cities across the country.

The 1807 law gives the president authority to order troops into the interior of the U.S. to put down rebellion. While use of the law is rare, then-president George H.W. Bush invoked the law in 1992, to send troops into Los Angeles during the Rodney King riots.

It has become increasingly noticed that in some states (mostly blue) governors and mayors are being reluctant to be forceful in stopping rioting and looting. This is parallell to some of these politicians allowing rioters to riot, as we saw a few years ago in Ferguson, MO, when Democrat governor Jay Nixon called out the National Guard, and then moved them miles away from the rioting. TV viewers saw the result live, as looters went into stores, and looted and set them afire, with all of us sitting in our living rooms saying "Where's the National Guard ?"

The idea of invoking the Insurrection Act, is to have military troops overwhelm the rioters, in places where politicians are not deploying their National Guard troops.

"What the president can do…[is say that] the rioting, the anarchy, and the looting ends tonight,” Cotton said on Fox News. “If local law enforcement is overwhelmed, if local politicians will not do their most basic job to protect our citizens, let’s see how these anarchists respond when the 101st Airborne is on the other side of the street.”

Cotton later added on Twitter, “and, if necessary, the 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne, 1st Cav, 3rd Infantry—whatever it takes to restore order. No quarter for insurrectionists, anarchists, rioters, and looters.”

I think after the Insurrection Act is put into action, then Martial Law is declared, all elections are cancelled until the rioting and looting stops. Can you imagine President Trump staying on for 10 or more years because we on the right know, that the left would continue to burn and riot, which then keeps the 2 laws going. Damn, stupid people do stupid things, like vote Demoncrap..
They just can't seem to get things right, can they ?

Is the property damage we have seen enough for Trump to be able to invoke the Insurrection Act in order to get around the Posse Comitatus which prevents using the US Military inside the US.

The Insurrection Act followed by Martial Law declarations could, conceivably, put off election indefinitely. I find it hard to believe any American citizen wants that.
Is the property damage we have seen enough for Trump to be able to invoke the Insurrection Act in order to get around the Posse Comitatus which prevents using the US Military inside the US.

The Insurrection Act followed by Martial Law declarations could, conceivably, put off election indefinitely. I find it hard to believe any American citizen wants that.
I think it's more a scenario of need than want. If the govt doesn't step up with US troops where local "leaders" are allowing things to go out of control (as they alraedy have), then things will get much worse.

I was in the National Guard for 5 years. I was in a riot once. Give rioters an inch, they will take a mile, and escalate their destruction.

We need to get a handle on all this crap. We've got enough troubles as it is with the coronavirus and everything else, and this whole thing bad as it is, has been blown out of proportion by the media, always looking to sensationalize for their own profit benefit. And they are doing it racistly. We don't see them talking about Cody Holte,

Also, the Insurrection Act could have Martial Law afterward, but it doesn't have to. George H Bush invoked Insurrection Act for the LA riots, without martial law.


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