Newt's ex is going to spill the beans.

Yawn... are we getting scared because Newt beat the pants off Romney in a debate, where he stood there with the Dan Quayle "Deer in the Headlights"TM look?

Honestly, if Mittens is having a hard time with Newt, what the hell is he going to do against Obama, who is probably the third most talented politician of my lifetime. (The first two being Reagan and Clinton.)

Are you getting a tingle up your leg, Chris? :rolleyes:
I'm tired of these women coming forward to take down men just because they are running for office. WHERE were they years ago with this stuff that's so urgent now? It obviously didn't mean much to them then. Now she has some "new" and improved raunchy material to tell the world?
I won't believe a word she says. I hope he stands his ground and serves her like he did Juan.
Even if what she says is true, what about someone that waits until someone is trying to achieve something great to ruin them? Yeah a great person does that. LOL
I don't even want Newt to win but this is nonsense.

It's certainly opportunistic and they are probably hoping to cash in - and probably will, but if he treated them like trash, well, what do you expect? That's the way it goes. Fair? Maybe not, but only liberals insist that life be 'fair,' and we know how that works out.

Then she'll have to go to war with her own daughters who are strong supporters of their father.

Every divorcee has a story to tell--and an ax to grind. And if she comes out after this length of time (17 years later)--I can see why he divorced her in the first place. For her to even threaten him with this--shows a very mal character. Could you imagine what Hillary could disclose about Bill?--LOL
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this was the same tactic used in Illinois to get the Obama elected..

Is this what you all want another four years of?

no, give me four years of a serial philanderer who is also the only speaker of the house to be reprimanded for ethics violations and who has consistently demonstrated in both his public and private life that the only thing he gives a flying fuck about is himself.

that's what this country needs.


Do you think anyone runs for President who isn't some degree of that? You have to be a ruthless, self-centered ego-maniac to seriously consider it.
Newt's ex is going to spill the beans

Good.. The biggest wingnuts have already dropped out and this GOP clusterfuck was starting to get boring.

This thing needs MORE DRAMA!!!!

I'm sure that's what YOU need, you fucking emo drama queen.
I really don't care what Newt's ex has to say. There are members of my family who are in law enforcement, they all say the same thing: There are three sides to a story: your side, their side and the truth" With that in mind, none of us will know who is really telling the truth, so again I don't care. What I do care about is someone who can turn the economy and job market around, and someone who believes in freedom, liberty and upholding our Constitution - Barack Obama doesn't qualify for any of these subjects.

As for Newt, it is easy to see why the left-wing is going to do everything possible to destroy him and make sure he does not win the Republican nomination. Newt Gingrich is the absolute last person the left wants to see facing Barack Obama. Gingrich in spite of his baggage, is highly intelligent. He does not need a teleprompter, nor does he even need notes - which is why he is so quick in his responses, Newt is just that smart. Obama and the left also know that Newt will not hold back, he doesn't want to bloody Obama's nose, he wants to knock him out. Newt is not going to be nice to Obama like some of the other Republican candidates, and the left knows it.

Make no mistake about it, Obama and the left are scared to death of Newt, even with all his baggage. If Newt wins the nomination, he will be behind Obama in the polls...until after the first debate. In the first debate, Newt will absolutely mop the floor with Obama, and Obama will NEVER recover from it.

BTW, Newt is NOT my choice for the Repblican nominee. While I believe he is by far the best to destroy Obama in a debate, his baggage could cost him the election. The only hope Obama would have against Gingrich is too much baggage.
What beans can she spill? Bill Clinton was accused of rape and nobody on the left cared.

Everyone seems to FORGET that Ronald Reagan was married to another woman whom he divorced prior to Nancy--and I am certain that Ronald Reagan's x-wife probably had a boat load to say about him too--but probably decided out of common decency--not too.
It's certainly opportunistic and they are probably hoping to cash in - and probably will, but if he treated them like trash, well, what do you expect? That's the way it goes. Fair? Maybe not, but only liberals insist that life be 'fair,' and we know how that works out.

No doubt, David Axelrod paid them a visit and then brokered a deal with ABC. That's they way these Chicago thugs operate.
It's certainly opportunistic and they are probably hoping to cash in - and probably will, but if he treated them like trash, well, what do you expect? That's the way it goes. Fair? Maybe not, but only liberals insist that life be 'fair,' and we know how that works out.

No doubt, David Axelrod paid them a visit and then brokered a deal with ABC. That's they way these Chicago thugs operate.

To be honest I kind of doubt this story anyway. Newt Gingrich and his x-wife have two daughters together and share grandchildren together. I would think that his x-wife and Gingrich have some kind of cordial relationship after 17 years--and doubt that she would do this to her own family.

Every divorcee can write a NOVEL about the experiences they shared with their X'sss--and the former Mrs. Gingrich has never done that--and she has had 17 years to do so.

The panic is on again--and we will have bloggers searching all over the place to conjure up a story--all in an effort to keep Newt Gingrich away from Mitt Romney's lead.

IOW--Don't believe all these B.S. stories.
Clinton set the bar for sexual perversion and the left supported him. In fact the quote by the left usually sounded like "his private life is his own business" even though he engaged in his perverse adventures in the white house.
If tis show airs, the big loser will be ABC. Bringing in ex wives is going below the mud. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. After these many years, you would think she could move on, but can't. This tells more about her personality than it does Newt's.

Two sides to every story. We actually may see Newt's side of the story with this woman. Obviously she has no class.
Newt's ex is going to spill the beans

Good.. The biggest wingnuts have already dropped out and this GOP clusterfuck was starting to get boring.

This thing needs MORE DRAMA!!!!

I'm sure that's what YOU need, you fucking emo drama queen.

You mean like Ruby Rhod?

[ame=]Chris Tucker - Ruby Rap - YouTube[/ame]
If tis show airs, the big loser will be ABC. Bringing in ex wives is going below the mud. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. After these many years, you would think she could move on, but can't. This tells more about her personality than it does Newt's.

Two sides to every story. We actually may see Newt's side of the story with this woman. Obviously she has no class.

Agreed--LOL--but I think this is a bogus story anyway. If any spouse (male or female) comes out against an x --17 years later one has to wonder about their character and credibility.
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It's certainly opportunistic and they are probably hoping to cash in - and probably will, but if he treated them like trash, well, what do you expect? That's the way it goes. Fair? Maybe not, but only liberals insist that life be 'fair,' and we know how that works out.

No doubt, David Axelrod paid them a visit and then brokered a deal with ABC. That's they way these Chicago thugs operate.

To be honest I kind of doubt this story anyway. Newt Gingrich and his x-wife have two daughters together and share grandchildren together. I would think that his x-wife and Gingrich have some kind of cordial relationship after 17 years--and doubt that she would do this to her own family.

Every divorcee can write a NOVEL about the experiences they shared with their X'sss--and the former Mrs. Gingrich has never done that--and she has had 17 years to do so.

The panic is on again--and we will have bloggers searching all over the place to conjure up a story--all in an effort to keep Newt Gingrich away from Mitt Romney's lead.

IOW--Don't believe all these B.S. stories.

Newt had two daughters with his FIRST ex-wife. It's his SECOND ex-wife giving this interview.
I wonder if all the God believers who base their vote off whelp, God will regret their vote only a day later lolz.

Sure, the Democrat party is a pathetic joke, don’t get me wrong… But The Republican party is in the middle of a crisis and something tells me they are to fucking stupid to fix it. The Republican party broke down in 2008 because they got a huge liberal named McCain… So what do they do 4 years later, they push a bigger liberal, Mitt… Who do they hold up as a viable option to Mitt? A liar who fucks anything that moves and a bigoted war monger who only know how to grow government in the name of war and God.

Good luck Neocons, lol. Better hope UE is over 12% cuz you bitchz gonna need all the help you can get.
Hmm... You know what. I bet the story has to do with an abortion taking place, the sad part is it might not be his X wife that had to get it lolz. There are not many things that can end Newts career when you consider all the bullshit he has done.

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