New update is trash. I just got used to the last update which also sucked.

My alerts are screwed up. It will show 12 and then drop to 3. No big deal I suppose but just noting.
Thanks. The numeric nazi does the same thing to me. Can't the mods write an update thread to inform us what to expect. Is the large number and small number have an explanation? Spain, PLZ. THX.
I miss cerealkiller. He would come in and EXPLAIN to us what is going on and ASSURE us it was being worked on.

So far...silence from staff. Not a good sign. More like a "fuck off if you don't like it".
I think I'll fuck off even more than I already have been. I've had enough of the shoddy behavior from the powers that be.
Can someone please explain to me how to partial quote just one post without including the entire chain?

How do I quote Post #47 only?
Smilies are gone too.
Second three vertical dots, 'more options', just past the little square icon with the black scribbling in it, 'the 'insert image thing, in the drop down menu is a smiley face icon. click on that, should be in the middle of the gray bar. In my post above I just typed in the html code and a small menu dropped down after I typed the colon and the first letter or two of the smiley I wanted.
No thanks. Too much clicking just for a smiley.
I just love how a mod comes in and acknowledges the problems and how they will fix what needs fixing. Not.

If it ain't broke, STOP FIXING IT. Damn.
(Inset frowny eye rolly irritated smiley here)
I'm back after a brief respite and notice the changes being addressed here. I am replying to this so I can see if I can post emojis. What's the point of playing around here if one can't further express themselves with the use of emojis. Rhetorical question. :thankusmile: :113:

:bow3: :yes_text12:

Looks good so far. I am on my Google Chromebook in case that helps those who are on other types of devices. The only thing I had to click in the above top selection of options were the three vertical dots that brought down the Smilie options.


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At some point the site will become sufficiently difficult to use that people will stop using it, possibly moving to other forums.

I see this as opportunity.
I know of one. Its a proboard. Nothing fancy. A nice person opened it cuz the writing is on the proverbial wall. Only thing that is needed is participants. PATRIOTS, in other words. So far, only 3 people are members...including myself in that 3 membership. The other two are board owner and 1 mod. Neither are around much, but I adore both of them. I think it was made specifically for me so I had a place to go, but talking to myself isn't much fun.:oops:

No bells and whistles like here tho. Limited smilies. Just basic yakking place for all kinds of subject and more forums will be added as soon as the board owner feels better, methinks. For now...its just...there.
Too funny. I just discovered that if I highlight a string of text in a sentence and want to make it a larger font or change its color, THE SOFTWARE WILL NO LONGER LET ME DO THAT EITHER!
Like this?

That isn't part of a string in a sentence, it's the whole sentence.

That is another strange quirk. One day I can't do it, another day I can. Not sure what the variable is here why the program works differently from day to day.

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