New Yorkers grow a spine and protest vaccine mandates in Times Square


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See: Mass Protest in NYC Over Vaccine Mandates

Sunday, 19 September 2021

"A massive protest over vaccine mandates took place Saturday in New York City. Reports range from hundreds taking part in the protest to thousands."

It should also be noted that on September 13th, New York teachers crossed Brooklyn Bridge protesting vaccine mandates . . . LINK

It seems that New Yorkers are finally standing up to the un-constitutional and iron fisted government mandates connected to the Chinese virus, and embracing a common sense approach in dealing with it.

Oh, and BTW, there seems to be a colorful chant about Joe Biden taking root across the United States, and even in New York City! "F### Joe Biden".



The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
See: Mass Protest in NYC Over Vaccine Mandates

Sunday, 19 September 2021

"A massive protest over vaccine mandates took place Saturday in New York City. Reports range from hundreds taking part in the protest to thousands."

It should also be noted that on September 13th, New York teachers crossed Brooklyn Bridge protesting vaccine mandates . . . LINK

It seems that New Yorkers are finally standing up to the un-constitutional and iron fisted government mandates connected to the Chinese virus, and embracing a common sense approach in dealing with it.

Oh, and BTW, there seems to be a colorful chant about Joe Biden taking root across the United States, and even in New York City! "F### Joe Biden".



The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.

More power to them. But where are their pitchforks and torches? Got to have those fine instruments when marching on the monster's castle.
More power to them. But where are their pitchforks and torches? Got to have those fine instruments when marching on the monster's castle.

I think they will instead be gathering up their "sporting gear" . . .

See: Mass Protest in NYC Over Vaccine Mandates

Sunday, 19 September 2021

"A massive protest over vaccine mandates took place Saturday in New York City. Reports range from hundreds taking part in the protest to thousands."

It should also be noted that on September 13th, New York teachers crossed Brooklyn Bridge protesting vaccine mandates . . . LINK

It seems that New Yorkers are finally standing up to the un-constitutional and iron fisted government mandates connected to the Chinese virus, and embracing a common sense approach in dealing with it.

Oh, and BTW, there seems to be a colorful chant about Joe Biden taking root across the United States, and even in New York City! "F### Joe Biden".



The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.

Litterally DOZENS of protesters!

Shit. There were less people at this whine fest than at the rally for the Capitol Insurrectionists
Litterally DOZENS of protesters!

Shit. There were less people at this whine fest than at the rally for the Capitol Insurrectionists


Do you always make up shit?

Tell us, how many "dozens" are in this video?

And, how many "dozens" are in this video?



You would do well to open your eyes and see the American People, including those in New York City, are feed up with Biden and are finally not too timid to express how they feel:

Biden and the rest of them are all bluffing the public. It is not illegal to see how stupid someone is.
They are bluffing the employers and the companies to scare them into submission if they don't comply to this fake mandate.

But if they want to play. Then everyone else can plat too.
All they have to do is take a paid medical leave until everything blows off.


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