New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson’s account of the Michael Brown shooting

In our system of law, the police don't get to kill a man and say well he desrved it even though I had no reason to suspect that at the time.
In our system of law, the police don't get to kill a man and say well he desrved it even though I had no reason to suspect that at the time.

He deserved it for fighting with Wilson. Not for robbing a store, or jaywalking.
No one deserves to die. Wilson was unlikely to kill him with his bare hands.

If this was the simple truth, having it take this long to get out makes people suspicious.
What really angers me is how some of these witnesses deliberately lie.

Then the people who only see things within the lens of race believe their crap.

Then the other racists fuel their anger, riots happen, destruction occurs, etc.

A lot of this crap happened because witnesses lie and people see what they want to see.

The evidence does not lie. However, it won't matter to some.

Well there's some good and bad ways that evidence such as blood on the gun got there. We should keep an open mind until all the facts are in. Different people perceive things differently.

I suppose it could be good or bad, however Dorian Johnson said several times Brown was NOT inside the car when the bullet struck Brown, but they were standing back from the car after the cop drew his gun.

One might says it could be spatter though, I suppose. But again Johnson said they were standing back from the car when Brown was shot. Start at 6 mins in for relevant parts.
In our system of law, the police don't get to kill a man and say well he desrved it even though I had no reason to suspect that at the time.

He deserved it for fighting with Wilson. Not for robbing a store, or jaywalking.
No one deserves to die. Wilson was unlikely to kill him with his bare hands.

If this was the simple truth, having it take this long to get out makes people suspicious.

Given Brown's size, ill bet he could have killed the cop with his bare hands choking him, not to mention he could have grabbed the gun and shot him during the struggle. I thought Justice stopped the flow of information within days? Not to mention the above information is being supplied by the civil rights office who was there to investigate if Brown's rights had been violated.
What I think happened is that Wilson attemptedto forcably place Brown in the squadcar uncuffed. The pair scuffle near the car moreso that Brown is resisting detainment than fighting the officer. Brown bleeds on the officer and the gun. Brown falls out of the car during the physical contact.

The officer grabs his gun and shhots the suspect.
In our system of law, the police don't get to kill a man and say well he desrved it even though I had no reason to suspect that at the time.

He deserved it for fighting with Wilson. Not for robbing a store, or jaywalking.
No one deserves to die. Wilson was unlikely to kill him with his bare hands.

If this was the simple truth, having it take this long to get out makes people suspicious.

Given Brown's size, ill bet he could have killed the cop with his bare hands choking him, not to mention he could have grabbed the gun and shot him during the struggle. I thought Justice stopped the flow of information within days? Not to mention the above information is being supplied by the civil rights office who was there to investigate if Brown's rights had been violated.
Justice does not stop the flow of information, at least it should not. DAs offices and police departments tend to clam up when people point the finger at them.

Yet, they cannot deny Brown (or his estate) the right to look at his own police report. The fact the relatives had to get national attention to figure out who did it is suspect.

Self defense 101 says call 911 and take responsibility.
What I think happened is that Wilson attemptedto forcably place Brown in the squadcar uncuffed. The pair scuffle near the car moreso that Brown is resisting detainment than fighting the officer. Brown bleeds on the officer and the gun. Brown falls out of the car during the physical contact.

The officer grabs his gun and shhots the suspect.

Have you watched the Johnson interviews? He contradicts himself many times. He has Brown calmly speaking and using both hands ( "here hold my smokes from both hands Dorian" ) while he was supposed to be in a awful confrontation with the cop. And I honestly can't see a cop trying to grab a 6 foot 4 inch, 300 pound man and drag him through his drivers window.
Calmly speaking and then not is consistent with escalation. Also if the officer thinks a suspect is willing to ride (not under "arrest") opens the door while guiding the suspects head in. Somepoint, someone freaks out. Brown changes his mind or never wanted to go. Tensions get high fast.
In our system of law, the police don't get to kill a man and say well he desrved it even though I had no reason to suspect that at the time.

He deserved it for fighting with Wilson. Not for robbing a store, or jaywalking.
No one deserves to die. Wilson was unlikely to kill him with his bare hands.

If this was the simple truth, having it take this long to get out makes people suspicious.

Given Brown's size, ill bet he could have killed the cop with his bare hands choking him, not to mention he could have grabbed the gun and shot him during the struggle. I thought Justice stopped the flow of information within days? Not to mention the above information is being supplied by the civil rights office who was there to investigate if Brown's rights had been violated.
Justice does not stop the flow of information, at least it should not. DAs offices and police departments tend to clam up when people point the finger at them.

Yet, they cannot deny Brown (or his estate) the right to look at his own police report. The fact the relatives had to get national attention to figure out who did it is suspect.

Self defense 101 says call 911 and take responsibility.

I know it should not, BUT, don't you recall before the riots, right after the shooting and the cops wanted to release the robbery video ( Brown robbing the convenience store) and were told by Justice not to release it? The cops did anyway. Riots ensued as people watched Brown strong arms the clerk, and they said the cops were trying to make Brown look bad? It was after that all info stopped from the cops.
In our system of law, the police don't get to kill a man and say well he desrved it even though I had no reason to suspect that at the time.

He deserved it for fighting with Wilson. Not for robbing a store, or jaywalking.
No one deserves to die. Wilson was unlikely to kill him with his bare hands.

If this was the simple truth, having it take this long to get out makes people suspicious.

Ever been in a life or death fight? I GUARANTEE that guy could have killed him with his bare hands. It doesn't make much,if any, skill to do so when you outweigh the other person.

Sorry, Brown got what he deserved.
Dr Michael Baden said, "There was no gunshot residue, no stippling, no powders present around the entrance wounds, which indicates that the muzzle end of the weapon was more than a foot or two away at the time of discharge. It wasn't a close contact. It wasn't very close, as would have to be the case if they were fighting inside of a car."

Brown was also shot twice in the head, once in the crown and the other shot entering above the eye, exiting the bottom of his jaw and reentering around his collar bone. Which means most likely what? Either he was already down or he charged at Wilson with his head down while being at a distance still not close enough to leave gunshot residue. Which seems more likely?
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Calmly speaking and then not is consistent with escalation. Also if the officer thinks a suspect is willing to ride (not under "arrest") opens the door while guiding the suspects head in. Somepoint, someone freaks out. Brown changes his mind or never wanted to go. Tensions get high fast.

Brown was supposedly calmly speaking to Johnson, while in a physical altercation and being choked... and then asked him ( Johnson) to "here hold my two hands full of smokes". Sure a cop has just choked me, he is assaulting me, and my first thought is to ask my friend to hold my smokes instead of dropping them on the ground as I tried to get away. Johnsons' story makes no sense if you really listen to it.
Hey Jesse, 42 blacks shot one another on the streets of Chicago just this past weekend. A lot of them were Crips just like Michael Brown. They gunned down a 3 year-old toddler. She died. She didn't even get a chance at life. I don't care if all the rest die. I hope they do. 6000+ blacks will shoot one another in Chicago this year. 700+ will die, have died. Why aren't you there, in the middle of this carnage, trying to stop this carnage? This is your hometown, Jesse. These are your people. Where are you? In Ferguson, Missouri?! Why are there? What possible motivation could you have for being there, "Reverend"? I'm so confused.
The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.
It doesn't occur to you that this is Wilson's version, and it may not be the actual truth?
The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.
It doesn't occur to you that this is Wilson's version, and it may not be the actual truth?

Did you read the rest of the article?
The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.
“The officer’s going to say whatever he’s going to say to justify killing an unarmed kid.
From the cited source.

You read one article and it's all settled in your mind. Great critical thinking skills. And we allow people like you to vote.:rolleyes:
What really angers me is how some of these witnesses deliberately lie.

Then the people who only see things within the lens of race believe their crap.

Then the other racists fuel their anger, riots happen, destruction occurs, etc.

A lot of this crap happened because witnesses lie and people see what they want to see.

The evidence does not lie. However, it won't matter to some.

When it's blatantly obvious lying during a criminal investigation, isn't that a crime? Obstruction of justice? Don't know, but Wilson certainly has some civil suits he can file.
An interesting piece of news has emerged:

"FBI forensic tests showed the gun was fired twice in the car, with one bullet hitting Brown's arm while the second one missed, the newspaper said."

"Separate federal and local investigations are still ongoing, but the government officials said the evidence so far does not indicate that the officer violated any civil rights, The Times reported."

Michael Brown s blood found in officer s car on gun -

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