Newsom has some Splaining to do


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
About his illegal immigrant handout. Like to know why some citizen group didnt take him to task.
California and federal law both prohibit the extension of unemployment benefits to undocumented immigrants. Further, appropriating gifts to an organization outside of the exclusive control of the State violates California’s Constitution.
Most of us, our great (or great great) grandparents immigrated legally. But modern democrats think that is above their concern, they also think that Democracy or legal immigration is dead. Oh, they SAY they are about DEMOCRACY, that's the last thing they are about. Wealthy Contractors and wealthy that exploit illegal aliens, that's their agenda. Corruption, pandering. Creating Sanctuary cities without voter consent, that's Democrats all over. Rich wealthy elitists, like something from that movie "China Town".
About his illegal immigrant handout. Like to know why some citizen group didnt take him to task.
California and federal law both prohibit the extension of unemployment benefits to undocumented immigrants. Further, appropriating gifts to an organization outside of the exclusive control of the State violates California’s Constitution.
Now could be a good time to ask the federal government to show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constition. Only illegals don't care about express law.
About his illegal immigrant handout. Like to know why some citizen group didnt take him to task.
California and federal law both prohibit the extension of unemployment benefits to undocumented immigrants. Further, appropriating gifts to an organization outside of the exclusive control of the State violates California’s Constitution.
Persons don't lose their natural rights whenever the right wing prefers their bigotry to plain reason and legal axioms.
Californian Democrats are like flat earthers wearing tin foil hats. This coming from a old school democrat. Now they come off as enabling crackpots what are more concerned with phony causes. Gay rights, sanctuary cities for illegal aliens, just everything we didn't need or ask for. Never mind people are actually starving and living tents in Los Angeles. Heaven forbid we bring that up. All those wonderful liberals won't do a thing to to fix real problems, they are fine enabling them.
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About his illegal immigrant handout. Like to know why some citizen group didnt take him to task.
California and federal law both prohibit the extension of unemployment benefits to undocumented immigrants. Further, appropriating gifts to an organization outside of the exclusive control of the State violates California’s Constitution.
Persons don't lose their natural rights whenever the right wing prefers their bigotry to plain reason and legal axioms.
blah blah blah,,,,,,,,,,if you cant follow the law get the hell out

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