New York Daily news tells Cruz to drop dead


Ted Cruz :dig:

Fair enough, he insulted New York first...

Do you expect New York take crap from Cruz?

Cruz is a divider not a uniter...
Have you noticed Obama's success in uniting America? It is hard to imagine anyone doing worse.
This also fails as a red herring fallacy.

Again, the topic is Cruz and his political stupidity; but that you feel the need to make a failed attempt to deflect from the topic comes as no surprise.
Fair enough, he insulted New York first...

Do you expect New York take crap from Cruz?

Cruz is a divider not a uniter...
Have you noticed Obama's success in uniting America? It is hard to imagine anyone doing worse.
You don't want to be part of this country...not Obama's fault...your own choice.
I lived in NYC, drop dead sounds typical. Looks like Ted was right.

That's NY being nice, more typical would be eat shit and die you rat bastard. lol I love the people of NY, if some California liberals tried pulling their shit in NY your average NY Democrat would beat the shit out of them. lol
I lived in NYC, drop dead sounds typical. Looks like Ted was right.

That's NY being nice, more typical would be eat shit and die you rat bastard. lol I love the people of NY, if some California liberals tried pulling their shit in NY your average NY Democrat would beat the shit out of them. lol

Nah, we're all on the same side.
The only thing that could help New York better than Global Warming induced flooding would be a meteor strike. Or....maybe....a good nuking. But that's just a real tentative maybe....
You know, Cruz might have been able to get by with a comment like that back in the 70's or the 80's, because at that time NYC was considered to be a bit on the wild side, and drawing a vision of country mouse vs. city mouse might have worked.

However....................he like many Republicans tend to forget to look at history, and end up talking only to the situation at hand.

After 9/11, NYC showed great courage and fortitude when they started to rebuild their city. Prior to 9/11, they were regarded as the big city with liberal values, now they are regarded as one of the centers of the American will to fight and rebuild and endure.

Nope, Ted Cruz deserves all the derision that he's going to catch from this one.

I especially liked the part of the cover that showed Lady Liberty flipping off the Canadian.
The only thing that could help New York better than Global Warming induced flooding would be a meteor strike. Or....maybe....a good nuking. But that's just a real tentative maybe....

You're a great American.
The only thing that could help New York better than Global Warming induced flooding would be a meteor strike. Or....maybe....a good nuking. But that's just a real tentative maybe....


Nothing says Freedom Loving Patriotic American quite like wishing death on millions of your countrymen just for have the gall to disagree with you.
New York Daily News cover to Ted Cruz: 'Drop Dead, Ted' -

Sounds like a threat to me. Shouldn't these people be put on the "no fly list"?
The Daily News. A daily paper with sagging ad sales and tumbling subscriptions....Nobody reads that thing. The NYDN used to be the largest single city newspaper in the nation. Over 3 million in daily sales and over one million subscriptions.
It's editorial bias( far left) is the main reason the paper would not gain subscriptions if it were free. Even in New York City.
You know, there maybe something to these "New York values"

When punched, punch back!

Any way, leadership has more to do with accomplishing goals than uniting with the opposition.

Look at GWB, he spent half the time in office calling liberals seditionists and traitors and rw think he was the greatest leader we had since Reagan.

Obama mistake? Trying to unite the country with the wacko birds. Waste of time. The Wacko birds refuse to unite with moderates in their party, what chance did Obama have?
Well.........he screwed up making that comment........and he'll get return fire for it.

Another article from your posted article.

Dear Ted Cruz... -

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this. Good luck getting your word out to the American people.
Oh, and we actually have a word we use for you here in New York. Schmuck. You might hear it if you ever have the chutzpah to step foot in NYC again.

good ole CNN. pushing hate and division anytime they can stir it up on us.

Hang on.. It was Ted who started it... He messed with the bull and now he is getting the horns....

Did you expect New York to take and insult and say nothing?
Ahh..If you think New Yorkers are going to give a rat's ass about this next week, then you know nothing about the City and the people.
I grew up there. Trust me, they have moved on already.....And no republican is going to win the majority of NYC voting precincts anyway. At least any Gop who calls themselves a conservative.
yes Michael Bloomberg had an (R) after his name. but he was and still is a card carrying liberal.
Rudy Giuliani will be the last semi conservative to ever call Gracie Mansion home again..
The only thing that could help New York better than Global Warming induced flooding would be a meteor strike. Or....maybe....a good nuking. But that's just a real tentative maybe....


Nothing says Freedom Loving Patriotic American quite like wishing death on millions of your countrymen just for have the gall to disagree with you.
And? So is this how you extrapolate "go fuck yourself"?
Tell me, oh great one, what's the difference?

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