New research reveals travel from New York City seeded wave of U.S. outbreaks

Now Trump forced people fly from Europe to the U.S. or something? Lol these tards are truly way too stupid, and need to be put in asylums. The dope and porn has been way too much for them and their shrunken frontal lobes. What were Pelosi and WHO and all the other Democrats babbling from Mid-January about, again? .... oh yeah ... they were claiming nothing was wrong n stuff. And now, with the news it's linked to HIV, and the primary spreaders of that are .... people who vote Democrat.
January? Hell, as recently as the middle of March, Mayor De Blasio held a press conference to disseminate disinformation regarding how COVD-19 was spread, telling New Yorkers that it could only be transmitted via direct person-to-person contact. Then to further emphasise that lie, he rode the notoriously filthy and unsanitary subway for a few minutes, just long enough for a photo op with fellow limousine "liberal" Chuck Schumer to prove to everyone how "safe" it was.

It's no wonder so many New Yorkers got sick.
On March 1st NY had its first case. On March 7th Governor declared an emergency. On March 16th the states in the area shuttered businesses.

Trump downplayed the virus every single day for 3 months until March 9th. He is the largest mass murderer of US citizens in US history.

MIT study concluded the NYC subway system is what seeded the massive outbreak in New York. Dumbfuck Cuomo and de Blobio instead of closing the system down, chose to only close down some of the trains, which then caused the trains that were running, to be even more crowded. Anyone with half a brain could see the failure to close the system down, was a complete disaster waiting to happen.
How did it get into the NYC area? Trump rolled out the red carpet. How many times has Agent Orange said “we shut down travel from Europe early!” Zero. He wants you focused on the half assed China restrictions that only let 40,000 people in the back door why the front door was wide open. He’ll have to live with murdering 100,000 people when this is over.

First of all the "40,000" that came in, were either American citizens or already had an issued green card.

But you know what, it's pretty hilarious to here you guys on the left criticize that a travel ban DIDN'T happen soon enough, when you're usually going out of your fucking minds screaming at the top of your lungs anytime a travel ban is even mentioned, regardless of the issue. You IMMEDIATELY begin the "xenophobe-racist-nationalist" hysteria that your side is famous for.
In fact, if ANYONE is to blame on the travel ban issue it's your side, since you guys go to extremes to destroy anyone who calls for travel bans.
Trump likely hesitated on calling for bans knowing there would be a political price to pay with you assholes.
On March 1st NY had its first case. On March 7th Governor declared an emergency. On March 16th the states in the area shuttered businesses.

Trump downplayed the virus every single day for 3 months until March 9th. He is the largest mass murderer of US citizens in US history.

MIT study concluded the NYC subway system is what seeded the massive outbreak in New York. Dumbfuck Cuomo and de Blobio instead of closing the system down, chose to only close down some of the trains, which then caused the trains that were running, to be even more crowded. Anyone with half a brain could see the failure to close the system down, was a complete disaster waiting to happen.
Cuomo and deBlasio have fucked this up every way they could. They are utter incompetent clowns, like Cuomo
sending Covid patients to certain death in nursing homes.
I would expect to see a class action wrongful death suit pretty soon.

New York has been by far been the biggest fuck up state in this whole pandemic episode.
New York got screwed when Trump let the virus in with 3 months notice. “We’ll be at zero this weekend”. “It’s controlled”. Trump is the largest mass murderer of Americans to ever live.

"Trump is the largest mass murderer of Americans to ever live."

Dude, I mean really, what an insane thing to say.
Good argument. Maybe just type “No YOU are!” next time.

Maybe YOU should just look up "m-u-r-d-e-r-e-r" in the dictionary next time.
LOL you guys don't want your freedom taken away, you need your freedoms.
Uh. Kind of what the country was founded on, idiot.
Do you believe in your freedoms , to travel, to carry a gun, to not wear a mask!!
it was founded on a slave trade in the south by white rich men!! They wanted freedom and they were not Christians, they mostly were deist. It was not founded on Christianity.
You do realize you can still travel right? There are people traveling to other states as we speak for medical procedures etc...
And remember, New York was seeded by their subway system that Cuomo and de Blasio FAILED to shut down.

New York City’s coronavirus outbreak grew so large by early March that the city became the primary source of new infections in the United States, new research reveals, as thousands of infected people traveled from the city and seeded outbreaks around the country.

The research indicates that a wave of infections swept from New York City through much of the country before the city began setting social distancing limits to stop the growth. That helped to fuel outbreaks in Louisiana, Texas, Arizona and as far away as the West Coast.

So what? New York is guilty of being the most populous city in the US, the financial capital of world, the most visited city in the world, the richest city in the world, and the gateway to America.

What this is really telling us is that there is no place in America that is safe from a very contagious disease because we are all connected by cars, trucks, airlines, trains, buses, or boats. If covid 19 has not visited your city or town, give it time because it's coming.
Now Trump forced people fly from Europe to the U.S. or something? Lol these tards are truly way too stupid, and need to be put in asylums. The dope and porn has been way too much for them and their shrunken frontal lobes. What were Pelosi and WHO and all the other Democrats babbling from Mid-January about, again? .... oh yeah ... they were claiming nothing was wrong n stuff. And now, with the news it's linked to HIV, and the primary spreaders of that are .... people who vote Democrat.
January? Hell, as recently as the middle of March, Mayor De Blasio held a press conference to disseminate disinformation regarding how COVD-19 was spread, telling New Yorkers that it could only be transmitted via direct person-to-person contact. Then to further emphasise that lie, he rode the notoriously filthy and unsanitary subway for a few minutes, just long enough for a photo op with fellow limousine "liberal" Chuck Schumer to prove to everyone how "safe" it was.

It's no wonder so many New Yorkers got sick.

Yes. I used the term 'from' mid-January; Democrats were still promoting their 'open borders' ethnic replacement agenda they all swore themeselves to during their 'debates'.
Why have NYC people been hit so uniquely?

The answer is not politically fashionable, so 'scientists' will never tell the truth about that; it would cost them their careers as the left wing vermin chewed their feet off like diseased rats.
Why have NYC people been hit so uniquely?

On 3/13; the blob's DHS forced every international flight to come back to 13 airports. Two of which (EWR and JFK) are in the NYC metro area. Thousands of passengers from Europe and other areas who were not tested for the virus stood shoulder to shoulder at these and other airports while screeners (not testers) monitored everyone's temperature as they exited the airport.

Then, inexplicably, the powers that be in the NY Area allowed these untested people to disperse riding in crowded subways and other mass transit.
And remember, New York was seeded by their subway system that Cuomo and de Blasio FAILED to shut down.

New York City’s coronavirus outbreak grew so large by early March that the city became the primary source of new infections in the United States, new research reveals, as thousands of infected people traveled from the city and seeded outbreaks around the country.

The research indicates that a wave of infections swept from New York City through much of the country before the city began setting social distancing limits to stop the growth. That helped to fuel outbreaks in Louisiana, Texas, Arizona and as far away as the West Coast.

So what? New York is guilty of being the most populous city in the US, the financial capital of world, the most visited city in the world, the richest city in the world, and the gateway to America.

What this is really telling us is that there is no place in America that is safe from a very contagious disease because we are all connected by cars, trucks, airlines, trains, buses, or boats. If covid 19 has not visited your city or town, give it time because it's coming.

So what ?
Yeah a place like New York is going to get hit harder than Fargo ND, but wouldn't you think it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a place like the subway system is going to be an absolute health catastrophe if you kept it running ?
At least 4 city councilors wrote a letter to Cuomo asking him to shut the system down, but he refused.
And remember, New York was seeded by their subway system that Cuomo and de Blasio FAILED to shut down.

Does NYC have enough cab drivers to handle a shutdown of the subway?

Some of the city councilors suggested the city and state should partner with for-hire vehicle services to provide rides to essential workers.
Further they asked all tolls and parking restrictions, except for no standing, should also be lifted during the shutdown to allow essential workers to drive and park their personal vehicles close to work.
Cuomo refused, and subway workers have been dying at a higher rate.
And remember, New York was seeded by their subway system that Cuomo and de Blasio FAILED to shut down.

New York City’s coronavirus outbreak grew so large by early March that the city became the primary source of new infections in the United States, new research reveals, as thousands of infected people traveled from the city and seeded outbreaks around the country.

The research indicates that a wave of infections swept from New York City through much of the country before the city began setting social distancing limits to stop the growth. That helped to fuel outbreaks in Louisiana, Texas, Arizona and as far away as the West Coast.

So what? New York is guilty of being the most populous city in the US, the financial capital of world, the most visited city in the world, the richest city in the world, and the gateway to America.

What this is really telling us is that there is no place in America that is safe from a very contagious disease because we are all connected by cars, trucks, airlines, trains, buses, or boats. If covid 19 has not visited your city or town, give it time because it's coming.

So what ?
Yeah a place like New York is going to get hit harder than Fargo ND, but wouldn't you think it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a place like the subway system is going to be an absolute health catastrophe if you kept it running ?
At least 4 city councilors wrote a letter to Cuomo asking him to shut the system down, but he refused.
Low ownership and usage rate of vehicles makes New York very dependent on public transportation. For example only about 40% of New Yonker families own cars and only 20% use them daily. Compare that to Los Angles where 88% of families have vehicles and 75% use them daily. Almost 60% of New Yorkers use public transit daily. Shutting down public transportation in New York City is a very big deal. Hundreds of thousands of essential workers have to get to work and millions of other have to use public transit for essential travel.

As health care authorizes have emphasized being safe and keeping others safe is mostly depend on individuals wearing masks, maintain social distancing and washing hands. Cleaning and disinfecting public facilities such as hand rails, doors, floors, wall, restrooms, etc is believed to help reduce the spread of the virus but the main method of transmission is direct transfer of droplets from person to person. Even if every public facility was disinfected several times a day, we would still have most of the cases we have now.
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On March 1st NY had its first case. On March 7th Governor declared an emergency. On March 16th the states in the area shuttered businesses.

Trump downplayed the virus every single day for 3 months until March 9th. He is the largest mass murderer of US citizens in US history.

MIT study concluded the NYC subway system is what seeded the massive outbreak in New York. Dumbfuck Cuomo and de Blobio instead of closing the system down, chose to only close down some of the trains, which then caused the trains that were running, to be even more crowded. Anyone with half a brain could see the failure to close the system down, was a complete disaster waiting to happen.
How did it get into the NYC area? Trump rolled out the red carpet. How many times has Agent Orange said “we shut down travel from Europe early!” Zero. He wants you focused on the half assed China restrictions that only let 40,000 people in the back door why the front door was wide open. He’ll have to live with murdering 100,000 people when this is over.

First of all the "40,000" that came in, were either American citizens or already had an issued green card.

But you know what, it's pretty hilarious to here you guys on the left criticize that a travel ban DIDN'T happen soon enough, when you're usually going out of your fucking minds screaming at the top of your lungs anytime a travel ban is even mentioned, regardless of the issue. You IMMEDIATELY begin the "xenophobe-racist-nationalist" hysteria that your side is famous for.
In fact, if ANYONE is to blame on the travel ban issue it's your side, since you guys go to extremes to destroy anyone who calls for travel bans.
Trump likely hesitated on calling for bans knowing there would be a political price to pay with you assholes.
Trump's banning of people from China, unlike his prior bans was for a very valid reason. Too bad he stopped there. Cases began being reported in Europe beginning Jan 20 and early February. Cases had been reported in the UK, France, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, and Sweden and Trump did nothing. In Asia, cases were reported in Japan, South Korea, Thailand, India, and Pakistan and Trump did nothing. It would be nearly two months after cases began appearing in over 30 countries did Trump do anything to stop the the flow of coronavirus into the US from these countries.

Of course a travel ban to stop a democrat hoax and just the common flu would have been hard to explain. When Trump finally began to act in March, he was just closing the gate after the horses had bolted. To be fair, Trump did consider stopping some foreign travel into the US in February. Although no cases had been reported in Mexico as in dozens of other country, Trump announced he was looking into stopping travel from Mexico.
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Well as I say, had Trump banned travel the way it should have been done, the left would have went nuts, which is likely the reason he didn't go to any extremes.

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