New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson’s account of the Michael Brown shooting

The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.

I'm not sure that the lynch mob is just about Brown. When the cop in Indianapolis was shot, I was watching the news and thought that it had the capacity to spiral out of control then. However, it's a little hard to garner sympathy when the shooter was grilling with a semi automatic rifle next to him. With the shooting in Ferguson, the response jumped as if this was the one.

I think that was a mistake. It may have done more damage than what people are willing to admit to as far as what was being protested and the outcome desired. Specifically-using this event to create a national dialogue.
I'm not sure that the lynch mob is just about Brown. When the cop in Indianapolis was shot, I was watching the news and thought that it had the capacity to spiral out of control then. However, it's a little hard to garner sympathy when the shooter was grilling with a semi automatic rifle next to him. With the shooting in Ferguson, the response jumped as if this was the one.

I think that was a mistake. It may have done more damage than what people are willing to admit to as far as what was being protested and the outcome desired. Specifically-using this event to create a national dialogue.

It's about identity politics in an election year, and manipulating your base in the hopes of increasing their turnout. It has nothing to do with 'Justice' or 'creating a national dialogue'; it's about mob violence and fever swamp demagoguery.
There is a real horror in Ferguson. The government does not seem to see what is the most important thing at this time. Police and militants are making the situation even worse.
The DOJ released this damning evidence supporting Wilson.
When is Rev. Al going to 'march' against Eric Holder. HA HA!
Brown's blood found INSIDE Wilson's car/on Wilson's gun/on Wilson' uniform. The photos taken of Wilson's injuries have yet to be realised.
Case closed.
But the Tree Dwellers don't care and never have.
Either way they have an excuse to loot and burn.
That's all they really care about.
One thing you can always depend that a LIB will do is grab the wrong end of the stick.
What I think happened is that Wilson attemptedto forcably place Brown in the squadcar uncuffed. The pair scuffle near the car moreso that Brown is resisting detainment than fighting the officer. Brown bleeds on the officer and the gun. Brown falls out of the car during the physical contact.

The officer grabs his gun and shhots the suspect.

Officer Wilson hadn't even gotten out of his vehicle when Dirt Nap Mike attacked him through the drivers side window.
I kinda doubt Wilson was going to let ole Dirt Nap drive himself to jail.
An interesting piece of news has emerged:

"FBI forensic tests showed the gun was fired twice in the car, with one bullet hitting Brown's arm while the second one missed, the newspaper said."

"Separate federal and local investigations are still ongoing, but the government officials said the evidence so far does not indicate that the officer violated any civil rights, The Times reported."

Michael Brown s blood found in officer s car on gun -
This selective quote is very inconsistent with no gunshot residue being found on Brown.

The next step is how much blood was found in the vehicle.
Dr Michael Baden said, "There was no gunshot residue, no stippling, no powders present around the entrance wounds, which indicates that the muzzle end of the weapon was more than a foot or two away at the time of discharge. It wasn't a close contact. It wasn't very close, as would have to be the case if they were fighting inside of a car."

Brown was also shot twice in the head, once in the crown and the other shot entering above the eye, exiting the bottom of his jaw and reentering around his collar bone. Which means most likely what? Either he was already down or he charged at Wilson with his head down while being at a distance still not close enough to leave gunshot residue. Which seems more likely?

Dirt Naps blood was on Officer Wilsons gun and on the driver side inner door panel.
What I think happened is that Wilson attemptedto forcably place Brown in the squadcar uncuffed. The pair scuffle near the car moreso that Brown is resisting detainment than fighting the officer. Brown bleeds on the officer and the gun. Brown falls out of the car during the physical contact.

The officer grabs his gun and shhots the suspect.

Officer Wilson hadn't even gotten out of his vehicle when Dirt Nap Mike attacked him through the drivers side window.
I kinda doubt Wilson was going to let ole Dirt Nap drive himself to jail.

Then the officer would push up his window andcall for backup most likely.

The word choice you are using indicates a reverence for the police which is dangerous for your own consitutional freedoms. They are largely gone in the DUI context. When you dehumanize people the cops say are evil, you are not far from having no freedoms yourself.
Dr Michael Baden said, "There was no gunshot residue, no stippling, no powders present around the entrance wounds, which indicates that the muzzle end of the weapon was more than a foot or two away at the time of discharge. It wasn't a close contact. It wasn't very close, as would have to be the case if they were fighting inside of a car."

Brown was also shot twice in the head, once in the crown and the other shot entering above the eye, exiting the bottom of his jaw and reentering around his collar bone. Which means most likely what? Either he was already down or he charged at Wilson with his head down while being at a distance still not close enough to leave gunshot residue. Which seems more likely?

Dirt Naps blood was on Officer Wilsons gun and on the driver side inner door panel.

Still is pretty consistent. The officer gets out. He tries to let Brown into the back doorof the squad car. A scuffle ensues. An officer can call for backup using his radio.

In some places in CAthe officers have car cams and personal cams.
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  • #51
It doesn't occur to you that this is Wilson's version, and it may not be the actual truth?

The thought certainly crossed my mind, Esmeralda.

However, that thought also crossed my mind when multiple witnesses gave various accounts of what happened. And some deliberately lied. We must endeavor to not forget this fact.
There is a real horror in Ferguson. The government does not seem to see what is the most important thing at this time. Police and militants are making the situation even worse.

That's because it is the government. Stories like this one make them want more military and privacy invading tools rather than investigative ones.

Some PD departments have tanks. What legitimate purpose does a tank serve?
What I think happened is that Wilson attemptedto forcably place Brown in the squadcar uncuffed. The pair scuffle near the car moreso that Brown is resisting detainment than fighting the officer. Brown bleeds on the officer and the gun. Brown falls out of the car during the physical contact.

The officer grabs his gun and shhots the suspect.

Officer Wilson hadn't even gotten out of his vehicle when Dirt Nap Mike attacked him through the drivers side window.
I kinda doubt Wilson was going to let ole Dirt Nap drive himself to jail.

Then the officer would push up his window andcall for backup most likely.

The word choice you are using indicates a reverence for the police which is dangerous for your own consitutional freedoms. They are largely gone in the DUI context. When you dehumanize people the cops say are evil, you are not far from having no freedoms yourself.

Nope....I really dont care for the direction our police have gone here lately,so I'm far from a police apologist.
But I refuse to let my bias against police cloud my thinking like blacks have allowed their racism to cloud their thinking.
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  • #54
I'm not sure that the lynch mob is just about Brown. When the cop in Indianapolis was shot, I was watching the news and thought that it had the capacity to spiral out of control then. However, it's a little hard to garner sympathy when the shooter was grilling with a semi automatic rifle next to him. With the shooting in Ferguson, the response jumped as if this was the one.

I think that was a mistake. It may have done more damage than what people are willing to admit to as far as what was being protested and the outcome desired. Specifically-using this event to create a national dialogue.

Personally, I feel everyone should wait until all of the evidence is gone through and the jury has decided whether there should even be a trial or not.

There do exist professional race agitators who come to these events, whether they happened as they say they did or not, and stir the pot. And stir, and stir, and stir. Please consider the Tawana Brawley case. None of those agitators apologized for the crap they caused, even after she admitted to lying.
It doesn't occur to you that this is Wilson's version, and it may not be the actual truth?

The thought certainly crossed my mind, Esmeralda.

However, that thought also crossed my mind when multiple witnesses gave various accounts of what happened. And some deliberately lied. We must endeavor to not forget this fact.
I wouldn't be so sure they lied. There may be contradictions but some of that is due to perception.

Wake CaféAuLait Any chance you two would be down to see if we can reconstruct what happened through news articles of real evidence (term of art meaning pictures, forensics but not witness testimony or opinions)?
It doesn't occur to you that this is Wilson's version, and it may not be the actual truth?

The thought certainly crossed my mind, Esmeralda.

However, that thought also crossed my mind when multiple witnesses gave various accounts of what happened. And some deliberately lied. We must endeavor to not forget this fact.
We must endeavor to wait for all the facts to laid out and analyzed in court before assuming we know just what went on.
The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.
It doesn't occur to you that this is Wilson's version, and it may not be the actual truth?
Probably more truthful than from the other side.
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  • #58
We've been lied to act least once.

A witness said Wilson, while in his car, tried to grab Brown by the neck and drag him inside it. Mr. Brown is 6'4", and 300 lbs. How can that be? That is like a funnel spider trying to drag in a turkey. I know this bit has been repeated a lot, but seriously, it's ridiculous.

Then we were told Mr. Brown was running away as he was ruthlessly being shot at by the evil Cop. The evidence says otherwise.

We were also told he had his hands up. Yet another witness says that never happened, but that they were at his sides.

It would be wise to give pause, and wait with rioting and assuming this was an act of racism or murder.
The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.
It doesn't occur to you that this is Wilson's version, and it may not be the actual truth?
Probably more truthful than from the other side.
LOL Based on what? Your prejudice and nothing else.
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  • #60
It doesn't occur to you that this is Wilson's version, and it may not be the actual truth?

The thought certainly crossed my mind, Esmeralda.

However, that thought also crossed my mind when multiple witnesses gave various accounts of what happened. And some deliberately lied. We must endeavor to not forget this fact.
We must endeavor to wait for all the facts to laid out and analyzed in court before assuming we know just what went on.

I agree with you.

There are those on both sides of this issue who have made many assumptions.

Some say Brown deserved it. Others say Wilson 's a murderer. We simply don't know.

All we have, and should consider, is the string of evidence. The witnesses... at least five varying accounts exist. Some people within them are lying.

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