News from the Lügenpresse


unbannable non-troll
May 29, 2009
theartching thapphireth
Kellyanne Conway Acknowledges Donald Trump's Dip in Polls: 'We Are Behind'

“We are behind,” Conway said onMeet the Press.

Trump has fallen behind rival Hillary Clinton, who is up by double digits in some recent polls. Trump’s dip comes largely from disapproval of his treatment of women and his refusal to say whether he will accept the results of the election.

Conway said the shortfall in polls is due to Clinton’s other advantages over Trump.

“She has a former president, happens to be her husband, campaigning for her,” she said. “The current president and first lady, vice president—all more popular than she can hope to be. And she’s seen as the incumbent.”


Don't believe it. Conway is a clinton plant.
“She has a former president, happens to be her husband, campaigning for her,” she said. “The current president and first lady, vice president—all more popular than she can hope to be. And she’s seen as the incumbent.”


Them's the breaks.
I was thinking about that the other day. You have to remember that Conway is IN the polling business. She will probably go back to that.
She can't, unless less she's really stupid, take the Trumptard tack that all the polls are useless, meaningless, flawed, biased, etc., etc.,

since her day job consists of convincing clients how worthwhile polls are.
Kellyanne Conway Acknowledges Donald Trump's Dip in Polls: 'We Are Behind'

“We are behind,” Conway said onMeet the Press.

Trump has fallen behind rival Hillary Clinton, who is up by double digits in some recent polls. Trump’s dip comes largely from disapproval of his treatment of women and his refusal to say whether he will accept the results of the election.

Conway said the shortfall in polls is due to Clinton’s other advantages over Trump.

“She has a former president, happens to be her husband, campaigning for her,” she said. “The current president and first lady, vice president—all more popular than she can hope to be. And she’s seen as the incumbent.”


Don't believe it. Conway is a clinton plant.
Conway is as much a clueless neophyte as Trump, she clearly has no idea what she’s doing.
I thought this was about Klopp's gagenpresse.

no, that would be posted in sports. i am a rules kind of guy. and it is a denglish composite word: gegenpressing.

This thread is about more lies about Trump's campaign being allegedly not as tremendously astonishingly excellent. Luckily, this board is filled with great americans who do not fall for these lies, and know that the demoncrats are panicking.

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