New update is trash. I just got used to the last update which also sucked.

Smilies are gone too.
Second three vertical dots, 'more options', just past the little square icon with the black scribbling in it, 'the 'insert image thing, in the drop down menu is a smiley face icon. click on that, should be in the middle of the gray bar. In my post above I just typed in the html code and a small menu dropped down after I typed the colon and the first letter or two of the smiley I wanted.
Quit fixing shit. Every time you update this forum it gets worse.
I'm on mobile 99.9% of the time and navigation was a bitch before. Now it's even worse.
Want to post a pic? Good luck deciphering the jumbled mess of "options"


I don't do mobile, but what I find frustrating is all the changes, many of which didn't really fix anything, while NEW problems (bad ones) are introduced, all the while the really serious OLD problems mostly remain uncorrected. :banghead:
I agree!

Like the thanks thingies

They never fixed it to

WINNER, INFORMATIVE, THANKS expressions for other's posts....

Smilies are gone too.
Second three vertical dots, 'more options', just past the little square icon with the black scribbling in it, 'the 'insert image thing, in the drop down menu is a smiley face icon. click on that, should be in the middle of the gray bar. In my post above I just typed in the html code and a small menu dropped down after I typed the colon and the first letter or two of the smiley I wanted.
No thanks. Too much clicking just for a smiley.
I just love how a mod comes in and acknowledges the problems and how they will fix what needs fixing. Not.

If it ain't broke, STOP FIXING IT. Damn.
(Inset frowny eye rolly irritated smiley here)
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Quit fixing shit. Every time you update this forum it gets worse.
I'm on mobile 99.9% of the time and navigation was a bitch before. Now it's even worse.
Want to post a pic? Good luck deciphering the jumbled mess of "options"


I don't do mobile, but what I find frustrating is all the changes, many of which didn't really fix anything, while NEW problems (bad ones) are introduced, all the while the really serious OLD problems mostly remain uncorrected. :banghead:
I agree!

Like the thanks thingies

They never fixed it to

WINNER, INFORMATIVE, THANKS expressions for other's posts....


That's purely up to Xenforo I believe, I think Admin choices here are rather limited to what is made available to them, hence my
Is there an issue with the Alerts? I have no Alerts since 4 am, but I see a very quick red #4 popup next to the Alert bell and then in a split second it's gone. WTH? Would somebody reply to this post, please. And be nice, I am a senior citizen.
Quit fixing shit. Every time you update this forum it gets worse.
I'm on mobile 99.9% of the time and navigation was a bitch before. Now it's even worse.
Want to post a pic? Good luck deciphering the jumbled mess of "options"


I don't do mobile, but what I find frustrating is all the changes, many of which didn't really fix anything, while NEW problems (bad ones) are introduced, all the while the really serious OLD problems mostly remain uncorrected. :banghead:
I agree!

Like the thanks thingies

They never fixed it to

WINNER, INFORMATIVE, THANKS expressions for other's posts....


That's purely up to Xenforo I believe, I think Admin choices here are rather limited to what is made available to them, hence my View attachment 487316 View attachment 487317 View attachment 487318 and View attachment 487319

The 'agree' thing is better than 'thanks', as is 'informative'.
Is there an issue with the Alerts? I have no Alerts since 4 am, but I see a very quick red #4 popup next to the Alert bell and then in a split second it's gone. WTH? Would somebody reply to this post, please. And be nice, I am a senior citizen.

Yes, the Alert icon activates on every new page render.
Is there an issue with the Alerts? I have no Alerts since 4 am, but I see a very quick red #4 popup next to the Alert bell and then in a split second it's gone. WTH? Would somebody reply to this post, please. And be nice, I am a senior citizen.

I get that. too. but id you click on 'See All', that still works. Don't know why the red alert thing is screwy. If you can remember the last number inside of it and look real quick, you can see if the number changed.
Too funny. I just discovered that if I highlight a string of text in a sentence and want to make it a larger font or change its color, THE SOFTWARE WILL NO LONGER LET ME DO THAT EITHER!

Highlighted or not, the software changes the entire paragraph color or font size to the same. :sad:

This new software revision must have been written by the Bidden Administration because it takes away so many rights and freedoms!
Technology gets more complicated for all of us when we get older. Relax, and ask a younger person to help you figure it out. You know getting upset like this is bad for your nerves.

Hopefully when I'm old I'll be able to just yell at the computer and it'll do what I want it to do.
Don't dare tell it to go f--- itself!
If it ain’t broke, don’t “fix” it.
I miss the emoticons. I would like to see an area by which emoticons can be retrieved using the ":" symbol and alphabet letters and occasionally numbers to distinguish one generation of say "frown," for example from a more sophisticated disgust style frown. I wish I had memorized all those dozens upon dozens of past emoticons. It never occurred to me those expressions would be relegated to use only if one memorized each and every one. I miss the group hug emoticon. It has a healing and acceptable comforting in a group setting that does not hint at sexism. We have diverse interests of every kind here at USMB. We've seen emoticons disappear before. I don't get it. If it is an issue of copyright infringement or other legal cause couldn't we just be told? Is it an issue of expense? Last time I looked goodwill donations were eliminated from my screen and limited to $15 and $25. for various consideration including getting rid of unwanted ads that really annoy those of us whose only avenue is a tiny phone that retranslates the words some of us use that are beyond a third grader's vocabulary. There is nothing quite like talking using an adult well documented word in a political vocabulary list only to have an unseen monitor turning it into mockery or insane translation.

I'm very frustrated by the absence of emoticons on my phone usage for the past year.

Correction: why was my word changed from "annoy" to an unseen editor word "screw"? I don't use language like that. Someone or something changed what I said to a very very vulgar term and I hate it. Does the unseen editor change a silk purse into a sow's ear. How do I get this editor of every post I write off my back. I'm a senior on Social Security, and these days security software has changed from 9.95 for life to $19.95 a month. Is there no protection from manipulators of the words we say that make us appear to be speech zealots? That if not censorship is also censure-ship. I don't want it to look like I endorse the use of profanity in everyday usage. This correction has already had the editor blow up my usage. I'm sick of it. How do I get rid of this anomaly that DID NOT come from my keyboard.
Last edited:
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If it ain’t broke, don’t “fix” it.
I miss the emoticons. I would like to see an area by which emoticons can be retrieved using the ":" symbol and alphabet letters and occasionally numbers to distinguish one generation of say "frown," for example from a more sophisticated disgust style frown. I wish I had memorized all those dozens upon dozens of past emoticons. It never occurred to me those expressions would be relegated to use only if one memorized each and every one. I miss the group hug emoticon. It has a healing and acceptable comforting in a group setting that does not hint at sexism. We have diverse interests of every kind here at USMB. We've seen emoticons disappear before. I don't get it. If it is an issue of copyright infringement or other legal cause couldn't we just be told? Is it an issue of expense? Last time I looked goodwill donations were eliminated from my screen and limited to $15 and $25. for various consideration including getting rid of unwanted ads that really annoy those of us whose only avenue is a tiny phone that retranslates the words some of us use that are beyond a third grader's vocabulary. There is nothing quite like talking using an adult well documented word in a political vocabulary list only to have an unseen monitor turning it into mockery or insane translation.

I'm very frustrated by the absence of emoticons on my phone usage for the past year.

Correction: why was my word changed from "annoy" to an unseen editor word "screw"? I don't use language like that. Someone or something changed what I said to a very very vulgar term and I hate it. Does the unseen editor change a silk purse into a sow's ear. How do I get this editor of every post I write off my back. I'm a senior on Social Security, and these days security software has changed from 9.95 for life to $19.95 a month. Is there no protection from manipulators of the words we say that make us appear to be speech zealots? That if not censorship is also censure-ship. I don't want it to look like I endorse the use of profanity in everyday usage. This correction has already had the editor blow up my usage. I'm sick of it. How do I get rid of this anomaly that DID NOT come from my keyboard.

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