New Witnesses In Michael Brown Case Come Forward


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
And they are saying the same thing as all the other witnesses

Two men, shocked at what they saw, describe an unarmed teenager with his hands up in the air as he's gunned down by a police officer.

They were contractors doing construction work in Ferguson, Missouri, on the day Michael Brown was killed.

And the men, who asked not to be identified after CNN contacted them, said they were about 50 feet away from Officer Darren Wilson when he opened fire.

An exclusive cell phone video captures their reactions during the moments just after the shooting.

Police arrest Michael Brown protesters near interstate

Other witnesses also said teen's arms were raised

The video, recorded several minutes after the shooting, gives new insight into the case, which has spurred a Justice Department investigation, national debate and protests over authorities' handling of the case.

The construction workers said they don't live in Ferguson and don't know the Brown family, but their account squares with accounts from several other witnesses of the unarmed African-American teen's shooting death on August 9.

Some witnesses say the teenager assaulted the white officer at the outset and tried to grab his gun; other witnesses say Wilson was the aggressor.

A private autopsy conducted for the Brown family showed that Brown had been shot at least six times, including twice in the head.

A grand jury is hearing the case and will determine whether Wilson will face any charges.

Protesters near Interstate 70 and outside the police headquarters on Wednesday, pushing for Gov. Jay Nixon to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Brown's death.

You can see the video at the link. Now since these are white guys Anderson Cooper called these witnesses "game changers" because...uh...

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